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<ih8u> adam12, ox1eef_: thank you, the :multi_public plugin turned out to be the perfect tool for that job
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<Vetheon> If anyone is familiar with Sinatra, I'm trying to pass a set of data fetched from a DB from the backend to the JS on the frontend to draw a chart with it. I'm getting the right response out of everything until I'm trying to actually use the data. When logging to the browser console, it shows the data is null, but when looking at the response in the Network tab, it shows that it's properly returning the
<Vetheon> data. Any ideas? Let me know what code/logs you need to see and I'll pastebin them up for you
<ox1eef_> Vetheon: Do you obtain the data with window.fetch ? Is it JSON ? Do you: fetch(...).then((res) => res.json()) ?
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<Vetheon> so, the Sinatra backend fetches the data from the database: (main.rb) https://pastebin.com/f4xJHCRH Then it should get passed to the ERB template partial: (_overall_network_status.erb) https://pastebin.com/giQ1NqFk which is where the JS should get it, and where the problem is [I think?]: (overall_network_status.js): https://pastebin.com/qB8qQn96
<ruby[bot]> Vetheon: we in #ruby do not like pastebin.com, it loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting. Please use https://gist.github.com
<Vetheon> Well sorry bot, I don't trust Github and don't know a better pastebin.
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<Vetheon> If pastebin is really that bad, I've found a better place for it: (overall_network_status.js) https://snippet.host/pryteg (_overall_network_status.erb) https://snippet.host/eotqme and (main.rb) https://snippet.host/mtypcb
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<ox1eef_> Are you sure the JSON is in the format: {'data' => ...} ? It seems that key does not exist.
<Vetheon> I mean, it potentially doesn't I suppose. I guess in the database it doesn't have a key like that, so in the converted object it wouldn't either
<Vetheon> If that's really the problem, I'm gonna fricken break my own toe off man
<ox1eef_> I would guess that might be it.
<Vetheon> Alright, here's my potential fix: https://snippet.host/uazpjr
<Vetheon> Testy test time
<Vetheon> Ok, so I'm still running into the same issue. It's strange, the Sinatra logs prove the object exists, and is now formatted properly. However, in the browser console it says: Current Status Data: null overall_network_status.js:4:13Historical Status Data: null overall_network_status.js:5:13
<Vetheon> Which means the JS still isn't getting the data
<ox1eef_> Log the then after res.json(), eg: console.log(currentStatus)
<ox1eef_> And, don't forget to update the JSON route. You have upodated HTML AFAICT.
<Vetheon> Oh yeah, I'm just silly, the JSON object still isn't formatted properly: https://snippet.host/ujeguo
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<ox1eef_> {'data' => result} should do it.
<Vetheon> So, the JSON object is formatted properly now. Here's a breakdown: https://snippet.host/uqqxqo
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<Vetheon> The overall problem here is that the JS isn't getting the data, which means my charts aren't drawing. It was working fine before I tried to implement an auto-refresh mechanism so you don't need to refresh the page to get new data
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<ox1eef_> So you throw an error, which means the data key is still not right ? I think you want to update DataFetcher class, so that you return {'data' => result}.
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<Vetheon> mkay let me try that
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<Vetheon> Alright, here's my implementation of the fix: https://snippet.host/tjgokb
<Vetheon> Testing now
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<Vetheon> Results including Browser and Sinatra logs: https://snippet.host/pkzegr
<Vetheon> Still the same issue
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<Vetheon> I've been banging my head against this issue for like 3 hours. I have no idea what's going on
<ox1eef_> Can you check the network tab, and see what the response body is?
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<Vetheon> This is the response body from the network tab: https://snippet.host/tuqarq
<ox1eef_> So that looks right. Try to remove the guard that throws an error. You can also add: console.log(currentStatus).
<ox1eef_> Under this line is the best place to debug: const currentStatus = responseData.data; ... or before it.
<Vetheon> Yep, just ran the test. Putting the results in a paste. One sec
<Vetheon> Results: https://snippet.host/corxii
<ox1eef_> When the array is empty, return early rather than throw. Now I question whether it is the change you made to the HTML view which is the problem. That worked before, right ? But indeed, it seems one problem is solved, and now there is a different one.
<Vetheon> Yeah, everything worked properly before. Basically, it was all working, and pulling from the database properly. Then I changed to refresh the data on a cycle without the user needing to refresh the page manually. Which means AJAX nonsense. Which is when everything broke.
<Vetheon> This is the partial where the charts are loaded from: https://snippet.host/eotqme and this is layout.erb file: https://snippet.host/unftbb
<ox1eef_> Sorry. Have to go AFK for a bit. Back in 20m or less.
<Vetheon> No problem, I'll be here still trying to solve the issue lol
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<adam12> Vetheon: What happens if you use `<%==` instead of `<%=`?
<adam12> (inside your `<script>` tag)
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<Vetheon> No idea if my prev messages sent or not... but in synopsis. Tried to use <%== instead of <%=, no change. Starting to consider just making a external API for it
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<Vetheon> Well, time to reboot. Kernel updates yayyyy
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<weaksauc_> seems like it could be some kind of rendering an empty array based on the second array object being spit out
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