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Good morning, beach
So... `(uiop:hidden-pathname-p #P".foo")` returns T, `(uiop:hidden-pathname-p #P".foo/")` returns NIL, `uiop:subdirectories` returns pathnames in the second format (i.e. with the trailing slash), and I can't seem to find anything to remove that trailing slash...
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Any suggestions?
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Lots of ways: (uiop:ensure-pathname (string-right-trim '(#\/) (namestring #p".foo/")))
thanks, but also...ick :\
Then reimplement hidden-pathname-p with the directory component
(remove-if-not #'nos:directory-p (nos:read-directory :omit-hidden t)) or even better/worse (glob+ "*" "d")
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aha! `cl-fad:pathname-as-file` :D
contrapunctus: sorry for my typically "furui dame baka" useless suggestions
haha, better than no responses at all. Thanks mfiano and Nilby
contrapunctus: IMO, cl-fad:pathname-as-file is very dirty. The pathname of a file shouldn't have been a directory pathname in the first place. The bug is upstream! It should be better to correct the bug where it is, rather than rectify the data later with pathname-as-file.
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pjb: I was certainly wondering if Fare would like PRs for `hidden-pathname-p`...I'll probably make an issue
and we could also have names with two or more prefix dots…
pjb: yes, the \\ in ccl is particularly troublesome
IMO, we should write a specification of how CL pathnames should behave on posix systems, (eg as a CDR), and push for implementations to be patched to match the specification.
pjb: i'd be interested to see if there's a way to make it sane, and retain backward compatibility. but i'm doubtful
Well, making it sane would only require removing kludges in old programs…
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pjb: i guess if you ignore some big problems (like meta characters namestrings)
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ecl's last NIL is disturbing, let's not even mention (namestring (make-pathnaem :host "very-foo"))
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* Nilby
stops complaining about pathnames and gets back to work
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Nilby: the only meta character in posix namestrings are / and \0
because there's no characters in posix paths, only bytes.
in theory, but i can't say: (pathname #(102 111 111)) and (equal "foo:*.*" (pathname-name (pathname "foo:*.*"))) is probably NIL
looks like normal matching - see line 25
It parses the CL with tree-sitter-commonlisp
in terms of indentation?
a diff tool unaware of the grammar would not be able to line up changes and ignore whitespace. it would also not know that line 25 only resulted in the removal of a specialization.
thats nifty then
any good recursive descent parser libraries in CL? My implementation works but the code is ugly
recursive descent parsers are very mechanical in nature. A good parser generator would do, like esrap
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thanks, will have a look
the documentation seems quite good
oh damn, looking at the author, no wonder why ;)
Of course. It probably uses Eclector.
Ok, just making sure you're looking at the right fork :)
It's an ideal application for something like Eclector.
Or, rather, Eclector is the ideal tool for making such an application.
No it doesn't use Eclector
That would be surprising.
esrap is much older than Eclector
Ah, so this application is older than Eclector. That must be why.
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How does eclector recover from errors?
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guess I'll read the chapter
It probably depends on what kind of error is signaled.
grammatech used to have a CL diff based on eclector
Does eclector use the condition system to recover from errors?
Looks like it from the manual, wanted to confirm
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lisp123: eclector uses conditions and restarts to report and recover from errors respectively
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scymtym: Thanks.
* scymtym
can't find the diff now
scymtym: Thanks for confirming
is there a difference between (lambda (x) (f x x)) and (lambda (y) (f y y)), given that neither x nor y are special... if not, then even eclector is insufficient.. if yes (say, argument about "intention"), then even a single space can make a difference
That might be the most elegant use of the condition system I've seen
(you can also assume that F is the name of a function)
_death: don't quite follow
well, you can think it through while I take a shower ;)
lisp123: In Cleavir terms, I think _death would like to compare ASTs rather than source code.
i guess the point is that the decision which differences are significant depends on the context or intention
... which is not a bad idea.
