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<adam12> O_O
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<ewoud> https://github.com/ruby/openssl/issues/709 was also some kind of "fun"
<adam12> ewoud: Nice detective work!
<adam12> I'm just cleaning up emails from b.r-l.org and I deleted 3 memory leak emails :O
<adam12> String.grapheme_clusters, one for Regexp, and one for IPSocket. Oof.
<ewoud> it's not like those classes are used often, so no worries ;)
<adam12> LOL. I think String.grapeheme_clusters is havenwood's favourite.
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<Al2O3> lol, A grapheme cluster is a collection of symbols that together represent an individual character that the user will see within a string on the screen.
<Al2O3> but a grapeheme cluster sounds like something left after using the restroom.
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<Guest99> hello
<Guest99> hello
<Guest99> Who can help me create a second constructor in C API?
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<havenwood> adam12: I do love `grapheme_clusters` but still want a `graphemes` alias. :) Yeah, merge it! https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/9414
<adam12> Heh
<Guest99> wow
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<havenwood> I think `chars` is overused and `grapheme_clusters` is underused, mostly because `chars` has been around much longer. I'd prefer defaults to be UTF-8 friendly. We have some oddness around `chars`, `size`, `codepoints`.
<havenwood> Guest99: Just curious, but what's a second constructor? Like overriding initialize?
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<Guest99> again: Who can help me create a second constructor in C API?
<Guest99> I need creating a 2 constructor in C
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<Guest99> I must using rb_obj_call_init() and allocate a object, but how?
<Guest99> Any working example?
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<havenwood> Guest99: See my question above? You're doing something like `rb_obj_alloc` followed by `rb_obj_call_init`? Normally on the Ruby side we'd have secondary constructors use `new` unless we need to `allocate` instead and do some parts of `new` manually, which is rare.
<Guest99> No I can see ;(
<Guest99> my library have 2 different way to create obkect
<Guest99> object
<Guest99> with 2 differend set of arguments
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<havenwood> Guest99: Just for future reference you can check messages you missed in the logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby/
<Guest99> I create my own alloc function ;)
<Guest99> question is how setup it with init constructor
<adam12> Guest99: Could you share some code?
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<ruby[bot]> Guest99: we in #ruby do not like pastebin.com, it loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting. Please use https://gist.github.com
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<adam12> Guest99: What's not working about it?
<adam12> Maybe you want rb_define_singleton_method
<Guest99> ooo.rb:5:in `<main>': undefined method `neww' for MuOWN:Class (NoMethodError)
<Guest99> e = MuOwn.neww
<Guest99> Did you mean? new
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<adam12> I wonder if that worked...
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<leftylink> damn. my irb crashes on an autocomplete in the middle of a long line. but, maybe it is just because my irb version is too old. if it is then it doesn't make sense for me to report it as a bug
<adam12> :\
<adam12> Upgrade!
<leftylink> would if I could.
<adam12> :)
<adam12> Is it a limitation to the project?
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<havenwood> leftylink: Add `irb` to your Gemfile.
<havenwood> You can use newer IRB without newer Ruby.
<leftylink> I don't have a Gemfile, but perhaps we can fix that, if I were to create a Gemfile, where should it go?
<havenwood> leftylink: Run `bundle init` from the root of the project directory.
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<leftylink> does this still apply if I'm just running irb not within the context of a project (e.g. just in my home dir) because I want to run some ruby code?
<havenwood> I like `bundle init --gemfile gems.rb` just since I slightly prefer the optional `gems.rb` to the yelling `Gemfile` default alias.
<havenwood> leftylink: Ahh, I misunderstood. Can you `gem update irb` or already on latest supported for your Ruby?
<havenwood> leftylink: You might consider updating RubyGems itself and all gems with `gem update --system` followed by `gem update`.
<havenwood> Default gems can be updated without updating Ruby, which is quite nice.
<havenwood> Latest stable IRB is: irb 1.11.0 (2023-12-19)
<leftylink> hmm so this is interesting. so now on irb 1.11.0, I do not have autocomplete at all. honestly I think I'll just leave it like that. I never got any use out of the autocomplete anyway. and no autocomplete means no chance of the crash (though of course now I won't be able to test whether the crash would happen)
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<havenwood> leftylink: A `irb_info` from within `irb` might give you some clues on the autocomplete issue.
<havenwood> An*
<havenwood> InputMethod: RelineInputMethod with Reline 0.4.2
<havenwood> Completion: Autocomplete, RegexpCompletor
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