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<beach> Good morning everyone!
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<weary> Good morning beach!
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<beach> contrapunctus: That's an interesting, but difficult, project. Consider at least using Eclector as yitzi suggested.
<beach> contrapunctus: As scymtym said, you can also get source locations by using Eclector.
<hashfunc1df8> hello, i'm not quite sure where to start on this. but i'm looking to completely expand a symbol into it's fullest possible form; no matter what the symbol is.
<beach> What does it mean to "expand" a symbol?
<beach> You can get its home package and its name. That's pretty much all there is.
<hashfunc1df8> beach: for example if i were to process the symbol EQUAL, the form would then expand into https://github.com/sbcl/sbcl/blob/master/src/code/pred.lisp#L320-L350
<beach> So by "expand" you mean that you want its definition as a function in the global environment?
<hashfunc1df8> my fault, it would essentially expand into: https://github.com/sbcl/sbcl/blob/master/src/code/pred.lisp#L327-L350
<beach> And you want the source code of that definition? As text? Or as S-expressions?
<hashfunc1df8> either/or i think would work. i'm essentially trying to recursively expand a symbol into it's first-principles S-expression form, by recursively expanding all of the symbols in the form
<beach> I don't think that makes much sense.
<hashfunc1df8> really how so?
<beach> What if the symbol names a generic function with methods spread all over the place? Then there is no single form that the symbol "expands" to.
<beach> Plus, it is possible that the function named by the symbol is a closure, and then it doesn't have a representation as source code.
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<beach> Maybe if you tell us what you want this for, it will be easier to understand.
<beach> And what do you do for recursive functions? Do you keep "expanding"?
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<hashfunc1df8> beach: ok, so i'm attempting to gather all of the dependencies of a symbol by recursively "expanding" said symbol into its first-principles form (i'm envisioning that it would probably end up being just a bunch of special compiler-defined stuff (? not sure), but i would still keep track of all of the symbols that the symbol i'm targeting has "seen" (AKA dependency)
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<hashfunc1df8> ^ i would have to deal with that edge case. EQ would be an example of that
<beach> You need the first step of a compiler for that. Because you need to expand macros and such.
<beach> I am not sure there is a good definition of "first-principle form".
<semz> I'm not sure "dependency of a symbol" is a well-defined concept to begin with. I believe SBCL keeps track of which functions call which other functions, which might be helpful for whatever you're trying to use this for
<beach> Yeah, I think hashfunc1df8 is going to run into all kinds of problems.
<hashfunc1df8> beach: i think the definition of "first-principle form" we could use would be "a form such that it cannot be expanded any further". such as the case with EQ
<hashfunc1df8> semz: do you know where i could find that information?
<hashfunc1df8> i mean, my intuition is telling me that this could almost trivially(?) be implemented fi i could just get my hands on a function that returned the source code of said symbol
<semz> The SBCL manual probably, the package is SB-INTROSPECT
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<semz> The SLIME source code might also be helpful since it uses a fair few of these functions
<beach> hashfunc1df8: You understand that you can't just replace a function call by inlining its source code in place of the call, right?
<hashfunc1df8> beach: why not? you can certainly do that for some forms. why not all forms?
<hashfunc1df8> semz: ok thanks i'll look into that
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<beach> hashfunc1df8: Differences in packages, scoping issues. Consider (let ((x ...)) (defun fun (y) (+ x y))). It makes no sense to replace (fun 234) by (+ x 234) because there is no x.
<beach> hashfunc1df8: But since it is not clear how you want the final result to be presented, it is hard to understand how you could accomplish it.
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<beach> Or, consider (defun fun (x y) (+ x y)), but it is in a package where + is not CL:+.
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<beach> Oh, well, I guess we'll never know.
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<hashfunc1df8> i'm going to try to figure it out
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<hashfunc1bb> is there a way to get a full backtrace of a function call? like a way to show every function that was called during the execution of said function?
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<Shinmera> hashfunc1bb: not after the fact.
<Shinmera> but if you're within the current execution context, you can use a library like Dissect to capture it.
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<jdz_> hashfunc1bb: With some implementations it is also possible to instruct TRACE to BREAK (when specific conditions are met).
