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<DC-IRC> <Werner> You could have simply used `armbian-resize-filesystem` 😄
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<DC-IRC> <Jason123> that is a thing?
<DC-IRC> <Jason123> now I know
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<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> I tried searching the Discord - sorry if I missed this and it was answered before. One of the things I really like about the default setup experience of an RPi is the ability to simply setup SSID/WPA for a wifi connection so I can bring a system up headless with WiFi. Is there an equivalent capability on Armbian?
<nekomancer[m]> dirkhh: nmtiu or armbian-config→network
<nekomancer[m]> * dirkhh: nmtiu or armbian-config→network
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius> There was something `a file` in the boot dir `maybe still is?` that was suppose to provide that ability, but I was honestly never able to get it working. At the time of trying it, I wondered to my self... Did this ever work?
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> This works great with the default Raspbian image. But I haven't seen any instructions to do this on Armbian
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> well, the problem with that is that you either need a console (not headless) or you already need a network connection... at which point, yeah.
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> What I'm trying to do is set up a headless Armbian device that is connected over wifi
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> So at first boot it would read the SSID/WPA key from some special file on the µSD card
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius> What they really need are two services. One to auto create a user during first boot and the other to connect to wifi if said variables are enabled.
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> 👍
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius> Oddly for some reason this has been avoided and on a scripting and service level its really easy to achieve.
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> So you are saying that I need to build my own?
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius> that and stop enabling root out of the box 🙂
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius> Well... You could get down and dirty and write the script and service and do a PR if you really wanna run Armbian and have that ability.
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> why would I not want to run Armbian? Ha, maybe the wrong server to ask this on... The idea is to have a consistent way to build an appliance across many different SBCs - and Armbian seems like the best choice for that.
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> The target audience are people who very few technical skills. Definitely not someone who'll find the right cable, attach a monitor and keyboard, and set the right parameters on the command line... so everything has a neat web UI - but for that you need to first bring up networking.
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> And a lot of people don't have wired ethernet in their house (as far as they know)
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius> Never said you wouldn't want too. But if you want features that aren't their you need to get ur hands dirty or show some love with $$$ which is pretty much a standard these days.
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> You've a very common problem, solved many different ways by different folks, usually for $$$$.
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> I personally do `cloud-init` provisioning where I can supply wifi credentials at the `network-config` level, and automate everything else.
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius> Never said you wouldn't want too. But if you want features that aren't there you need to get ur hands dirty or show some love with $$$ which is pretty much a standard these days.
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> But you need some end-user, easy-to-config Wifi creds provisioning. I'd say check out
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius> unfortunately that wouldn't solve the need of a user.
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius> no account, no point
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> account?... appliances usually have preset accounts.
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius> It would seem to me that because of the way Armbian has setup its first boot process... root login, change password, create user and password blah blah blah... it makes for a non-ideal situation.
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> oh, definitely. We're talking about building appliances I thought.
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> for default user-facing Armbian first-run... well... good luck with that
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> I strip that off all my appliances, and either go with cloud-init or some client-specific pre-configured stuff.
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius> yeah so if you wanted to automate the first boot with a user and wifi cred you would also need to disable that whole first boot process you guys have going on. I would assume it wouldn't be tough but still, it would need looking at.
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> One day, I'm hoping that the "appliance" mode will be default, and "Armbian end-user hand-holding firstrun" will be optional.
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> Lanefu has a good example of the "stripping" here
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> that whole repo is a good source for appliance builder
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> I don't think I asked anyone to write the code for me. I asked if this was somehow supported and I had missed it - which happens to me all the time. If not (as it seems) I'm happy to implement this. 🤷🏼‍♂️
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius> I never said you did. I was just being blunt.
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> It's... not something you can get out of the box, no, but simple enough for a developer. Maybe of us have done appliances based on Armbian exactly cos it gives us the larger spectrum of compatible boards. For appliances you'll end up need Over the Air updates, etc etc, and that ends up being a good project.
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> It's... not something you can get out of the box, no, but simple enough for a developer. Many of us have done appliances based on Armbian exactly cos it gives us the larger spectrum of compatible boards. For appliances you'll end up need Over the Air updates, etc etc, and that ends up being a good project.
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> Yeah, my vision for updates is... umm... just overwrite the SD card with a new version 🤣
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> Yeah, then your appliance fails due to classic SDcard trouble....
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> anyway, doing this right is time and $$$ consuming.
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> Thanks for the pointer to the first few steps towards appliance mode above.
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> 'right' vs. 'good enough'. I think either will be time consuming.
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<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> But the second might be a wee bit easier. This is all for hobby stuff, anyway, so if it doesn't work... meh.
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> But given how easy this is on Raspbian - it does seem like a miss on Armbian.
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> No idea you could do appliances on Raspbian. I've not run it in a decade
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> well, right now a simple rebuild of an Armbian binary fails with
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> ```
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> Error: GET "": GET "": response status code 403: denied: requested access to the resource is denied
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> [🐳|🚸] Command failed, retrying in 5s [ /armbian/cache/tools/oras/oras_0.16.0_linux_arm64 pull --verbose ]
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> ```
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> maybe today is the wrong day to start with this 🤪
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> Uhh... @IgorPec did you delete _all_ the packages, including the kernel gits ? 😄
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> I'm rebuilding the shallow stuff, GHA wf was disabled... not good...
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> thanks for the heads-up @dirkhh seems like we've hit a snag heh
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> yeah it all got blasted
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> u-boot too
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> yeah seems like Igor's having fun
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> anyway, the shallow trees are required
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> if that's fixed the other stuff you can use your own CPU's to build 😄
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> Yeah.. no problem to build here lol
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> yeah and if you already have a git tree ready you won't notice its missing
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> only new user would, so thanks again @dirkhh
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> I'd say in some 30-35 minutes this should be back up.
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> yes, some i wanted, some i did by accident
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> its in making
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> Yeah I triggered -- had to enable WF cos GHA had auto-disabled it
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> With that most other stuff will work, even if needs to compile locally.
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> cool - I'm glad I provided some value 🙈
<DC-IRC> <dirkhh> Once I can build locally I'll play around with the modifications it would take to at least get wifi setup automatically at first boot...
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> yep, job's done, go build.
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> I'm off, too. More tomorrow...
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> ok, GN
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> yep its pulling
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> Downloading b77f2c252636 linux-complete.git.tar
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> I've saved the manual command for testing when needed
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