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<TGVoid> hey you can't retire yet
<TGVoid> I'm trying to figure out how to get gdm3 to work in headless mode b/c rn nothing will show up in nomachine unless the HDMI port on the sbc is occupied
it is not uncommon to see hdmi "dummy plugs" used on servers... well "servers" because it depends on what hardware is used
why would u need gdm3 on a headless device?
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the heaadless horseman does not need a hat
* mlu
does imagine a cursed scenario of a headless server serving up gdm3 on some remote login thingy
<c0rnelius> I can't... sounds like a miss understanding somewhere.
<c0rnelius> misunderstanding* even
gundam 3 :D
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<c0rnelius> I mean even if you needed the headless device to auto login there is no need for a graphical interface to achieve it.
<TGVoid> I mean without gdm3 how will I have a gui?
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<c0rnelius> You said `I'm trying to figure out how to get gdm3 to work in headless mode` Thats an oxymoron. So you do need a head and trying to achieve auto-login?
<TGVoid> Does headless not mean w/o peripherals like a monitor?
<c0rnelius> headless means no monitor. basically.
<TGVoid> Yeah exactly
<c0rnelius> no display
<c0rnelius> so why would we need a graphical desktop manager for a headless device is what I am asking?
<TGVoid> I want to be able to remote into the SBC and have a GUI, just don't need it to output video via HDMI constantly
<c0rnelius> ah gotcha
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<c0rnelius> what DE are you trying to get loaded?
<c0rnelius> Whats the end game..? Is this some full blown DE or could say openbox with the some basic apps and whatnot be good enough?
<c0rnelius> I then have the script run this: which could just as easily start any service you wanted.
<c0rnelius> I see
<TGVoid> If the dummy HDMIs don't end up working, I'll try out your suggestions
<TGVoid> At this point I just want something working as quickly as possible lol
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<AlbertK> I have i2c code that access via the /dev/i2c-0 and it works in Raspberry Pi. I would like to know why it does not work in OrangePi 3 LTS bullseye. The code is written in golang
<Jason123> @TGVoid try using like vnc or rdp
<Jason123> i used rdp on my raspberry pi zero and it works fine
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<TGVoid> I gave up on VNC and RDP
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<NicoD> @TGVoid If you want to do it headless then I advice to plug in a HDMI capture device. They can be bought for 10euro. I've got some setups that do work headless. But some just don't work. Like my old x86 pc with Armbian Jammy. So I've got an HDMI capture device plugged in for that. It's kind of a cheat. But it works...
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<boz> Has anyone tried finding a cheap KVM? All the devices listed on amazon aren't even KVMs they are just usb/hdmi switches but they are all labeled as kvms ...
<Fabricioguzzy> Hello Every1 - I am looking for instructions on how to install the latest distro available for my "Orange Pi Plus 2" - I got the pre-compiled version of armbian from the web site but that doesn't work fine. USB ports were not detected. Actually, most of the new distros/images cause the same issue (USB doesn't work) - Can anybody help on this matter, plz? Thanks Much!
<Fabricioguzzy> This is my Orange pi board