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<Tonymac32> Lol USB ports on Linux SBC's don't conform to any standard anyway, almost 100% of them fail to provide rated current according to their type. An exception in the TB 2 which can actually send the required current to each port. So color? Oh well I guess 😆
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don't trust the color
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<thisisart> has anyone installed dmd on Armbian? curl -fsS | bash -s dmd it says dmd directly i cant use, it says there are no binaries. i'll try luck with ldc2 or gdc, let me know if anyone have done that
<Tenkawa> Just because they "don't" doesn't make it right... all that attitude does is encourage continuationo of the behaviour
<Tenkawa> Just because they "don't" doesn't make it right... all that attitude does is encourage continuation of the behaviour
<Tenkawa> There is a good reason these standards and quality guidelines exist
<Tenkawa> There is a good reason these standards and quality guidelines exist.. several reasons actually.
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<Tonymac32> I'm not saying it doesnt
<Tonymac32> My point is the ports are non-conforming anyway, they obviously don't care
<15Cyndaquil> Does anyone know where I can find the repository for newer meson64 linux-headers?
<15Cyndaquil> Recently my board's uname -r changed from 6.1.11 to 6.1.18-meson64 and I can't seem to find any updated linux-headers for it
<Tenkawa> @15Cyndaquil which board?
<15Cyndaquil> The libre Le-Potato AML-S905X-CC
<Tenkawa> Are you running the Armbian build? (I ask because repo source is important)
<15Cyndaquil> I am, I built an Armbian image for it about a month ago
<Tenkawa> Let me check our sources.. just a sec
<Tenkawa> ah.. have you run you apt-get update/upgrade?
<Tenkawa> (checking current repo though)
<15Cyndaquil> I've just re-imaged my install to see if that was the issue so haven't apt-get upgraded it yet, but have done an apt-get update
<15Cyndaquil> I've just re-flashed my install to see if that was the issue so haven't apt-get upgraded it yet, but have done an apt-get update
* mlu
wonders what clients DC-IRC is bridging to
<Tenkawa> easiest way is to do a sudo armbian-config choose software then headers_install
<Tenkawa> @15Cyndaquil easiest way is to do a sudo armbian-config choose software then headers_install
<Tenkawa> @mlu: its a program
Tenkawa: like some sort of webapp?
<Tenkawa> I think its either python or c++ actually
<Tenkawa> I had one type of it downloaded around here for one of my Discord/IRC combos..
<Tenkawa> let me see what it was based on
girc according to ctcp VERSION
<Tenkawa> Ok thats GO language then
<Tenkawa> not surprised
Tenkawa: what are you connected to?
<Tenkawa> Both
<Tenkawa> Discord and IRC
Tenkawa: oh, so DC-IRC bridges the Discord and IRC! got it
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I was like -- hmm, what does DC stand for :D
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<Tenkawa> I usually only stay on IRC on channels that don't exist on Discord and vice versa
<Tenkawa> With the bridges you tend to get a lot of cross chatter if you have your clients set on them akk