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<jdz> hashfunc1bb: Also, with SBCL it is possible to trace all functions in a package, and also add a :wherein condition, which seems to be exactly what you want.
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<hashfunc1bb> Shinmera: jdz: thanks i really appreciate that. but i'm now starting to realize how disappointing this is for me. hopefully this will give me what i need
<jdz> hashfunc1bb: What problem do you expect to solve by looking at all the functions that are being called?
<hashfunc1bb> jdz: i just want to record and save that information, so that i can do some post-processing on it
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<jdz> Pretty sure there are tools for that already (I'd start searching by "flamegraph").
<hashfunc1bb> jdz: i appreciate the suggestion, but i'm not trying to profile or anything like that. i'm just trying to simply gather every function that is called in a function (or a macro), wherein i can then calculate the dependencies of said functions, wherein i can compare and contrast different functions based off of their dependencies
<hashfunc1bb> \
<jdz> hashfunc1bb: I'd say that's exactly what a profiler does.
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<lisp123mobile> hashfunc1bb: you may be interested in this
<lisp123mobile> not what you are looking for, but may give you some ideas
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<lisp123mobile> this should give you all the functions called within a function
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<utis> how does one close a file if one has lost the reference to it?
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<rotateq> utis: You mean like doing just (open ...) in the REPL without binding the stream to a symbol?
<rotateq> I would say prefer the use of with-open-file when possible.
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<utis> rotateq: yes, that's what i meant
<rotateq> Did that happen to you recently?
<utis> yes
<rotateq> I mean the last returned values in the REPL are accessible through *, **, and *** until the next three are bound to those symbols.
<Shinmera> you can't. the implementation may have closed it for you during gc, or it may not have. if you're on a unix system you can try to list the process' open fds and close the matching one with a syscall.
<Shinmera> but there's nothing in standard CL that lets you do that.
<utis> ok, thanks
<rotateq> Ah right, praise the usefulness of GC then.
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<jackdaniel> many implementations allow you to use finalizers, so before you lose the handler, you could register a finalizer that closes fd when gc'ed
<Shinmera> Can't put a finalizer on the stream to close, though.
<jackdaniel> that depends on the implementation
<jackdaniel> here's myself elaborating on the topic: http://turtleware.eu/posts/Selective-waste-collection.html
<edgar-rft> this will give you a list of all symbols bound to open streams (including files): (let (result) (do-all-symbols (x result) (when (and (boundp x) (streamp (symbol-value x))) (push (cons x (symbol-value x)) result))) result)
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<Shinmera> if it's bound, the reference isn't lost, is it
<Guest74> i think they have more problems if they can't remember the symbol they used.
<edgar-rft> Shinmera: true, but as a newbie it often happens that you mess with files and suddenly you loose track howto close them
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<lisp123> does anyone use much classes without slots?
<lisp123> hmm maybe it doesnt make sense in lisp
<Shinmera> Sure. Type markers and protocol classes are cool.
<yitzi> Like a subclass that doesn't add any slots?
<lisp123> yitzi: yes
<yitzi> Absolutely. Just as Shinmera said. For dispatch, etc.
<lisp123> I see!
<lisp123> I started doing that and it felt quite good
<rotateq> lisp123: it does ^^ as maybe "abstract" superclasses
<rotateq> or for mixin classes
<White_Flame> utis: it wasn't directly mentioned, but forcing a full GC might run internal finalizers on lost file handles. (sb-ext:gc :full t) in sbcl
<lisp123> rotateq: true, i forgot about mixins
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<rotateq> It's funny, had the question in mind some days ago again what could be used to prevent making instances of such superclasses.
<rotateq> Maybe defining :around methods for make-instance and allocate-instance that just don't do call-next-method.
<rotateq> Ten minutes left if someone wants to give me other ideas. :) But there's also a system :abstract-classes which I found via quilc.
<Shinmera> Why bother is my question
<Shinmera> If people want to do things you don't want them to do, they'll find a way.
<rotateq> Shinmera: Don't worry, I don't really. :)
<rotateq> Like with the other for "singleton" class or such stuff.
<rotateq> Haha of course, much is possible.
