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<cnsvc> ruby upgrade is nothing comparing to rails upgrade
<cnsvc> i read Shopify announced the upgrade to Ruby 3.3.0 in less than 24 hours after the official release
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<noahmg123> Fascinating
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<noahmg123> Also figured out from leadership that some intern made some db changes outside Rails so now our migrations files are just f-ed unless we run them against our already-existing dev server.
<weaksauce> noahmg123 generally migrations should be temporary
<weaksauce> and not the source of truth for your db
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<noahmg123> weaksauce: that's fair. Maybe we actually don't need all these migration files that are committed in our repo
<weaksauce> their purpose is to move the db from one state to the next and to reflect that in production
<weaksauce> and get everyone in dev to the next db state
<noahmg123> Yeah makes sense. I'm honestly not sure why we're keeping them around.
<weaksauce> you can always put them into a folder
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<noahmg123> Yeah, we do
<noahmg123> It's just that our internal documentation says to run `db:migrate`
<weaksauce> now the "made changes to the db" part is problematic
<weaksauce> because the migrations mold the schema
<noahmg123> Yeah
<noahmg123> Ok so maybe I'm a tad mistaken here
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<noahmg123> If I run `db:schema:load`, it works well except for some small things.
<weaksauce> i'm guessing there isn't a robust test suite?
<weaksauce> is there a seed file?
<weaksauce> you might need seeds if they use that for immutable things
<mange> We had an issue like that in our system, but we just dumped the live schema to schema.rb and noted "you need to create the database with db:schema:load or db:reset", and moved on.
<noahmg123> If I then run `db:migrate` it starts reading from the earliest migration file and complains that the thanks already exists.
<noahmg123> table*
<weaksauce> well yeah
<weaksauce> it's more of a one or the other thing
<noahmg123> Yeah
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<noahmg123> Well we have a lot of old migration files. But some were deleted and some expect tables to exist that were created outside this process
<weaksauce> the problem you run into is when the migrations do non-trival db operations
<cnsvc> i guess that's a 5-years-old migration folder
<weaksauce> yeah
<noahmg123> cnsvc: only a few years old tbh
<noahmg123> It's just not in sync with `schema.rb` because some intern fucked up a year or so ago
<noahmg123> And now we just point `database.yml` to a known working dev server and tell people not to run against a local server.
<weaksauce> lol wat
<weaksauce> dysfunctional af
<mange> That's wild.
<noahmg123> Yep
<cnsvc> i'll fix it whenever see this to avoid tech debt
<weaksauce> no wonder it's poorly documented
<weaksauce> how are they doing migrations in development?
<weaksauce> it's just yolo
<noahmg123> Not sure
<noahmg123> Although, how does db:migrate work? Does it run every migration file it sees? Or does it know which ones you already ran?
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<weaksauce> there's a field in the db that says "this is the last migration run"
<noahmg123> I see
<weaksauce> and it's a timestamp that corresponds to the filename
<noahmg123> So that's probably why the dev server is working
<weaksauce> so wild
<weaksauce> it's trivial to do local dbs
<noahmg123> Yes
<noahmg123> Except when an intern wants to make non-trivial db changes outside the migration files
<weaksauce> yeah they shouldn't allow that
<noahmg123> They didn't
<noahmg123> It got done anyway
<noahmg123> At least that's the story I hear
<weaksauce> i'd dump the dev db and use it locally and run migrations that get checked into git
<weaksauce> or periodically dump the dev db
<weaksauce> dump == backup and restore locally
<noahmg123> Would be interesting. Still fucky though.
<cnsvc> Nobody cares the setup until new engineer comes and oops :(
<noahmg123> cnsvc: tell me about it
<noahmg123> I literally spent half my day today documenting the setup procedure for all the tooling
<noahmg123> For a project I just got added on this week
<noahmg123> And this is my first Ruby project
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<cnsvc> migrations are against the recent changes of files. sometimes dev/prod don't see the issues until a new setup involves and run it from the beginning.
<weaksauce> noahmg123 that's actually warp speed at most places
<weaksauce> you're faster than most
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<noahmg123> weaksauce: yeah, that's honestly the issue I've found in my career. I want to clean up tech debt but most people want to just trudge along.
<noahmg123> well that's one thing
<noahmg123> the other is my work speed
<cnsvc> a common issue i have seen is that people like to write rails code in migration file. they directly call `User.create!(...` and then after a few months User is becoming Moderator
<weaksauce> yeah
<cnsvc> the testing env can't see the problems because it loads from schema
<weaksauce> should not be done in a migration but more a "bootstrap" or the like file
<noahmg123> I've often found myself waiting on coworkers for code approvals and stuff. Granted, some of those people are far more busy than me. But more often than not I've found that I'm apparently the one with the most free time.
<weaksauce> seeds maybe
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<[0x1eef_]> noahmg123: You could dump the schema from the server with the "good" database. Then delete all the current migrations, and start over from there.
<noahmg123> [0x1eef_]: part of what I was wanting to do was to get something good for people to onboard with if we got new devs. That might actually work but I would need to ok it with management and everything. I think we've been leaning way too much on `db:migrate`.
<Al2O3> ruby doobie doo
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<[0x1eef_]> I agree with weaksauce. Migrations are hard to keep running over time. They usually apply a schema change. 'rake db:seeds' is a better place to bootstrap. Starting over sounds like it would help.
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<rapha> y'all!
<rapha> i just found the absolutely best gem of the year
<rapha> * starry eyes *
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<adam12> rapha: nea
<adam12> neat
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<adam12> rapha: I just noticed that irb ships with colouring too. So you can have one less dependency if you're keen on that.
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<rapha> adam12: Thanks for the link, that will come in handy at some point. I was indeed looking for something that can make use of modern terminals and also doesn't monkey patch things / mess with Core extensions.
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<[0x1eef_]> Paint is a nice gem. It doesn't have any runtime dependencies AFAIK.
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<noahmg123> Is there a way to use class inheritance inside a module? Or is there another pattern I should use?
<[0x1eef_]> A module can inherit from other module(s).
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<noahmg123> I'm more talking about having two classes inside a module, with one inheriting from the other.
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<noahmg123> I think it should work. I probably just have the wrong syntax.
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<[0x1eef_]> That's possible. The load order is important though. The superclass must be declared before the subclass.
<noahmg123> Yeah I was just using instance variables incorrectly
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