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Morning beach
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Anyone has experience with cl-async? I'm using as:tcp-server, which takes two functions as arguments; the first is called when data is received from a socket, and the second is called when an event is received. The event one does tell me about connection resets and disconnects, but not for when a connection is established. I'd like to know when a connection is established
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oh, the third callback
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Is anyone aware of a Common Lisp function (built in, or part of a library) like Emacs Lisp's `format-seconds` ? Something that takes a format string and a duration in seconds, and returns the duration as a string?
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I think that you need to be more specific with this description
(format nil "~a" duration) is probably not what you are looking for
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This is the docstring for `format-seconds` - It's a much more concise alternative to `local-time-duration:human-readable-duration` or the `humanize-duration`
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contrapunctus: hmmm, i'm not sure i understand the difference, the elisp format-seconds and local-time and mine all work with just some seconds, whether it's an number, a universal-time or a local-time:timestamp. a duration in local-time has the same structure as a timestamp.
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Nilby: if it's a duration function, an input of 65 seconds would return something like "1 minute, 5 seconds" or "01:05" or "1m5s" (depending on the format string); if it's a timestamp, I'd expect it to return a timestamp (or part of one) representing 65 seconds after the CL (1900?) or UNIX epoch (1970).
the timestamp equivalent in Elisp is called `format-time-string`
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You would put it through TRUNCATE until the first value is 0. Then the rests that came out to an appropriate control-string.
you can do both: e.g. (local-time:format-timestring nil (local-time:make-timestamp :sec 65) :format `(:min " minutes " :sec " seconds -- " ,@local-time:+rfc-1123-format+))
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Nilby: the other thing I'm looking for in such a function is automatic pluralization (e.g. "minute" if 1, and "minutes" if 0 or >1) when the user opts for full unit names
I guess I'll try to implement one myself...this should be fun 🙂️
mine can use format tricks :P (format-date "~d minute~:p ~d second~:p" (:minutes :seconds) :time 65)
format magic again :)
of course real pluralizatoin is harder, if you count time in oxen and geese ...
Or that it knows mouse -> mice or sheep -> sheep.
it is a long time since I last saw something this ugly
in ldb :)
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Hello, in a few weeks time, I plan to start on making a graphical file manager in CL and I have a few questions concerning the GUI toolkit choice. Would you choose McCLIM, cl-cffi-gtk or Ltk?
My requirements are: able to run multiple windows concurrently (each in its thread, I suppose), able to have refresh/redisplay scheduled by another thread and (if possible) with a suitable table widget/gadget
McCLIM is closest to lisp from all three and as a heavy CLIM user (and developer) I encourage it ;)
I see, that's what I was leaning toward too
there will be a few bumps around the road, but generally McCLIM fulfills all your requirements
Can I run multiple application-frame instance, each with its own event loop?
(on platforms that support threads, basically where bordeaux-threads works fine)
note that accessing application frame asynchronously (outside of its own thread) is not safe
And since another thread may modify the data structures currently displayed, can that thread say "hey, refresh your pane" to an application-frame
except for allocating events and a few operations that are deliberely safe
you may call frame-execute-command and that is thread safe
Does that mean the data used for displaying too?
or queue an event (the queue is thread safe) and write your own handle-event
well, if you access data concurrently then it depends whether the data structure is thread-safe itself
Ah, that's what I wanted, a way to insert myself into the event loop
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yes, that's entirely possible (frame-execute-command is a recommended way as it is a tad higher level interface)
Everything looks as it should, so far
if you are stuck or have other questions we have #clim channel for troubleshooting and dev talk
Is there a place where I can look at the builtin gadgets?
if you have some shiny things to show, then past it here to help the propaganda front ,)
Yeah, I'll migrate there
on the website there are pointers to the specification and to franz user guide (both may be used for a reference for gadgets)
also Examples/ directory has many informative content
Thanks, and sorry for my noob questions, I'm new to CL and graphical applications (!) both
CLIM has many gadgets, but the most contemporary way to write CLIM applications is to use display function on the stream pane and commands
q3cpma: Oh both, I hope it's not too much at the same time. Things are a bit different. :)
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rotateq: I do have experience with Tcl, so CL itself was pretty natural to me
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clim can be quite useful during development.. you can get a nice UI in 100 lines to visualize, say, a discretization routine (just the other day) mpv
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_death: CLIM certainly is powerful, but looks quite complicated to learn
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q3cpma: Okay good to hear.