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<scymtym> ::notify rotateq this is a version with no runtime overhead (for the concrete subclasses): https://github.com/McCLIM/McCLIM/blob/master/Core/clim-basic/protocol-classes.lisp#L27
<Colleen> scymtym: Got it. I'll let rotateq know as soon as possible.
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<jackdaniel> a teaser: https://imgur.com/vOv4ar3.png :)
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<White_Flame> ECL on wasm on node?
<jackdaniel> yes, ecl_min works also in the browser. it just breaks on apply (I'm working on that, basically a problem with function pointer casting)
<jackdaniel> it will probably break on more stuff, but /for now/ it breaks on apply ,)
<White_Flame> wasm has a 4GB address space (with 4GB offset on top of that), right?
<White_Flame> is that usable by default in node/browser environments or do you need to jump through hoops to give it full footprint?
<jackdaniel> it is usable from get go - emscripten magic I suppose
<White_Flame> and you can allocate, say, a vector of length 100 million?
<jackdaniel> I have not tried that yet ;)
<White_Flame> it's really a question of where wasm limitations are
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<jackdaniel> I can make a vector of 1 million elements, but 10 millions gives me OOM
<White_Flame> and a cell is likely 8 bytes?
<White_Flame> but in any case, that's under 40-80MB
<White_Flame> so yeah, definitely hoops to jump through for any bigger data
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<jackdaniel> I think that heap memory may be increased at build time
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<Josh_2> Good Morning
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<jackdaniel> yay, apply works without a hitch now :)
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<Guest74> I know you can make apps now for iphone/android with ecl, but do the appstores allow those apps?
<rotateq> There are apps for Android in the Store.
<Colleen> rotateq: scymtym said 3 hours, 57 minutes ago: this is a version with no runtime overhead (for the concrete subclasses): https://github.com/McCLIM/McCLIM/blob/master/Core/clim-basic/protocol-classes.lisp#L27
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<rotateq> Apple would be not so pleasured about it, they don't want things that can be changed by the user at runtime.
<jackdaniel> Guest74: I know as a fact that someone is making applications that are sold in apple store
<jackdaniel> (with ecl embedded that is)
<rotateq> Oh cool, kind of you scymtym. And sorry, was heading home at that time.
<rotateq> or the version of CCL in the app store
<jackdaniel> afaik they are running with the bytecodes compiler
<Guest74> good to hear they're accepting them.
<jackdaniel> so, ecl will work now in the browser and that will have a nice ring to it - ECL, the final frontier ,)
<scymtym> rotateq: sure, no worries
<Guest74> I'm confused by the whole apple thing. Can you allow say map mods to a roguelike? Share player stories for choose your own adventure?
<jackdaniel> I don't know, it is probably a matter of a) legislation, b) walled garden company benefits
<jackdaniel> (i.e they may change rules over night, or pretend that they don't see something what they forbid, or provide some inconsistent interpretations between projects)
<rotateq> But from what I read in #clasp, drmeister_ now develops everything on the newer M1.
<jackdaniel> there is a difference between osx and iphone operating system, the latter is more 'closed'
<jackdaniel> i.e you may install linux on m1, but you cant install android on iphone
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<Bike> rotateq: if you are referring to ARM more generally, clasp doesn't run on it. llvm exception support is not there yet, apparently. the M1 has an emulator so you can run x64 code on it.
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<rotateq> Bike: Oh okay, sry. But I just see how much effort you all seem to do and admire that. Plus all the chemistry blowing-the-mind-away part.
<Bike> it is pretty cool.
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<Guest74> So in my window manager you have workspaces where you can set what windows are accepted or rejected by that workspace and you can set specific layouts.  I also provide the ability to provide a function that will construct a layout based on how many windows are in the workspace.  I put this in mainly as an afterthought to deal with workspaces
<Guest74> which gather lots of windows, but now I wonder if it should have more functionality, like accepting a list of windows and resolution to layout at.  But if you were concerned with specific layouting wouldn't you just write the specific layouts?  I'm not sure I like overlapping functionallity.  Do people even layout their workspaces differently,
<Guest74> if at all?
<White_Flame> personally, I tend not to use any of that sort of thing, because it rarely survives certain updates, fresh installations, etc
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<Guest74> are you a windows user?
