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<codeDude> Hi there
<codeDude> I have a question about the redis client
<adam12> codeDude: Sure, what is it?
<codeDude> I got redis client was updated time ago and now it check the arguments types just like the first answer here described https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74314906/heartbeat-unsupported-command-argument-type-falseclass-redis
<codeDude> I needed to change REDIS.mset(key, true) by REDIS.mset(key, "true") and it solved the issue
<codeDude> but my question is in the unit test in rspec I have REDIS.mset(key, true) but it doesn't have erros
<codeDude> Why?
<codeDude> I mean Why the error is reproduced in the ruby on rails app but not in the unit test?
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<adam12> codeDude: That's a good question. I am not sure. Is there any chance you've modified/monkey-patched `mset` to coerce arguments to strings?
<adam12> codeDude: ie. if you do `REDIS.method(:mset).source_location` in your app and in your spec, do they both return the same line+number?
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<codeDude> adam12: yep it returns the same line
<adam12> codeDude: How about `Gem.loaded_specs["redis"].version` at same location as call above? Shot in the dark.
<adam12> Also, is `REDIS` the same type of class instance. `p REDIS.class` from both callsites. Maybe `REDIS` in your tests is a mock of some sort.
<adam12> It really could be a million things.
<codeDude> I see what's the thing the unit test are using a mock_redis gem
<adam12> codeDude: That's likely it.
<adam12> Fake drifted too much from the real implementation.
<codeDude> thanks for the help!!!
<adam12> codeDude: Cheers.
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<[0x1eef_]> adam12: How much does an error reporter usually cost ? Does self-hosting work out cheaper even as you have to host all the machinary for it as well ?
<[0x1eef_]> My main worry would be scaling a solution like that. Probably not hard but it's not even a thought with something like rollbar,sentry,etc.
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<[0x1eef_]> I still approve of the idea. The world would be better with less reliance on SAAS.
<adam12> [0x1eef_]: I have an entire rack of servers so I've usually already expended the $. I wouldn't self-host Sentry because it's grown into a crazy complex system. I mentioned Jeremy having one, which I'd probably try to self-host first. https://github.com/jeremyevans/kaeruera
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<[0x1eef_]> I'd use that or something similar too. A rails engine or even application feels a bit too heavy for something like that.
<[0x1eef_]> Although, a Rails engine would have tight integration with Rails, and could avoid a web service.
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<[0x1eef_]> I have setup a local project for deploying rubygems, only because my local umask is unusual and it gets carried over when someone installs a new gem. I wish there was toggle / setting for that - where you could define permissions of what's installed.
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<[0x1eef_]> Not clear who should do it though. The packager or the person installing. Maybe the installer would be best.
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