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<lanefu> K I respect your practicality. As an FYI Generally speaking low end sd cards cause a lot of unexpected behavior and our forums and docs site have very explicit warnings about sdcards and power supplies
<darsie> Yeah, I saw it. I think the PS is good.
<darsie> dd if=/home/bernhard/Downloads/Armbian_22.02.1_Orangepizeroplus_bullseye_current_5.15.25.img of=/dev/sdc bs=1MiB
<darsie> Good?
<lanefu> Add conv=fsync status=progress
<lanefu> Fsync important
<lanefu> Progress is for cosmetics
<darsie> I did sync in the shell later.
<darsie> ohhhhhhh, progess :)))))))))
<darsie> Didn't see that in the woman page.
<lanefu> LOL
<darsie> :)
<lanefu> Sync on shell would be filesystem vs dd
<darsie> ok, I'll try again.
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<darsie> any idea why the opi0+ red led double flashes?
<lanefu> CD /sys/class/led
<lanefu> Then the respective one
<lanefu> And. cat trigger
<lanefu> Heart beat is probably the default
<lanefu> That your seeing
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<darsie> Ahh, blink blink = beat beat :)
<darsie> I tihnk the SD card was bad. didn't respond properly when inserted.
<c0rnelius> i don't have that opi but the ones I do have its under orangepi:red:status: echo "none" | sudo tee /sys/class/leds/orangepi:red:status/trigger
<c0rnelius> I usually link it to mmc my self and turn off the green led. But yeah...
<darsie> SD card crap: https://paste.debian.net/1237186/
<ArmbianHelper> ^ debian Pastezone
<darsie> I have another 2 GB card.
<darsie> wow, it wrote much faster.
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<darsie> dd: fsync failed for '/dev/sdc': Input/output error
<darsie> status=progress didn't print progress
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<stipa> 2GB is tight
<stipa> my cli image uses 3.0G practically doing nothing
<darsie> mhm
<stipa> opi lite 2
<darsie> lanefu: I failed to connect initially, so I couldn't shut down before cutting power. Maybe it didn't resize for that.
<lanefu> stipa: armbian-minimal FTW
<lanefu> darsie: welll that IO error is uhhhh a concern
<stipa> darsie: lanefu https://termbin.com/uqdh
<ArmbianHelper> ^ [text/plain]
<lanefu> stipa: is that ubuntu or debian
<lanefu> the ubuntu ones are bloatier
<lanefu> but armbian minimial debian image is hella lean
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<stipa> lanefu: how to check?
<stipa> Description: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
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<lanefu> stipa: older images are skinnier as well https://armbian.lane-fu.com/linx/alxkp36i.txt
<ArmbianHelper> ^ linx - alxkp36i.txt
<lanefu> but frankly tahts more around distro bloat
<lanefu> im sure we have some exta stuff now too
<stipa> oh dang
<lanefu> stipa: what device
<lanefu> are you running
<stipa> almost a gig
<lanefu> want me to build you a minimal image just so you can see
<darsie> I don't like how the initial config sometimes takes keystropes without enter. When I press enter, I worry it might then skip something, or take the default of the next question.
<stipa> Linux orangepilite2 5.15.29-sunxi64 #trunk.0010 SMP Wed Mar 16 17:23:40 UTC 2022 aarch64 GNU/Linux
<lanefu> darsie: sorry
<stipa> lanefu: no need i'm good
<darsie> lanefu: Is it your fault? :)
<stipa> just follow it and do what it want nd you'll be fine
<lanefu> darsie: nope. lol
<darsie> ssh coudn't connect after initial boot (ping worked), so I thought I did somethnig wrong, but it just hadn't booted, yet.
<lanefu> darsie: if you got an IO error during dd.. you can't trust that image on teh card
<lanefu> all bets are off
<darsie> yeah
<darsie> Ohh, btw, it's such a relief that mc is installed by default :).
<darsie> Ahh, ssh-key login failed, because I didn't change the ownership to root.
<stipa> lanefu: Up time: 248 days , that's fine mate
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<lanefu> oh god mc is installed by default.... no wonder we got bloat lol
<darsie> :)
<lanefu> stipa: I'm not entirely sure where that SBC is either... I think its hanging of a POE adapter in the bedroom or something
<lanefu> but yeah maybe i'll just let it idle its way to a championship
<stipa> lanefu: wherever it is it's not compaining
<lanefu> hahaha
<lanefu> wahts more amazing is that means my switch has 248 days of uptime
<stipa> good engineering
<lanefu> ha yeah
<lanefu> and i'm powering on my generator and getting plugged in before the UPS drains lol
<lanefu> I moved my network stuff to its own UPS, so that does help with uptime
<stipa> yeah, the UPS is awesome, last time i lost power my server booted into mtest for some reason
<stipa> i had to rinstall
<stipa> it fucked the disk badly
<lanefu> oh that sucks
<lanefu> i just hate like startup sequencing
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<lanefu> switch, router, AP's, NAS, compute nodes
<lanefu> always feels like something had to be tickled
<stipa> what about automating it?
<lanefu> i'd lose my uptime unplugging shit
<lanefu> lol
<lanefu> really i guess router, switch, NAS, compute would be preferred sequencing
<stipa> for two years i had to turn my wifi repeater after the AP so that it can connect
<stipa> i got myself a script on repeater when there's no ping to restart itself
<lanefu> yeah that stuff is annoying cuz its like.... you dont want to fix it in the moment
<lanefu> but then later you dont want the downtime to test
<stipa> i was so happy
<lanefu> hahha good
<lanefu> yeah i do need to work on that some.. cuz i also got like a bunch of VPN tunnels that need ot come up etc too
<stipa> yeah, automation is awesome
<stipa> just for checking for ping can be automated alot
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<stipa> lanefu: if your switch really has to be second in a sequence you can make a relay controlled with an SBC to cut the power to it or smthn
<stipa> i guess the switch hasn't got linux on it
<lanefu> stipa: yeah of course
<lanefu> tasmoto has some sequencing support
<stipa> i see
<stipa> that's cheaper than SBC even
<darsie> I'm using my 64 GB card now. It had a 21 GB debian iso on it.
