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<RichN> because lightdm has orca in it
<RichN> we installl orca for blind/visual impaired users
<RichN> so pulseaduio is used to serve up odca audio
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TRS-80: where you at
* TRS-80
<Tonymac32> get back here
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^ SD card and PSU issues - armbian forum
check here
this is only for the SSD driver. the cubox is using original power supply and runs fine
well, we provide software
you actually didn't answer my question fully or if you did I think you have your answer
if the SSD is drawing power from the board
you have a too weak PSU to provide both board power and SSD power
if you have a seperate power supply for the drive
then the seperate power supply is a problem
because effectively the sata controller tries to bring up the drive and it can't bring it up cause it's under powered
the eSata comes with the SATA connector and a USB connector for power. i had the usb power connected to a usb phone charger, but it wasnt working when a normall HDD 2.5 drive connected it would turn it on. but when connected to my pc it would turn the HDD on, but still it wont show up on the cubox
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how much Amps is your phone charger?
do you have a DMM?
5V 1A
DMM? not sure what that is
well, it is also possible that this feature stop working
1A is on the edge
i've seen spinning rust disks over eating 1A
but the SSD should be fine, no?
i will get more powerfull phone charger
you have to rule out hardware defects before reporting. this is rule number one
we lost thausands of hours because people wants to power those devices with cheap PSU
i understand
and we don't sell anything to you. that's the problem
yeah, if there's not enough power the SSD won't boot itself
same with hard disks
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ok so found an issue, the cable im using, usb a to usb a - from the charger to the SSD, doesnt send power.. need to find another one
DMM is a Digital MultiMeter
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<cats> IgorPec: I fixed download maps, will test it locally later and confirm it works before pushing it up
<cats> oop, wrong channel
is df the best way to see if it sees my drive?
'df -h'
cubox-i:~:% lsblk
sda 8:0 0 1.8T 0 disk
└─sda1 8:1 0 1.8T 0 part /media/AvMedia
mmcblk1 179:0 0 7.4G 0 disk
└─mmcblk1p1 179:1 0 7.1G 0 part /var/log.hdd
zram0 252:0 0 1004.5M 0 disk [SWAP]
zram1 252:1 0 50M 0 disk /var/log
zram2 252:2 0 0B 0 disk
no luck
using a 5V 2A power supply, and the SSD doesnt show up
<IgorPec> well, it depends on what you need it for
also i cant find the eMMC drive.. it doesnt show
<IgorPec> i suggest you to use forums.
<IgorPec> there are not many people that uses this hw
no probs. sorry for the problems guys :)
thank you
<IgorPec> and to get live chat with this specific board expert is like trying to get to the moon
only using it because i bought it in 2014... it runs plex ok, but wanted to boot from SSD or have NAS drive connected to eSata for it to be faster,,,
you could bake your own image
maybe you could get it running
<IgorPec> ... and fix problem in sata driver in the mean time? 😉