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<Tonymac32> Me: I'll stick mainline on My FrienlyElec R5S
<Tonymac32> thankfully the one I want isn't tangled too badly
<Tonymac32> so RK3568-nanopi-r5s.dts or whatever
<RichN> well we need to get one started for the 3588
<RichN> but all is good
<Tonymac32> I'm not worried about the rk3588 just yet, the 68 actually works with mainline, it's just sloppy ass device trees holding these boards back in the craptastrophy that is the rockchip garbage pile kernel
<Tonymac32> I'm guessing if an rk3588 device tree is ready by the next LTS it should be something worth looking at
<RichN> ok
<Tonymac32> so there's time, I just need beer and an evening
<RichN> I will get you a 12 pack
<Tonymac32> haha
<RichN> and lock you in the basement
<RichN> lol
<Tonymac32> lol
<Tonymac32> tell FE we need 16 MB spi flashes on all boards, I saw those unpopulated pads on my R5S
<RichN> well I am working to figure out all the desktop issus on debian for bookworm and for sid
<Tonymac32> 😄
<RichN> yeah I need to talk to bing about it
<Tonymac32> and don't you dare put some bullshit Rockchip u-boot on there, Rockchip's dev team got lost somewhere in 2017 and never escaped
<Tonymac32> 😄 😄
<c0rnelius> there s already a functional dts/dtsi for the NanoPi R5S/C
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<Tonymac32> oooo, it's a dtsi, where is the dts
<Tonymac32> and 2 months old
<Tonymac32> there it is
<Tonymac32> I had my search pinned to 6.1
<Tonymac32> gracias
<c0rnelius> yeap
<c0rnelius> you just need to backport it to 6.1
<Tonymac32> now the trick is, did they make a mess like they did the nanopi4 lineup
<Tonymac32> even the mainline tree is gross
<c0rnelius> not sure. my t4 is ok.
<Tonymac32> it works, I'm not saying there's a functional issue
<Tonymac32> I'm saying the logical organization is... insane
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<jkent> @MacKahan oh yeah that naming of the DTS just irks me
<jkent> I couldn't get 6.1 doing PCIe on the T4 myself
<Tonymac32> ever since Oleg put it in the media kernel I haven't updated anything
<jkent> It's a serious regression
<jkent> Maybe I'll find some time to look at it
<jkent> Yeah I think I'll just drop one of my projects for a little while
<RichN> 1 big issue that still needs fixing in armbian is the extfs as the armbian install breaks
<RichN> so it has to be plain uboot or uefi
<RichN> and no one has fixed it in years or looked at it
<RichN> so I do think we will have to move alot of boards to uefi
<RichN> and grub
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Hi, I'm trying to use stateless v4l2 decoders on a rock pi 4. The API is fairly recent so I am checking the kernel version. The image I have is running a 5.15 kernel, so I was assuming e.g. this commit ( would be present, since it was added in 5.11. However, the constant seems to be missing in the image. This is just an example, there is a number of mismatches and
I'm wondering whether I am misunderstanding something with how kernel versions work, is this to be expected?
<IgorPec> without diffing in ... code is often moved around, so perhaps its not at this location anymore.
That's what I thought, but it is not present at all. The constant I mention (V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264_SLICE) was moved to its current (6.4) location in that commit from its previous one, but it isn't present in either, even though the commit in question is introduced in 5.11 which precedes what I'm running (5.15).
Or I am just looking in the wrong place... It seems the headers I am looking for are in /usr/src/linux-headers-5.15.80-rockchip64/... Then again, why are there two versions of kernel headers present, and which one should I consider?
<IgorPec> headers are those linux-headers-current-rockchip64
<IgorPec> so if you install linux-image-current-rockchip64 je have a match
<IgorPec> sadly for this video i'am not an expert to understand details
<Dal> @Tenkawa ah that makes sense, sorry it's my first time finding a module inside an xz
<Tenkawa> Yeah I think it would have been nicer about 10-15 years ago when lower space requirements were a bigger offset than the overhead of cpu/io to uncompress the module now personally
<Tenkawa> There are still very small built systems (or ones they want to build extremely small though) so I can see where it is very useful
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<rpardini> `armbian/build` is for a few (6?) months now forcing `CONFIG_MODULE_COMPRESS_NONE=y`.
<rpardini> So if users are finding `.ko.xz` or such, they're handling really old builds.
<Tenkawa> @rpardini I was showing him "generic" explanations...
<rpardini> Sure, thanks, I was just wondering where he found `.ko.xz`'s...
<rpardini> Before the force of that config, roughly 50% of Armbian's 60-ish kernels had XZ compression. The rest, none.
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<Dal> most of the boards I use have builds that have come from the archives
<Dal> generally buster releases
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<RichN> wow you still use buster
<RichN> I figure most had updated to bullseye by now
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<c0rnelius> and bookworm will be out shortly
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<Dal> it was just the path of least resistance, as we have been using a very old application that uses python3.7, gcc9, tensorflow1.15 etc etc etc
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<Dal> whilst we can install and compile it all on later releases, on the smaller sbc's it takes an age to compile
<Dal> the smaller, pocket sized sbc's are what we build on
<Dal> it was also why I enquired about a fast native armv7l board 😛
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<Tenkawa> @Dal you could setup a cross environment to build the software... that's quite easy
<Tenkawa> This way you can build it on faster hardware and then transfer it over to needed destinations
<Dal> I've had so many issues cross compiling that I just gave up
<Tenkawa> bummer
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<patrickdk> I do not like cross compiling much, unless it's go
<patrickdk> I mostly just do it inside a docker container using the other enviroment using qemu to emulate it
<patrickdk> slow, but works well, and it's complex as it sounds
I just use native
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