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how do i zero-pad a hexadecimal number with format?
i've attempted to by the following: (FORMAT NIL "~8,'0X" (WRITE-TO-STRING #X0009E667 :BASE 16))
but this returns: => "9E667"
when i would like it to return: => "0009E667"
~X formats integers. You are passing it a string.
The write-to-string call is unnecessary
I would expect it to be wrong even.
semz: that worked perfectly. thanks semz
I wonder why there is no error signaled.
... in SBCL I mean.
yeah i'm using SBCL; no error was signaled when attempting the former
Right. I tried giving a string to that FORMAT directive and no error was signaled.
No error is signaled on a few other implementations I tried either.
"If arg is not an integer, it is printed in ~A format and decimal base." as per ~D (which ~X references)
I guess it makes sense from the pov that many of these directives just adjust the printer variables
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If I define a structure with a BOA constructor, and then a derived structure (:INCLUDE foo), can I reuse the BOA constructor somehow?
I guess not easily, there's no CHANGE-CLASS for structures, and the BOA always returns the original type - so I need a separate BOA for the derived structure, right?
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Nilby: Funny, our teacher has as another topic databases and told now no one wants to do it, so if it's fun for me this could be a good job option too later. :) As we talked about using CLSQL last week to have more flexibility and reliability.
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hello #commonlisp
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Hello z4kz.
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I'll just add another argument to a new DEFINE-BAR function, where a different constructor can be passed in (MAKE-FOO instead of MAKE-BAR)
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rotateq: sorry, Lisp can make database programming automatically functional, but not automatically fun. For that I recommend always write jokes in your code: https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3076#3076
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Nilby: Don't worry, I try to find the fun in SQL itself and relational algebra to have a good basis.
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Good joke. :)
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flip214: yes, istm that you need to copy-and-paste the boa. You can always factorize with a function, but most of the boa side effects are usually done in the &aux variables…
flip214: perhaps with a temp aux: (:constructor foo (a b &aux (temp (factorized-boa a b)) (f1 (first temp)) (f2 (second temp))))
flip214: this way factorized-boa could even be generic.
the substructure would have: (:constructor foo (a b c &aux (temp (factorized-boa a b c #|if optional|#)) (f1 (first temp)) (f2 (second temp)) (f3 (second temp))))
flip214: it may be easier to read with (:constructor %make-foo) and separate constructor (generic) functions calling %make-foo or %make-bar).
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pjb: yeah, I've got a (DEFINE-FOO) that takes a function argument (MAKE-FOO resp. MAKE-BAR) and calls that with initargs
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I've got a variable; just evaluating (identity foo) [via swank] prints the value. but evaluating (let ((*print-circle* t)) (identity foo)) writes ";; undefined variable: FOO" (and some more) followed by the variable value...
Removing the PRINT-OBJECT method changes the displayed value (now the structure contained gets printed instead of just my abbreviation), but the warning on (*PRINT-CIRCLE* T) stays...
ah sorry, of course I've got a (PRIN1-TO-STRING ...) in the LET, to have *PRINT-CIRCLE* being used
looks like there's a difference between the form being interpreted and compiled...
(defun bar () (prin1-to-string foo)) writes the warning, too
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what implementation/context is this?
sbcl... seems to believe that a normal variable name (without earmuffs) is a local, always
(setf bar 22) (defun foo () (prin1-to-string bar))
for a short test case
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you shouldn't do a setf like that without first using defvar/defparameter
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yeah, ok, i see. the interpreter is simpler so it's not warning you, but you still shouldn't do this
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it's nothing to do with earmuffs. you can see the same behavior if you do *bar* instead of bar.
well, the symbol values are set with (setf (symbol-value ...)) ... should I declare them special as well?
yes. you can just do `(defvar *variable*)`
this essentially just informs sbcl that the variable should be treated as a special everywhere. without that, it guesses that they're special, but it doesn't want to rely on guessing your intentions so it warns you.
if you are doing something a little more exotic that would preclude having the symbol literally present in your code, you can use cl:proclaim to do it more programmatically.
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print-object methods are tricky. they can make your debugger and repl not work
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hi. is there a way to access shared slots without an instance?
class-allocated slots - no, there is no way
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jackdaniel: thanks. just double-checking the obvious, are class-allocated slots the same as "shared slots" (I have only seen them referred to as the latter in the standard)?
if the slot allocation is :class then it is a shared slot
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seems a strange choice to not let one modify the shared slot without an instance...
