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<Queen Fiona> It was the Orange Pi PC, if you're still curious.
I've yet to see that overheat.
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<Queen Fiona> I think I was just nervous about the high temps, but it did seem to have issues with performance dropping over time. Probably not a huge issue now that I have a newer board, but now I'll have to find something for the old one to do!
<Queen Fiona> Ah well.
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I would actually like to see it. I've removed cpu regulation from the M1, but haven't pulled it off the PC.
<lanefu> Any idea what mhz CPU was running at? If using armbian you could set min and max
if the patching is in order you can set a min and max regardless of the os.
armbian or other linux thingie
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<Queen Fiona> Yeah, it can set min/max. It seemed to work better when I set the 1.3v to a lower clock speed, so maybe it was a voltage thing?
<Queen Fiona> I don't have hard evidence of poor performance, either, so it could be entirely psychosomatic.
<lanefu> LOL.
<lanefu> Maybe the world grew faster
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<GIDDY> hello, does an armbian glossary exist? something that defines a shared vocabulary between interested contributors and consumers ?
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GIDDY it does, DIY
<GIDDY> sure, thank you @stipa it's ok if you do not know the answer, i will read all of the docs
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<lanefu> @GIDDY we've been steadily chipping away at documentation and process, but the truth is Armbian is a little rough around the edges comparable to projects with this much popularity.
<GIDDY> No worries, while talking to @IgorPec and other contributors, I think it would be super good to come up with a glossary to have shared vocabulary, like the stuff that is in netbox. It can seem silly, but in my professional area, onboarding engineers to products is much faster when people understand acronyms, technologies, even something silly like "what tools" we have available ... so far I seen, mkdocs, hdgedoc,
<GIDDY> let me find an example, and you decide if it helps you or not, there is a caveat... some language and terms may get outdated.. so in my company, I always encourage interns/graduates/new joiners to carry the torch.
it seems like you're selling something, there's no need to insult here
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So.. fi.mirror.armbian.de seems down and i'm getting errors in updating/upgrading so i want to switch mirrors
But i can't find where it is configured
It isn't showing up in sources.list(.d) nor Synaptic
i changed that a while ago
hmm? as in it should have been fixed in whatever pointed me there?
what error do you get?
basically can't connect to that server
something is fishy with the mirrors, i switched to the main one
i was just thinking i'd actually be able to swap out the borked mirror, but i guess that's not how it works
i guess all are borked
expect the main one
this is what i'm not getting
i'd have thought apt... was the main one and expected to switch out fi... for it
attah: we added this mirror yesterday and it looks like its ok
the fi... thing?
https is not working ... strange
how would i go about de-selecting it? aka, why does switching do beta... work?
i moved it out for now
we have re-director in place for apt.armbian.com and redirect.armbian.com which select best mirror for you automatically
this was strange mailfunction, i didn't check ssl variant upon adding, just normal
you should not get this mirror anymore. when its fixed, its moved back in
Good, i'll switch back to apt when i have updated then
now if i could just figure out how to get gnome-term as default
we are working on to improve this. also dead mirrors are removed auto, but this was half dead ;)
gnome-term ? where
as my default desktop terminal emulator
neitehr update-alternatives or purging terminator helped
and apparently i need to figure out how to get Cinnamon to display my applications separately in the taskbar too
sorry, here i don't know much. i use terminator
and don't look elsewhere ;)
I like Cinnamon because it is just out of the way...
i also like it, but not an expert of tweaking it
i'm for some reason using terminator on my workstation but it's a bit dull in colors
But i find taskbar icons without instances and terminator as default a bit too opinionated :/
who needs icon in terminal ? :)
you need to understand few key shortucts and that't about it
oh we could add the mirror selector feature in armbian-config for beta.armbian.com now too!
yeah, some people have fancy terminals
I like my instances in separate windows thank you very much
i also have more windows
attah: yeah i do agree terminator as a default is oddly opinionated
So why is the default config of cinnamon instance-hostile?
but see #armbian-desktop and join in the fun
attah: why is a bad question
yeah its more of how or what. why implies there's some grand objective here..and the reality is there's one person doing 90% of the desktop work
and he's just doing his best to make an experience that works
so _instance-hostile_ is not really the intent.. it's just what was configured
That is fair... but i can't help but assuming it is a choice when cinnamon on any other distro is the normal way
(especially including regular ubuntu)
yeah chat about it with RichN in armbian-desktop, would you be open to helpin g make some changes in a PR
yes, ideas for changes are welcome
for context armbian is really a headless/cli-FIRST in its design
desktops are not very far away from its vanilla variants
the desktop stuff is really a nice-to-have and is storngly community driven
let's see what i can figure out
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IgorPec, found a possible issue
https on ipv4 was not accessible
attah, can you retry?
works for me
yeah found you in access list
enabling back
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seems like mirrors are working again
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Werner: sorry for being slow; yes it works now