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Good morning everyone!
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jsq: Are you new here? I don't recognize your nick.
Yes just a new guy.
Great! Welcome!
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hey all.. and welcome jsq!
Hello patrix.
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Good morning, how would I use SET-PPRINT-DISPATCH to say that #\Space shall be printed this way in pretty print and not "#\ "? Someone told me yesterday it's way better using that instead of (defmethod print-object ((char (eql #\Space)) stream) ...) and I see now why. But I'm not yet sure nor how to choose the priority.
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how do i get the first value return in: (PARSE-INTEGER "FF" :RADIX 16) ?
(CAR (PARSE-INTEGER "FF" :RADIX 16)) doesn't work
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Multiple-value-bind and similar forms would help
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i'm using the above in a LOOP form and it's throwing the error "is not of type VECTOR" because i believe that it's getting confused with PARSE-INTEGER
hashfunc1ebd: If you just need the first, then binding in a LET form for example is enough. For binding more you can use MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND.
Yes that’s a much more complete answer lol
And yes, multiple value are different from lists or vectors, I see them as kind of tuples.
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patrix: But you were faster. :)
Magical tuples where you only get the first one unless you want the other ones with special constructs
Rotateq faster but less precise, there must be some JavaScript joke in there
i just tried binding the value in a LET form and it still throws the same error
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Signals an error. ;)
hashfunc1ebd: Have you something to show? That would help me for helping you.
(let ((a (parse-integer "FF" :radix 16))) a) ;; works for me
And don't worry, what is has with values took a longer time for me.
well thanks for the suggestion rotateq, but it's appearing that i guess my problem may not be what i was thinking
patrix: Yes as expected.
and thanks patrix
And referring to the multiple values,
(multiple-value-bind (a b) (parse-integer "FF" :radix 16) (format t "a: ~A, b: ~B" a b))
(Hurray for “CL REPL” app for iOS lol)
patrix: I like that app very much and it shows how to use ECL with QML to write such. But typing at phone is exhausting for me.
Agreed, thankfully I’m on an iPad with Magic Keyboard so it’s a slightly bearable
Oh that should be better, or using a physical keyboard.
Good enough for the moment, at a coffee shop
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I'm a bit worried I did not help them enough.
One downside is that this will modify the "default" pprint-dispatch table
To workaround that, you can (defvar *PD* (copy-pprint-dispatch)), then write a wrapper function like (defun custom-write (sexpr &rest args) (apply #'write sexpr :pprint-dispatch *PD* args))
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_death: That makes sense, thanks
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Hi folks. Quick question. Why do some people use "#:" in `defpackage` as prefix for package name while other simply use ":" ? Is this just a question of taste?
icepic1984[m]: #:foo does not intern a new symbol in the keywords package
packages are designated by a string, so some people even do "MY-PACKAGE" instead of #:my-package
jackdaniel: I like the string approach
IMHO its the most pure solution
everything else gets coerced to a string
I agree (but my muscle memory disagrees and puts #:foo everywhere)
So simply using a ":" would pollute the keywords package?
pollute is a strong word, but essentially - yeah
ok thanks. Sorry for the dump question. But i am new to clisp. And there a lot of new concepts to learn :)
CL needs to become more climate friendly
No more polluting namespaces!
icepic1984[m]: sure
icepic1984[m]: Its a question, that if somebody asks, is a very good signal of being a good CL programmer in the future
keep in mind, that the language is abbreviated as cl (or common lisp)
clisp is one of many common lisp implementations
Clisp is arguably the most successful lisp in terms of projects that achieved commercial success
how about Clojure?
if you consider being in the opening of the anime a peak of being successful then sure
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jackdaniel: I stumbled on this a while ago, and some other uses of CL in cinema. If you squint real hard you can make out the indentation we often see in #clschool :) https://moviecode.tumblr.com/image/88826139010
apparently this is from Fare's poiu
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maybe z4kz meant Clozure CL ^^
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lisp123: the one question about the #: or what?
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For some time now I always do (cl:defpackage #:foo ...) and (cl:in-package #:foo).
I use '#:foo when concatenating symbols with alexandria:symbolicate. No reason to pollute my package
(alexandria:symbolicate *foo* '#:/ *bar*) for example
But I always use uninterned symbols in package definitions
Oh interesting too. :)
mfiano: Did you now come across with your recent FORMAT question?
And I suppose system definitions too
yes indeed
I have been through so much code since then I forgot what it was
One of these days I'd like to write an expression based FORMAT syntax instead of being reminded of printf() everytime I have to open the HyperSpec.
rotateq: yeah
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mfiano: Drew McDermott has a macro that is to FORMAT as ITERATE is to LOOP: does the same thing, but in Lispy syntax. If you are interested, I can try to dig up a pointer.
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are you referring to ytools?
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jackdaniel: Yes, it's buried in there somewhere. I keep meaning to pull bits of ytools out for easier use one at a time. Right now the framework is too monolithic for easy adoption
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_death pointed me to another (I think that written by him) version of OUT derived (afair) from ytools
that was some time ago
NotThatRPG: Nice.
jackdaniel: That would be great! Something that does not need to be extracted by me!
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(should've been double side, but you get the idea)
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I'm trying to find the common lisp equivalent of python's glob (https://docs.python.org/3/library/glob.html), which allows one to list all files in a given directory (recursively)
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bollu: You could have a look to the UIOP package.
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rotateq thanks, it seems I need to use a combination of `uiop:collect-sub*directories* and `uiop:directory-files`
I was hoping for something higher level
Ah okay good, I don't really know much about all what it offers.
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bollu: Also the directory function when the pathname has :wild components.
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yitzi can you elaborate? I don't follow what a :wild component is
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bollu: You should read the CLHS section on Filenames and on DIRECTORY for the specifics. Basically CL pathnames have components (host, directory, name, type...) and those components can be specified to be wild (like glob), unspecified, etc. First off try `(directory #P"*.jpg")` in a directory with some jpegs (or something).
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yitzi holy shit, that's insane, common lisp *already knows* about globbing and wildcards?
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Yes, pretty much.
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OK, I played around with (pathname), (pathname-type) and (pathname-name). It's awesome, how it neatly stores the information about complex paths like "a/b/**/c/d/**/foo.txt"
every time I interact with common lisp, I always go "oh, neat, these people **really thought about** what they were doing"!
I've only ever had this experience with very very strongly typed languages like Haskell and Agda
it's really neat to see the same culture in a language with such a different focus and flavour :)