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<adam12> I wonder how bad this CVE for YARD is.
<adam12> I'm not sure how I feel about regenerating documentation for 273,859 versions of gems. I was hoping to have switched to my own doc tool by now.
<[0x1eef]> What CVE
<[0x1eef]> Ah, an XSS issue.
<adam12> I dont remember even seeing frames.html used before. I wonder if it's an rdoc.info thing.
<[0x1eef]> It's not really a big deal.
<adam12> My only concern would be having the domain used for malware redirection of some sort.
<adam12> gemdocs.org/some-gem-path/frames.html#!http://some-malicious-site
<[0x1eef]> IMO at least. Most yard documentation is on public-facing websites. So session and hijacking and the like seems unlikely.
<adam12> It does look like it strips off the scheme possibly.
<adam12> and leading forward slashes.
<adam12> So maybe it's not too bad.
<[0x1eef]> I'd guess it's mostly a nuisance.
<adam12> Oh I see. It's allowing the `javascript:` protocol that can exist without a scheme.
<adam12> <a href="javascript:alert()"> style.
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<adam12> I wonder if this is going to bite me since it's not explicit there's a prepend here. https://gist.github.com/adam12/67bdefa21f7042a0730c4be9954c0e80
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<adam12> Maybe I'll rename the other `call` method and make it less "magical".
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<[0x1eef]> I've been using that pattern a lot lately.
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<adam12> [0x1eef]: prepend?
<adam12> Come to think of it, I have a bunch of times too. Mostly around the constructor because I'm sick and tired of things hijacking `initialize` when I want it.
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<[0x1eef]> Yep. Usually like middleware. One module intercepts the next, and filters on the args given.
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<JordiGH> What's the packaging story for Ruby gems? How do people manage the moral equivalent of package-lock.json from npm or `pip freeze > requirements.txt` from Python? Packaging an app with frozen version dependencies.
<JordiGH> Do I use rbenv for this? Is it like Python virtualenvs?
<JordiGH> Hm, I think bundler is more what I want?
<JordiGH> I guess rbenv is more nvm from Node.js.