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<arianaglande> but i dont need berryboot
<arianaglande> i just dont get why keyboard and mouse work there
<IgorPec> Nothing is related with armbian
<arianaglande> the thing i want to run is
<arianaglande> i wanna run armbian on it, but outputting stuff to the display
<arianaglande> so i got an old ubuntu armbian build
<arianaglande> which works fine, since it has the script.bin file, so by replacing it it shows on the screen
<arianaglande> but keyboard/mouse wont work
<IgorPec> So you go and see documents for your hw to understand what you need to enable
<arianaglande> mmh
<IgorPec> No other way. Nobody can do that but you
<arianaglande> maybe a hint on where i should configure the i/o?
<arianaglande> since it’s an usb/otg port
<IgorPec> Device tree is script.bin replacement
<arianaglande> i think i figured it out
<arianaglande> maybe
<arianaglande> i took the cubieboard bin file
<arianaglande> converted to fex
<arianaglande> replaced only the display part
<arianaglande> with the android one
<arianaglande> (since b4 i was using directly the android script.bin file, which was probably disabling usb)
<arianaglande> so now it’s completely the cubieboard one
<arianaglande> except for the display part
<arianaglande> 🤞
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<IgorPec> Fyi we have overlays for modern kernel, so usb if not working, is enabled with armbian-config
<arianaglande> im using the old one rn
<arianaglande> since im dealing with the script.bin file
<arianaglande> @IgorPec i replaced disp_init, lcd0_para and lcd1_para
<arianaglande> but the display is not working
<arianaglande> is there smth else im missing?
<arianaglande> i see spi devices and all that stuff
<arianaglande> what is the lcd device type?
<IgorPec> Can't help here. 10years is a lot:)
<arianaglande> :(
<arianaglande> i see twi, uart, spi
<IgorPec> Check sunxi wiki for clues
<IgorPec> I would suggest you moving to kernel 5x , lcs has to work
<IgorPec> But it will also be some adjustments
<arianaglande> i just dont know how to configure the display
<arianaglande> with the script bin file it’s easy
<arianaglande> “easy”
<IgorPec> There is one topic on armbian forum
<IgorPec> For adding it to banana pi . It should not be much different
<IgorPec> I am on phone, so can't search ;)
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<arianaglande> it works now 😍
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<lanefu> Man that is great timing lol
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<yang> has new stock of RPI 4's (2GB, 4GB, 8 GB)
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good day & merry monday! ;)
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<ManoftheSea> morning
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<bret> I'd quite like to replace my 2GB Pi4 with an 8GB model but I really can't justify that kind of jump in price 😢 Will keep my interest alive by keeping an eye on and hoping to grab a CM4
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<Antitrack> Rpilocator !!! Great url. Thanx
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<bret> No worries! Their rss feed and Twitter notifications have been quite handy. Not found anything myself but a few friends managed to pick up Pi4 boards without getting gouged by scalpers 😄
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<RichN> bret you could use lxde ot enlightement on it as a desktop
<RichN> but it will still have limitations
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<arianaglande> @IgorPec hey! managed to get void linux to work with the tabled
<arianaglande> now i'd like it to avoid the login prompt
<arianaglande> and to execute a binary instead of asking user/pass
<ManoftheSea> ... is void linux armbian? Is a login prompt related to armbian? Is it an armbian-specific system administration task?
<arianaglande> no, but idk any other discord server where to ask
<ManoftheSea> at least go to offtopic
<arianaglande> uh rip
<arianaglande> sry
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<RichN> you remove light dm and use xinit
<RichN> but armbian was not ment to be a tablet os
<arianaglande> thats why im using voidlinux
<RichN> armbian was ment for arm devices as desktops
<arianaglande> it boots quick af
<arianaglande> i found files inside the runit folder
<arianaglande> i put the command i had to run in one of the sh files
<arianaglande> and it runs!
<arianaglande> tho it doesnt output to the console
<RichN> monolithic kernel would be a issue
<RichN> bas I have a feeling its missing alot of the needed device tree stuff
<RichN> that armbian has and fixes
<arianaglande> i mean, the command i have to run works fine
<arianaglande> i run checkra1n
<arianaglande> to jailbreak my iphone
<RichN> it should also be in the off-topic channel as its not armbian related
<arianaglande> yeah sry again xD, it's just that i saw ur message there
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what could be the reason of not being to see files in /root on a mounted armbian image/sdcard on another armbian machine?
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<ManoftheSea> because they're in /mnt/root
<Antitrack> chroot
mount: /mnt/CardReader: mount(2) system call failed: Structure needs cleaning.
dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
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[19336.270497] EXT4-fs (sde1): ext4_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 40 overlaps superblock
[19336.270504] EXT4-fs (sde1): group descriptors corrupted!
last time i could mount the card and filesystem
like the card is failing by itself when on power
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i have some backups but still
i suspect it's software
like it starts to write all over the place
and destroys the files by corrupting them on the way
the last error bežfore everything went to hell was something related to journalctl
and logrotate
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bret - the rpi 4 8 GB costs 90 EUR, I think this is a "normal" price, it used to cost over 80 EUR 2 years ago, when it came out
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hi, i am trying to enable i2c on a lafrite. UBoot is 07-2021, Armbian 22.02.1, overlay is configured to i2cA and i2cB. I get an output of i2cdetect -y [0-2], but only hdmi has an entry. The i2c device is connected to pins 27(sda) and 28(scl) on the lafrite. The i2c device works on an odroid c2 with Armbian. Has anyone a idea what i could make? i
think the Mapping is not correct to the pins?
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