Yes it has much to offer.
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Thanks for useful help and goodbye
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hmm, strange that trivial-gray-streams doesn't export cl:close, cl:stream-element-type, and other symbols that are part of the Gray proposal but happen to also be CL names
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_death: i know :use is scorned now, but it's so you can use-package it
that shouldn't matter.. you could also use-package it if it exported these symbols
with careful attention to shadowing, yes. but e.g. defining close as a method elicits warnings
there's no need to shadow anything.. they are the same symbols
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if cl:close is not a generic function, that means the implementation doesn't support Gray streams.. in theory there could be a library that gives you a nontrivial-gray-streams:close, and shadowing would then be needed.. but I doubt that's the intention
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right now trivial-gray-streams doesn't even export it, so if an implementation doesn't support Gray streams the user is screwed anyway
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maybe it was fixed in sbcl, but i used to have to muffle warnings on all my close method definitions. i forget why
sounds weird.. I used trivial-gray-streams before (say a decade ago) and I don't remember any warnings
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hmmmm. when i have to muffle something normal, it's either sbcl or clisp, so let's just blame clisp and call it good.
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it's seems like current sbcl doens't complain
i'm guessing there were some lisps that didn't have some things generics
maybe missing &key abort or something
that sounds familiar
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_death, I don't think CL:CLOSE can be a generic function.
Yeah not by the spec.
Alfr: the Gray stream spec makes it so.
Sure, if it is redefined as a generic function one can dispatch on the stream class.
What if someone depends on (typep #'close 'generic-function) yielding false?
yitzi, ^
It is indeed in SBCL. Methods defined for SSL-STREAM, FLEXI-STREAM and others.
Alfr: Then better no code to be compiled by SICL in the future. :)
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rotateq, now I'm not sure that my above typep must fail. I can find the section about constraints on type relations, but that does not imply that functions can not be implemented as generic-functions. Hm ...
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hmm :/
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clhs does not forbid them to be GFs, and GFs are functions
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_death, you're right. says that a Function entry type means function, not ordinary function.
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So... I wrote <>. It should destructure &key just like `destructuring-bind', but if keyword-name (of `((keyword-name var) ...)') is not a keyword, it's taken as a variable. Heh, I'm not sure I would use it myself, tho it was fun to write it.
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how do i push a bit to a 'BIT-VECTOR?
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(vector-push bit bit-vector)
hashfunc1ebd: You would need a bit-vector with fill-pointer or an adjustable bit-vector.
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So do you want to push to a fixed size bit-vector or one that grows in dimension?
rotateq: i'm a little confused in that regard. isn't a vector, by nature, inherently allowed to grow? if it can't grow then it's just an array, right?
No, a vector is a special array with so called rank 1, as a matrix has rank 2.
rotateq: oh ok. i understand. thanks
So vectors are subclasses of array.
rtoy: thanks
is there a way to push a multiple of the same value to a bit vector?
(make-array 3 :element-type 'bit :initial-element 0) gives for example a simple-bit-vector of size 3.
for example in rtoy's: example: (vector-push '(element: 1 :number-of-elements: 32) bit-vector)
No not like that with VECTOR-PUSH.
rotateq: oh ok. so it looks like i'll just have to loop a number of single VECTOR-PUSHes
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You can make use of the #* for reading in simple-bit-vectors like #5*1 to get #*11111.
Depends still on what you really would like to do. :)
And to use VECTOR-PUSH or VECTOR-POP it must be of type (and vector (not simple-array)).
the only problem with that
is that that's a literal, so you can't (well you can, but it will break things, which is even worse) modify it
and that's where you'd likely want to have #5*1, to modify it
although arguably (copy-seq #5*1) is shorter than the "right" way to do it, e.g. one of several would be (make-array 5 :element-type 'bit :initial-element 1)
And resetting bit via #'(setf sbit).
of course, once you start doing idioms like (copy-seq #5*1) you're approaching perl
where, yeah, it's concise, but even an expert might not know what it does right away
hashfunc1ebd: You might have also a nice and well educational read-up about CL array in the "Common Lisp Recipes" book, chapter 5.
Concise things can also help getting the idea from one look.