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<friendlyguy> back again
<friendlyguy> any ideas about my graphics issue yet?
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<DC-IRC> <RichN> what issue
<DC-IRC> <RichN> we have all slept since yesterday
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> friendlyguy: check your support contract, then go here it can take days or months.
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> issues resolving, those which has been recorded, has finally some positive rate but its sadly still over 440 days. have this picture in front when demanding attention to your problem.
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<DC-IRC> <Dal> so a little bird tells me that Banana Pi are going to put in more effort with Armbian 🙂
<DC-IRC> <Dal> they are also planning an h616 board, so hopefully better mainline support around that chipset as well
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<darkdrgn2k> DC-IRC is discord i assume?
<DC-IRC> <Werner> Yes
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> how do i set armbian up headless over wifi? i tried editing /etc/network/interfaces but with no luck
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> ```
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> auto wlan0
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> iface wlan0 inet dhcp
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> wpa-ssid <ssid>
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> wpa-psk <password>
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> ```
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<DC-IRC> <Werner> Depends. Jammy variant is using netplan I think and Bullseye probably something within systemd. Never tried that.
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> @pauhull according to what I'm reading Ubuntu uses essid
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> wpa-essid mywifiname
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> (if you got the Armbian Jammy (ubuntu derivitive)
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<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> via netplan it should work. its passing to network-manager by default
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> i got armbian 23.5.0 bookworm
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> bookworm is not well tested, i never tried this
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> it is possible something is missing
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> it's the first thing that appeared on the download page
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> IIRC there were some changes in networking
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> whcih board?
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> banana pi m2 zero
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> aha, not supported boards only have automated builds with latest software
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> so which version do you recommend?
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> best is that you build stable image
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> are there pre built images available?
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> no, they are deliberately not provided
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> as board is "not supported"
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<DC-IRC> <pauhull> why is it not supported? wasn't it supported a while back?
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> because we don't have endless resources
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> it's really a bummer because it's a nice board and there is almost no software support from the manufacturer
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> someone has to step up and be the maintainer
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> yeah understandable
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> its not the only board that lacks love
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> is there a guide on building the image yourself? what version should i choose?
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec>
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> there are also videos
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> do i need to modify the kernel?
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> no
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> you can also check further on bookworm
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> how to do this as it must be doable
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> i remember that i used a downloaded image before and it worked fine
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> bookworm or bullseye?
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> was a while ago, bullseye i think
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> aha, yes, that explains it
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> IIRC some tools related to wireless in bookworm has been changed but can't find refference now
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> and perhaps this old way is finally deprecated
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> so you need to use netplan, network-manager or systemd networking
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> i am not fully up2date with this
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> can i still find the bullseye download somewhere?
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> anyway, workaround is to build bullseye and do it old way
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> unsupported boards, usually not but this one is
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> and with bullseye modifying /etc/network/interfaces works?
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> or does the armbian first run txt work?
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<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> @pauhull at least on my RK3399 Bookworm box I just tested interfaces method and it works fine
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> you don't need netplan/etc and all those new methds
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> you just need to disable network manager
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> and your original syntax was good
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> how do i do that?
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager-wait-online.service
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> i only have access to the file system
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> i can't ssh into it before wifi is working
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> just a sec
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> its a link in /lib/systemd
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> ok, i freshly flashed bookworm onto my sd card
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<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> I've gotta run though sorry... just realized I have to take all my cats to vet.
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> basicly if you can get everything "but" interfaces disabled it should work
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> okay, i'll try
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> good luck
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> thx
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> i found systemd-networkd-wait-online in /lib/systemd but it's an executable not a link
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> i deleted it but it still doesn't connect to my wifi
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<DC-IRC> <pauhull> i managed to get wifi working on bullseye, but now ssh doesn't work
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> ssh: connect to host bananapim2zero port 22: No route to host
<DC-IRC> <pauhull> i tried creating empty /ssh, /boot/ssh and /boot/ssh.txt files
<DC-IRC> <gitboy> Hello everyone. I made *some* progress with this, but I am getting stuck. I created a new primary partition on the nvme drive using fdisk, I then installed armbian-config and used it to Install the root system to the nvme by using the following option on the menu: System -> Install -> 1 Boot from SD, and chose the nvme device. After that I verify the BootEnv option shows the uuid of the nvme, and then once I reboot I can no longer ssh into the
<DC-IRC> <gitboy> Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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<rema_> Hi. I get no sound on an odroid n2. Kernel 6.1.11-meson64 is booted, aplay -l shows three devices but XFCE volume control only shows dummy output device. The volume meter is moving. Where to start to troubleshoot?
<rema_> c0rnelius, I stumbled upon a similar post. Unfortunately, there is no change for 3.5 mm and HDMI.
<rema_> c0rnelius, is it to be expected that XFCE volume control shows only a dummy device?
<c0rnelius> Honestly, not sure. I don't use Armbian on my Odroids. Most DE's allow you to set a default audio output. But to do it system wide you can create an /etc/asound.conf file and force it.
<rema_> c0rnelius, mean question: which distro? LFS?
<c0rnelius> I spin on my own for them. Debian / Ubuntu. So no magic is involved there. Anything I'm doing should also function on Armbian.
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<DC-IRC> <wardy> so i found an image for my orange pi prime but im not sure how many bits it might be ? Armbian_23.02.2_Orangepiprime_jammy_current_5.15.93_xfce_desktop.img.xz . reason being im thinking i may have dl the lower of the bits . thanks