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stipa: yeah we need to add that to the defaults... we've held off in the past.....which kernel are you using
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<RichN> Break out the shotgns its Wabbit hunting day
lanefu: yeah, it' says "NEW" in the building menu, 5.15.34-sunxi64
^ all: enable the CONFIG_F2FS_FS_COMPRESSION option by josacar · Pull Request #3689 · armbian/build · GitHub
i haven't
looks like a feature request
that has to be tested beforehand
lanefu: what about outdated drivers?
what's the acronym for that?
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I don't know what your talking about
More like feature flag enablement in this context
like, when there's a newer driver but in the newest image it's the old one and it's going like that for ever
when the link to the github is to an old driver but there is newer
in build scripts or smthn
what's the process of correcting something like that?
would that be a bug report?
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So for drivers we either using what's in the kernel or sometimes will patch in and out-of-tree driver if nothing exists or works
What driver are you talking about
88x2bu *
I don't know what that is
wifi usb
The wifi drivers is a seperate pain
Don't open a bug report for that being outdated. Only a PR with fixes
i have to compile every time i change a kernel and dkms doesn't work for some reason even if it somehow exist and does something
But it's very brittle and I think Igor is going to catch them up again soon
i've heard of PR
<IgorPec> dkms works in certain combinations of user land and kernel, and not in others. its complicated problem which has some dependant problems to be solved first
<clever> some package managers like nix have a much better design and eliminate the entire need for dkms
yeah it sux, upon every kernel update it reverts to the outdated driver in the kernel and dkms doesn't detect it
<IgorPec> lanefu: can you add swap (or more memory) to lca runners. OOM when packing
<clever> basically, nixos has no state, and your config must describe how to build the entire system from scratch
<clever> and when upgrading the kernel, it cant omit some random driver, because the only way you get the driver in the first place, is by defining how to build a whole new system, that always had the driver
<clever> so when you upgrade, it follows the same config, and it keeps the driver
<IgorPec> we have to deal with debian legacy here 😦 and another problem here is cross compiling
<clever> nix does also have cross compiling built in, but there has been some sharp corners on its 32bit arm support lately
<clever> made worse by no CI checking 32bit arm
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dkms isn't my choice, it's the drivers team choice
^ Dynamic Kernel Module Support is a program/framework that enables generating Linux kernel modules whose sources generally reside outside the kernel source tree. The concept is to have DKMS modules automatically rebuilt when a new kernel is installed.
<IgorPec> there are many reasons why recompilation doesn't work
it's probably something simple
extra line
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<lanefu> Yep I'll try doing a swap file for once. How big you think?