<stipa> awesome
<lanefu> stipa: yeah i mostly prefer just esp-based devices and tasmota for that kinda stuff
<lanefu> it just works
<lanefu> and integrates with home assistant
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<stipa> lanefu: yeah, it's geared to that, i guess sonoff stuf can be hacked to work with that?
<lanefu> yeah sonoff stuff was original tasmota target
<stipa> fancy
<lanefu> so yeah flashing the things is annoying, but usually thats a 1 time thing
<stipa> i think it's worth the hassle
<darsie> 613M unused. / is 58.9G.
<darsie> no reboot to resize message.
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<lanefu> darsie: wait confused did it work or no
<darsie> I guess it resized without rebooting.
<lanefu> yeah usually it can do it without rebooting
<darsie> Still left some over.
<darsie> maybe for swap?
<lanefu> what do you mean
<darsie> 613M unused.
<lanefu> unused what
<darsie> disk space. Could make another 613M partition.
<stipa> of 58.9G
<lanefu> was probably just the resizing tool calculated teh partition space
<lanefu> anyway sounds like it worked as expected/designed
<darsie> I configured new partitions with fdisk without writing. one 3M and one 613M are possible.
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<Armbian-Discord> <l​anefu> helios4 salute
<ArmbianHelper> ^ [image/png] (206.9KiB)
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<archetech> tsk Id think you handle a fresher OS
<archetech> tsk Id think you "could" handle a fresher OS
<archetech> 5.17 and deb sid
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<Armbian-Discord> <n​old> can i download nightly builds somewhere? I'm looking for Armbian_22.05.0-trunk_Nanopct4_bullseye_current_5.15.25_xfce_desktop.img.xz or no desktop
<IgorPec> if not present at download pages, then you need to DIY
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<Armbian-Discord> <r​pardini> will absolutely accept donations of this https://www.cnx-software.com/2022/04/07/arm-systemready-sr-certified-ampere-altra-developer-platform/
<ArmbianHelper> ^ Arm SystemReady SR-certified Ampere Altra Developer Platform launched for $3,999 - CNX Software
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<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> Heh
<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichN> over priced . they need to bring it way down
<Armbian-Discord> <l​anefu> yeah getting closer... i mean if you were to get the "equivalent" spec'd latest xeon workstation it would be the same or more
<Armbian-Discord> <l​anefu> its a neoverse dataenter/server class CPU cores not like a bunch of A72 s
<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichN> I guess
<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichN> ok
<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> Xeon would cost more for the performance equivalent?
<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> Neoverse... So i can think of it as like the rk3588?
<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> Because the 3588 has A76 cores, right?
<lanefu> Neoverse way beyond A76
<lanefu> Neoverse == Epyc... 76 == ryzen
<lanefu> for a weak comparison
<lanefu> all the Axx cores are still just kind of "low power" general purpose cmopute
<lanefu> Neoverse is exclusively server class
<lanefu> so memory IO, cache, cores yadda yadda
<stipa> dang "LED button to toggle through the LED lighting modes of the 5 ARGB system fans, which consist of 12 colored lighting effects and off"
<stipa> that alone is worth 1k
<stipa> but, i think that no more than 1500$ would be a reasonable price
<stipa> and there's probably work to do
<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> Neoverse N1 microarchitecture (code named Ares) based on the Cortex-A76 redesigned for infrastructure/server applications.
<stipa> for devs it should be free of charge with paid shipment fro their side
<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> Yeah, just like the Ford Mustang Mach E is based on the Escape
<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> But for $4k I'm guessing I could build a system that would stomp it to dust,
<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> Doesn't mean I don't want one to play with though
<stipa> well, there's a bunch of cores, maybe they think if they have 80 that ppl will think it's better than the 64 core threadripper
<stipa> which is alone more expensive than that arm build
<stipa> i think that that tactic won't help
<stipa> since the buyers of such thing know that arm cores are slower
<stipa> but again, that's a lot of cores
<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> Well the 4k is going to be the 32 core one
<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> There are ways in which they are comparable, and ways in which they are contrastable.
<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> But I'd like to better understand the statement that Xeon would cost more for equivalent performance.
<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> I don't believe that statement either to be frank. I think that's one of those highly conditional statements
<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> Not that Intel's pricing for enterprise stuff isn't just trash...
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<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> 4k for 32 arm cores and 32 gigs ram?
<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> at 1.7 GHz
<stipa> heh, i tought 4k is 80 cores
<stipa> 32 cores one should definitely cost less
<stipa> but, maybe it's the chip crisis
<stipa> i forgot about that
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<stipa> before the crisis i could eye on a price, now since the prices are rising all the time it's hard to do that
<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> I went to Dell, and spec'ed an 8 core Xeon (E-2378) at 2.6 GHz, with 32 gigs memory, at 3k.
<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> I don't know if that's comparable specs.
<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> But it doesn't have the LED button to toggle the lights, so...
<stipa> maybe there are tests online
<stipa> something server based ARM cores should do the trick in comparison with Xeon
<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> Well... what if I stack 15 QuartzPro64 boards?
<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> Assuming they cost $350, that gives 40 A76 cores and 160 Gigs memory, right?
<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> Surely the quartzpro's can be powered with a 750w power supply.
<stipa> yea, why not
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