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<Guest74> though i guess not every non windows user has a portable home.
<Guest74> meh, most people probably don't care about fine grained control over their work environment.
<Guest74> If you have classes B and C both with superclass A, is there any way to have class D that inherits from B and C but keeps the slots they inherit from A separate?
<Bike> Separate how?
<Bike> Do you mean having one set of A's slots for each inheritance path?
<Guest74> yes, though i guess since the accessor comes from A ...
<Bike> it might be possible with a lot of mop hacking, but yeah, there would be a lot of details to figure out there.
<Bike> why do you want to do this? maybe there's an easier way?
<Guest74> I have managers that manage specific things and thought it'd be nice to combine two managers without one being a slot in the another.
<Guest74> but of course the slot that holds the units they manage are from a shared super.
<Guest74> which I guess is what I should change.
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<White_Flame> Guest74: no, I've been with linux on the desktop for a few decades now
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<White_Flame> after a while, both on windows before, and on linux since, I've stopped customizing my environment simply because those customizations don't last or are too much effort to keep set up
<White_Flame> especially being in a lab environment wiht shared computers tends to show the value in learning the shared defaults
<White_Flame> at least when it comes to the OS, windowing system, etc
<White_Flame> I would think that over time, most people pare down what customizations they perform to the most important ones and drop the rest, and the features of importance differ wildly between people
<Guest74> well, as long as there are shared sensible defaults.
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<Guest74> That probably wont work, but if you're using a lisp wm that you interact with through the repl you're probably a different user base.
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<White_Flame> specifically with emacs, people do have the advantage of dragging along their .emacs file and retaining their customizations
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<Guest74> White_Flame: that would be the goal. I hate having to recreate my environment manually, and I've lost too much work in the past because of crashes and meltdowns.
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<Guest74> I'm still so bitter over losing a bunch of X11 extensions that I've never really gone back to recreate what was lost.
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<mason> Hrm, I could have sworn PCL was available as a PDF, but it seems just to be the web site / HTML.
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<sm2n> there is an ebook
<sm2n> it's just not freely available on the website
<mason> I might just shell out for another hardcopy. I want my two older kids to each have their own, and as of today we only have two total.
<mason> I'd secured copies of Land of Lisp for everyone but then I became convinced that I might want to go a different way.
<mason> bbiab
<mfiano> My memory is failing me: Is there a builtin function that can compare two proper lists with a custom test function?
<mfiano> I guess like TREE-EQUAL, but comparing the elements rather than conses
<mason> mfiano: Map?
<mfiano> map returns a sequence or nil. I am looking for a comparator
<mfiano> Sure, I could do it by mapping myself, but I'm wondering if I am misremembering that such a builtin exists
<mason> Maybe just one built-in there.
<mfiano> Yeah looking for a builtin with a &key test like TREE-EQUAL
<mfiano> I thought there might have been one, though I could be mistaken
<mason> Being polluted by Perl, my first thought would be building a hash with counts of occurance.
<mason> but maybe it'd depend on the context and what I wanted out of the exercise
<mason> mfiano: If this is for your snapshot thing, what I do is sort of a hash collecting counts but done in shell.
<mfiano> I want to compare equal-length lists for semi-identity
<mfiano> A hash is overkill here
<mfiano> semi- meaning, identical not by reference but a custom test
<mason> I was going to ask. Thanks. :)
<akoana> mismatch ? (just guessing)
<mfiano> Yeah, that is actually what I was thinking of. Thanks.
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<weary> hn threads on CL are tiring
<weary> > why is everything CL plagued by such horrible design choices (hyperspec, Lisp-IDEs... all!) - why such ugly colors, ugly typography, bad contrasts, ugly logos, ugly diagrams, ugly supporting graphics?!
<nytpu> of course hn would say that (in the case of the clhs), high-contrast black-and-white text with clearly indentifiable links would be a bad design decision, because they're all webshit devs that're hellbent on making their crap as unreadable and unnavigable as possible
<nytpu> i guess the low-resolution images for the navigation links is a bit 90s but really, who cares. the spec is accessible which is more than one can say for most websites
<Alfr> mfiano, EVERY
<Alfr> mfiano, no key, but you're able to supply the predicate.