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<Jason123> does armbian come with uboot or do I have to flash uboot myself?
How deep can uboot dive?
<ManoftheSea> The build tools, or the downloads?
<ManoftheSea> The build tools will help you build uboot
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<ManoftheSea> regards flashing, it'll depend on your board.
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<Jason123> The build tool does it come with uboot?
<Jason123> When the image is generated
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<ManoftheSea> The build tool does build u-boot
<ManoftheSea> But I can only tell you about flashing on the espressobin, because that's the one I care about.
<Jason123> That is fine
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<Queen Fiona> Currently getting awfully tempted to build Mesa for myself on Debian. But I don't think it'd solve all the Panfrost problems on this board, unfortunately. Need to do some verification to see if the whole graphics stack is working properly in the first place. Apparently even Xunlong's own official images don't have proper GPU support for the Orange Pi 3 LTS, though LibreELEC does as usual. Of course, LibreELEC
doesn't do wireless, which is annoying. Really need to figure out how to patch in that AW859A support.