dbotton: right above section 3 "...need to pass to a global..." it is unclear what you mean.
thanks will check now
"You will need to pass your body variable to a global" work better?
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I still don't understand. but that's probably because you're using a concept you haven't fully introduced. What ss this 'body variable'? There seems to be some concept I'm not grasping here.
and I can't concentrate much because either my laptop is dying or my cable is dying but I can barely read anything on the screen as everything is low resolution and fuzzy.
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dbotton: what does "passing to a global" mean?
I know passing arguments to a function, but not passing to a global.
A global what?
let me see if can make more specifc
oh, do you mean this body object you mention in section 22?
no from three lines before
You will need to pass the body from the on-new-window handler to a global variable accessible in the REPL
is that more clear?
dbotton: you need bind the body to the global variable?
or "store"
but this is some BODY that isn't BODY object?
(setf *global-body* body)
correct pjb - normally that is done for you using clog-repl
but if you desire to have access to play with your own code while debugging you need to have access to it in the repl
"You will need to give yourself access in the REPL by binding your body object passed to in your on-new-window handler to a global variable, for example (setf *my-body* body)"
Is that more clear?
it's just you never specify what this *body* is, I get this from an on-new-window handler? How do I know what global variables are accessible in the repl? Do I have to customize the repl?
a few lines before that
dbotton: often your own code is not available anymore. It has been compiled and the debugger only has access to the binary.
dbotton: you can use a source debugger. For example, with slime, in sldb, you type v to jump to the source code.
Unfortunately I have minutes to program between patients and less to author exacting docs, do really appreciate
pjb don't think that would be helpful to anyone reading those docs, either they are a beginner or already know that
anyways, you look to have a pretty complete system, but at least from this cursory glance it is not what I expected as it seems very web like.
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that is because I deal with familiar things first
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Guest74 take a look at the CLOS-Encounter tutorial using the builder or demos
Once you get passed the third tutorial there is very little webiness
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sorry meant CLOS-Contact
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but anything passed the early stuff
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dbotton: your enthusiasm and the practical utility of clog are both refreshing
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Nilby thanks, I love programming and CL with its toolset is so me, combined with availability of true free compilers and commercial compilers, I still kick myself for finding it so late in life
dbotton: well I found it early in life, but it took me many years to make any progress
lol, I found it late and it took many years to make progress!
my most common hiccup is that while it resembles the language I made in my head, it isn't.
Guest74: Do you mean that you created an incorrect model of how Common Lisp works, or do you mean that you created a different language yourself? Or something else, perhaps?
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I'd say 'created' but really i'm not sure how much thought it takes to come up with lists of symbols. Then I started searching for a language to write this in and found common lisp, which is a little more than just lists of symbols.
I think I understand.
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tbh, I'm still trying to create the visual interface. symbols in lists, objects in windows, it's all the same.
The most difficult thing about CL is how different the core model of CL is
But the model is so much simpler than that of most languages.
dbotton: that's my problem with all other languages
true, but in some ways that is its issue, what is built on top of the core, looks like other languages but often has small differences
that result in large differences to the models uses elsewhere.
There is rarely a one-to-one
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The model is far more flexible and worth the time to master
anybody familiar with dictionaries out there? I'm looking for one dictionary instead of many to encompass things like definition, pronounciation, part of speech, hyphenation, tense, stem, and maybe throw in some antonyms/synonyms etc...
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Makes me wonder how past lispers wrote typesetters with spell check and grammar analysis.
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Guest74: Such a thing would be extremely valuable. I think phoe started something like it, but I don't know how far he got.
beach: good to know, though haven't seen them around for a while.
Yes, someone says he is taking a break.
I only remember his library to access online dictionaries.
doesn't seem to be anything else on his github.
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You may have to start over then. I suppose it is mainly a matter of finding existing information and turning it into something coherent, making sure that the information is free enough to allow it.
I've got free ones for pronounciation, speech recognition/production, phonemes, but nothing like definitions or hyphenation or a comprehensive part of speech one. I guess I need to learn more about where dictionaries live on the web.
Part of speech is complicated because of ambiguities.
what do you call a data structure for storing strings in a tree where branches are chosen by characters?
Isn't that a "trie"?
yes, it is
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thanks, never have any clue what people name things.
the discipline is old enough to have "classics", classic papers for example. It's worth spending a bit of time reading some of those
you'll pick up good vocabulary as a bonus
* Nilby
thinks prefix tree is a better name than trie
certainly is more descriptive. I detest names like Maillard reaction.
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now are there any trie libraries for CL? cliki doesn't show any.
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apparently wordnet was not by Phoe nor is it access to an online dictionary. The library actually includes all the free data files from wordnet, which while useful for somethings such as text analysis, the data format is inefficient for things like completion.
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Is there any way I can _print_ an object to the REPL such that SLIME can inspect it?
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Yes M-RET in the inspector or debugger
Or if you use Sly, you can call slynk-mrepl:copy-to-repl-in-emacs from Lisp to write inspectable objects to the REPL
Not sure if SLIME has that or not.
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contrapunctus: thanks, that'll add 1 to test against the 2 others I found. The one from Xerox looks interesting, if I can get it to run.
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In case anybody else is interested in words, a man by the name of Grady Ward compiled a whole bunch of dictionaries, parts of speech, thesaurus, hypenation, pronounciation, licenced it royalty free and over 20 years ago put it all in the public domain.
Just need to package them all up together and come up with a suitable api, hopefully language agnostic, and have the one dictionary(english) to rule them all(english).
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Before I go off and write it, do any of you know of any packages that implement 'expect'? The command from tcl/tk for scripting command line stuff.
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I had to upload it on one of my throwaway accounts. apparently there is copyrighted music in it. it didn't flag me though, just showing ads to pay the copyrighter
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I never thought I'd say this, but I wish I knew javascript well enough to not have to add all kinds of hacks just to get something trivial working for my CL code pasting service.
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Though from what I understand, even if you are good at it there are all kinds of hacks you need to add to work around this crazy language.
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I do a fair amount of JS stuff for Jupyter Lab widgets. Trust me, its a mess.