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<leftylink> .... okay. it's just so sad that you have to put parens around puts hash
<leftylink> pandabot: rb puts {1=>2}
<pandabot> - 1 more lines - stderr: -e:2: warning: One-line pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future vers ... 13 more chars - https://carc.in/#/r/gekg
<leftylink> pandabot: rb puts({1=>2})
<pandabot> {1=>2} - 1 more lines - https://carc.in/#/r/gekh
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<henk> adam12: forgot yesterday: thanks for responding (:
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<adam12> henk: no worries :)
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<adam12> [0x1eef_]: Nice.
<adam12> Still always surprised to see .bundle committed, but I guess there's no great way to provide a local override for those values.
<adam12> I'd almost maybe set them globally.
<henk> what’s best practice for configuration files for ruby software? yaml, json, ini, …? is there some library that combines config files and command line options properly?
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<adam12> henk: Lots of different options. I used tty-config on a CLI tool I wrote recently and it was nice.
<adam12> YAML is a subset of JSON so could support both without much issue.
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<henk> mhm, sounds nice. but is not in debian yet …
<henk> I guess I should keep it simple for now and just read some yaml … I can still change it later
<adam12> henk: Shouldn't need it to be in debian.. but I guess it depends on how you're using Ruby.
<adam12> I'd start with just YAML.
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<henk> adam12: I couldn’t be arsed yet to deal with any other package managers than the system one, i.e. apt. or maybe better: everytime I had to deal with other package managers I hated it. also I don’t really remember to also update the installed packages from them and that’s not good, I guess …
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<[0x1eef_]> adam12: I usually commit .bundle/ so that 'bundle install' won't try to install somewhere where there isn't write permissions.
<[0x1eef_]> The obvious downside is that you wouldn't share gems between different projects.
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