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scymtym: Yes, I was thinking myself about package prefixes.
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scymtym: It would be interesting to compare symbols rather than sequences of characters.
... or at least to have that option.
beach: Thanks, I get it now
beach: definitely. however, for working on other aspects, say proof reading and fixing comments, abstracting all difference below the AST level away may not be appropriate
Exactly. So it would have to be controlled by some kind of options.
Sounds like a nice project! :)
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the example could be more extreme, like (+ 1 2) and 3.. so yeah, what constitutes a difference is contextual.. if we're talking about a general "source code diff", a textual diff is at one end of the scale, and a logical impossibility is at the other.. in specialized contexts, a structured diff makes a lot of sense of course
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(well, not at the _end_ of that scale; there's also a chinese-ignorant oracle that works on the principle of "it's all chinese to me")
i feel like the usefulness of structured diff vs textual, isn't that great for normal code you write, but is best for generated code, or with someone else's complex patches. but how about a diff that generated sensible release notes, or at least incompatibility change reports
that's something that uses a diff as input
too bad the training set of good release notes is so small
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Hey everyone, I managed to isolate and reproduce the problem I was having with dynamic variable bindings, see this paste:
Now I'm curious as to the best way to proceed; I have functions that expect certain lexical states at given times, but deferring execution makes this tricky
that's one way to look at it.. maybe you can construct a model and generate explanations from that model.. whether you need a training set and how big it should be to construct such a model have no fixed answers
phantomics: so wait, were you expecting the symbol-macrolet to work dynamically? that's kind of what it looks like?
I wasn't expecting that per se, it was a workaround that fixed cases where inline functions were being deferred
In the case that works, I have an inline function whose deferred execution works because the "item" symbol is used there explicitly
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However, (incr-item) doesn't work, this is because it doesn't pick up the symbol-macro alias of 'item
The symbol-macrolet is not the correct solution for this, the best I can think of is giving #'incr-item an option to set a value for *item-val* that would be passed in from the dynamic context
Perhaps you need to turn incr-item into a closure?
Like (incr-item item) and have that return the function that gets called on i?
Nilby: anyway, such a thing could probably benefit from working on a repository (or a forest of them) and not just files
phantomics: Er, wait, INCR-ITEM doesn't even mention a variable named ITEM.
Yeah, and then perhaps create that closure by a function call.
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Bike: that works, however it has incr-item called on i, this is modeling a case in April where a function itself (i.e. #'incr-item) is passed as an argument to another function
Nilby: then there would be all the extra stuff like issues bug reports tickets meeting records (maybe a video of the programmer face and blood pressure measurement when he hears about making this or that change) etc.
_death: yes, but even in good release notes with a long history like e.g. emacs, i frequently find things omitted. one would hope using a structured diff could remedy that, and just have a statistical/ml way to describe diffs
_death: lol
It seems like I may need to create a "lexical assignment mode" for these functions where I can pass the local variable state into the function without calling it, which is basically what beach suggests
@Josh_2: L + Peter Deutsch + (find-class 'ratio) + fell off + Heap exhausted, game over.
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seethe, the answer was seethe :sob:
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good morning
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is there a lisp or haskell version of dmenu? if not why doesn't this exist.
If it doesn't exist the reason is because you haven't made it
But there is StumpWM
adding modules is the easiest in Lisp and haskell. when compared to patching dmenu.
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Josh_2: lol. I decided I'll ask once here before doing that exactly.
maybe it's there and I can't find
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my menus haven't had fonts for ages now.
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So I was kind of intrigued by the `mgl-pax` library, and wanted to see how many projects used it. So I searched GitHub for Common Lisp projects containing the text `defsection`, and came across this -
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Are there any reliable jwt/jws libraries for common lisp? I've tried the fukamachi jose library, but it cannot parse tokens from the aws load balancer, unfortunately
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