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<vvn> hi there -- is a Gemfile and committing a Gemfile.lock in a project still a recommended way to share exact dependencies?
<ewoud> depends - are you packaging an application or a gem?
<vvn> actually I was looking at a version locking mechanism from a different non-ruby project, and I recall the Gemfile.lock mechanism from Ruby. I was wondering if that was still a good practice to reproduce, or if best practices change
<vvn> changed*
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<adam12> vvn: It's still best practice.
<caleb> yup, we still commit the Gemfile and Gemfile.lock for apps
<vvn> thanks guys
<vvn> so what's the subtlety in terms of dependency locking for an app vs a gem if I may ask?
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<ewoud> I think gems (libraries) should have wider allowed versions and a single Gemfile.lock doesn't typically reflect how consumers of your library may use it
<vvn> I guess one wants to be less restrictive for a gem (allowing minor bumps)?
<vvn> got it, it makes sense
<ewoud> there's https://github.com/thoughtbot/appraisal which can also be useful for applications, like testing both with Rails X and Rails Y when you're upgrading
<ewoud> where production may run with version X but you want CI to also test version Y
<vvn> I see
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<adam12> vvn: The original best practice was _not_ commiting the Gemfile.lock for gems, because it might hide bugs as the Gemfile.lock specifies the local dev dependency too.
<adam12> vvn: This has been reverted lately, where it's recommended to commit the Gemfile.lock, but delete it during the CI run. New developers can get up to speed with a working set of dependencies and CI can watch for breaking changes in upstream dependencies.
<adam12> I'm mixed on both approaches, and flip flop between them. There are projects that don't even use bundler (sequel, roda are two examples) so you can live without it if you're familiar enough with ruby. For sequel & roda, it involves `gem install --development <gem_name>` which is probably not something that most Rubyists have ever ran in their life
<adam12> :)
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<vvn> adam12: removing it in the CI only makes sense if the purpose of the CI is actually to do CD and anticipate upstream breaks
<vvn> but I get your point
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<Guest30> Hello, we are facing an unexpected issue using PTY.spawn on Mac. I don't manage to repro on Linux. Before I create an issue I wondered if someone wanted to have a look at the code in case I missed something obvious.
<Guest30> The code is here https://github.com/lacostej/cienvs/blob/main/test_pty.rb, in particular lines 4 to 23 for the Pty code itself.
<Guest30> to summarize, running PTY.spawn("echo foo"), I sometimes capture empty output. This happens rarely (once per thousand or less). But if I use the stress program in the background, this happens a lot (a few percents). Is this expected?
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<Guest30> I've reported the issue as https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/20206 Hopefully, the error is on my side. Thanks
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