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gave the n2 cinnamon image a try it installed but it hangs for 8 min s at fs resize
on 1st boot now on second too
it did resize but ya got a sysd service problem
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steev: haha. 9 minutes. what was the job?
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building an image for a raspberrypi zero 2 w and compressing it
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apt-key add armbian.key else no updates
disable fs-resize service seems ok now
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<lanefu> N1 promise is 85% of the performance at 30% of the energy consumption. its value is much more meaningful when you have a rack full of servers.
<Tonymac32> Well right but this isn't that
<lanefu> honestly if you were running your $4K workstation at 100% utililization 24/7 it would probably redeem itself compared to an x86 build in a moderate amount of time
<lanefu> but yeah no of course not.. dolar to dollar for the mortal
<lanefu> its not a winning purchase
<Tonymac32> Hmmm, this feels like a Porsche 924 to me. No power, not even Porsche engine, enthusiast approved
<lanefu> 4k is literally the beginning of tolerable pricing
<Tonymac32> :)
<Tonymac32> But you are right on the pricing, it's starting to get into nearly reasonable territory
<Tonymac32> The stumbling block now is performance per dollar, at $4k I'm expecting "oh holy $h!#"
<lanefu> and i'm gonna say
<lanefu> that the honeycomb is more porsche 924 with teh audio engine
<Tonymac32> Hahahha
<lanefu> and the altra neoverse is more like a 944 where its at least half a 928 block
<lanefu> okay
<lanefu> lol
<lanefu> s/audio/audi/
<Tonymac32> I mean at $1800 to build the honeycomb up (sans gfx card at this point 😢), is it that much worse a purchase?
<lanefu> no honeycomb isnt a good value either
<lanefu> lol
<lanefu> unless you want the netowkr IO
<lanefu> its a great buy for a low power router that can do ungodly amounts of traffic
<lanefu> thats where i thought the phytium was a good enough value relative to honeycomb
<lanefu> still a luxury purchase, but within a more moderate domain
<Tonymac32> Right right
<lanefu> speaking of which
<Tonymac32> I mean, you didn't see me buying a honeycomb for those prices either
<lanefu> tries not to forget about sleeping phytium
<Tonymac32> My point was IMHO this one isn't an improvement perf/$
<lanefu> uh yeah I know. you and i tried to self-justify a honeycomb for like 2 years
<Tonymac32> Hahaha yeah
<lanefu> which is the honeycomb still priced teh same
<Tonymac32> Given shortages I don't know
<lanefu> i'd _probably pay phytium money for a honeycomb
<lanefu> i mean riht now no
<Tonymac32> Right.
<lanefu> cuz i gotta stop buying shot
<lanefu> shit
<Tonymac32> Hahahaha
<lanefu> and trying to think about the 10 Rock5 reservations i bought 😛
<lanefu> *trying not to think
<Tonymac32> lane sharpens his axe in case of hardware bugs
<Tonymac32> @IgorPec time out chair 🪑😆
<Tonymac32> Just link to the contributing page, random people on vendor discords thinking support should be better don't care about costs 😉
well, they were asking loud about 3rd party investores
<Tonymac32> Yeah, I'd say "Send donations here" 😃😃
<IgorPec> hehe, that was meant "between the lines" 😉
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^ sbc-bench/Results.md at master · ThomasKaiser/sbc-bench · GitHub
lanefU: wow, that is a great reference the last one
<lanefu> Usually great technical wisdom near anything touched by TK
<ManoftheSea> And I'm over here trying to figure out how this helps me answer "which of these boards can run suricata in IPS mode at gigabit speeds for about $50"
<ManoftheSea> (Obviously, the answer is "no.")
lanefu: so cool. what more did he write/publish
<lanefu> Ha just Google him
<lanefu> Or look at his other repos
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lanefu: googling his name gives many with same name. on github repo sure i see some discussion
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<ManoftheSea> could I ask for help, while you gurus are around? How do I find out the blocker for getting espressoBIN back on the list of supported hardware? Documentation lists me as the maintainer. Heisath and I got working builds (for current, at least). Is there a Jira thread I need to pull? Is it that Igor's eBINv5 still crashes, and I need to fix his? Will the state not change until the next release meeting?
<lanefu> Yeah uhhh
<lanefu> Submit a PR renaming board config file to .conf and update targets.conf and we'll go from there
<lanefu> See standard support section
<ManoftheSea> So I saved a password, then tried to use it, and got myself locked out. Sorry, to-be-maintainer, you failed the third test, and you are cast out to outer darkness.
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<IgorPec> you need me to reset the password?
^ build/espressobin.csc at master · armbian/build · GitHub
^ build/targets.conf at master · armbian/build · GitHub
<ManoftheSea> will do
<ManoftheSea> Right after I finish looking at a bunch of solidrun boards.
<ManoftheSea> And ultimately not buying them.
<Heisath> They look delicious
<Heisath> I have both clearfog models and found good uses for them.
<ManoftheSea> Well, I'm looking at the GT 8k. It's weird to have a single 10 Gbps port in and only... 3.5 out? But... if you add a couple of 802.11ax cards, I suppose you can saturate that uplink.
hi yang
<Heisath> Are you sure the SFP+ cage is wired with 10Gbps to the CPU?
Anyone who wants to sell a HoneyComb or ClearFog second hand let me know ;)
^ MACCHIATObin A8040 | Marvell Based Mini ITX Networking Board
Heisath: Ah oh yeah right, I think I've seen this one. It is much less "power punch" than LX2. LX2 is great.
If anyone has a second hand Pinebook Pro ISO or LX2 let me know :)
apologies ot and (to sell; -> offtopic)
Jmabsd: Are you looking for pinebook pro laptop ?
or what does ISO mean ?
yang: yes, ISO. ISO means ISO keyboard, it has one more key than the American keyboard variant. this is very hard to find apologies all for spma.
you can probably remap your keyboard
if you have one version, you can modify buttons
<ManoftheSea> No, I'm not sure.
^ Original Tastatur Keyboard MEDION PineBook Pro UK MB2778001UKUK A 27 | eBay
you could maybe buy a different keyboard physical layout, but would need to ask if it's compatible with one more key in function
or did they make 2 different pinebook pro models with different key physical layouts
yang: nono, a physical button is missing. exactly.
You found the module, cool!
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The bug report data collection said: [ 14.890210] systemd-journald[549]: File /var/log/journal/34c3bad24c744598bb54ba9769c3229f/system.journal corrupted or uncleanly shut down, renaming and replacing.
Could there be a lengthy fsck during reboot?
If anyone has an extra Pinebook Pro or LX2 to sell, or may know anyone who has, let me know via PM :-)
It reboots timely if I power cycle it.
How long should I wait for reboot? It's a 64 GB SD-card. I installed a few bits and firefox.
2 GB armbian image
15 min?
Would an LED shine during fsck?
It's all dark.
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<ManoftheSea> Hmm, I don't see the option to remove the "maintainer needed" from the board page.
<ManoftheSea> What is the sixth column: (yes|no|advertise)?
<ManoftheSea> I assume "adv" are the ones above the fold in the device page?
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<IgorPec> maintainer is fixed
<IgorPec> adv = which two will be exposed as main download.