cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
PC-98 Bot sur Twitter : "Tanjō Debut // NEC Avenue // PC-98 // #pc98 #NECAvenue… "
oh no
What? I'm never gonna miss an opportunity to shill Tanjou Debut
if I am reading the machine translation fo the reply correctly it sounds like youc an get her to stop crying by saying "it was a joke" which uh sure okay
Tanjou Debut is not an eroge
I understand why you might think so, seeing that that's like 99% of the PC-98 library :)
right <s>it would be NEC InterChannel if it was an eroge</s>
It's an idol simulation game (which predates (?) how shitty the idol industry actually is)
I would highly question "predates"
but I only go on my suspicion
anyway my "oh no" was purely at the crying
Anyways I've never actually played the game. I just like the OVA adaption, which is pretty infamous for being "just plain shoddy"
in the sense of that one blob comic
It's a bad 90s anime. Therefore I have affection for it :3
I still need to actually get into anime for real
I saw the first season of toonami which I have long forgotten by now and maybe a few assorted adult wim things
I have absolutely no idea how I keep winding up in these communities I am woefully unequipped for
alex norris that's the blob comic guy (I'll forget the name again in an hour or so)
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Foone: just out of curiosity is there anything you are expecting from the jwst? I've already completely fogotten just what its mission is
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not really! It's more just that it's the Hubble follow-up and it's been in development for my entire adult life (and then some) so I'd like to see it In Space Doing Astronomy
especially with the hubble on its last legs. for how much it's cost to not yet launch the JWST we could have launched another two hubbles
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coud we launch two hubbles for that price now? :/
no shuttles
it could almost fit in a Falcon Heavy but it's slightly too large
and it's not design to self-deploy. it expects to have astronauts on hand to put it together, and that's not something you can do with a Falcon Heavy
so if you redesigned it to be easy to deploy, you'd end up making it even bigger
they should really do two of the next one, it'll help with the 10x oversubscription problem
for a second i thought we were discussing DUAL SKELETON
hey if I can find a 12' skeleton for non-scalped prices I'm still gonna buy it
then we will have DUAL SKELETONS
don't talk to me or my dead son ever again