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well, the slot is shared among instances, not owned by the class
you could create a class that subclasses a standard-class and has a slot of its own
then you could manage this slot without caring about instances
you could also just use defvar
(a metaclass, or a class metaobject if we use amop terminoogy)
classes aren't namespaces in common lisp. There's no benefit of sticking it into a class just because
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well, slot names are in a class namespace! (class and subclasses)
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So using :allocation :class is a good way to define a global variable in the class scope.
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Bike: well, the symbol name is given by the user, so cl:proclaim it is.
sveit: after closer-mop:ensure-finalized, you can use closer-mop:class-prototype to get an instance you can use for shared slots
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Still not clever enough to see the value in doing this.
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the value of shared slots?
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it is 42
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if the sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address of two conses is different, can they be EQ?
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sbcl likes to moves objects
so between reads the address could have changed
well, I've got a HASH-TABLE EQ where I store list => numeric ID; after some processing I try to find stale entries in the hash and want to remove them
but I get two keys with different addresses, but SBCL says they're EQ -- reproducible
can you tell a difference without using internal symbols?
i.e try modifying car of one of these conses and see whether car of the other one is also modified
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for testing, yeah...
would there be any interest in running ecl in a browser (as a wasm module)?
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is that the secret benefit of the mcclim sdl backend?
I didn't think about it, but sdl works in there, so it could be :)
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I am trying to figure out how to generate a let binding (let ((a x) (b x) c (x)) ...) using a macro, how do I evaluate the mapcar such that I get the list of bindings that I want? https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3078#3078
(let ((varnames '(a b c))) `(let ,(mapcar (lambda (varname) `(,varname ',(gensym))) varnames) (list ,@varnames))) #| --> (let ((a '#:g3571) (b '#:g3572) (c '#:g3573)) (list a b c)) |#
ehammarstrom: but in general, we use the gensyms as varnames ;-)
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oh, I didn't realize you're implementing with-gensyms; it's already in alexandria.
(defmacro with-gensyms ((&rest varnames) &body body) `(let ,(mapcar (lambda (varname) `(,varname ',(gensym))) varnames) ,@body)) (with-gensyms (a b c) (list a b c)) #| --> (#:g3600 #:g3601 #:g3602) |#
pjb: But it's good when thinking about how it works. :) What this does too is (let ((a (gensym "A")) (b (gensym "B")) (c (gensym "C"))) ...) and I like that, so when looking at macroexpands it's way easier to track what is what.
I'm reading through let-over-lambda and thought I could give it a shot before it's revealed later on
Why do we `(,s ',(gensym)) instead of `(,s (gensym))? Both seems to work
ehammarstrom: Cool :) Hope the book doesn't give you a too tough time.
ehammarstrom: The former generates the gensym at compile time.
rotateq: Ah!
And as we're already at generating code we do as much at that stage as possible.
(defmacro with-gensyms ((&rest varnames) &body body) `(let ,(mapcar (lambda (varname) `(,varname ',(gensym (string varname)))) varnames) ,@body)) (with-gensyms (a b c) (list a b c)) #| --> (#:a3620 #:b3621 #:c3622) |#
ehammarstrom: without the quote, it will try to evaluate the generated symbols, but since they're not bound, this will make unbound variable reference errors.
So another good thing, get errors signal at compile time.
I see, thanks!
ehammarstrom: Or to put in an assertion that all elements in VARNAMES are symbols.
actually with-gensyms usually generates code that evaluates gensym each time.. this variant reuses a symbol, and its user better be aware of it
_death: I'm not lisper enough to understand what you're doing here but are you saying that generating (a (gensym)) is preferred over (a '(gensym))?
Oh and I now see the one from alexandria doesn't actually generate the gensymy at compile time.
_death: '(gensym) over ',(gensym) that is
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(gensym) over ',(gensym) ..
ehammarstrom: So now you have your own 'over' situation. :) like in the book's title
ehammarstrom: in typical use, gensym is called so that you get a symbol that's not used anywhere else.. a macro writer, for example would use (let ((var (gensym))) `(... ,var ...)) .. this is common, so a with-gensyms operator can be used to make things shorter, and to add niceties like more readable symbol names (based on the names passed to it).. typically you wouldn't expect the symbol to be reused across multiple macroexpansions
so if with-gensyms expands to a form that calls gensym each time, that makes sense, and is similar to the LET form I've shown.. but if you have it expand to (let ((var '#:some-symbol)) ...) it's may screw you over down the road if you didn't expect it to do so (and I guess most users of with-gensyms would not expect it to)
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