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<[0x1eef_]> adam12: The file doesn't have to stay on disk to be able to use it, unlinking reserves access to the current process and its children processes. You can even set permissions so that even if the file exists on disk, only the current process could access it (via its FD). Rack does that: https://github.com/rack/rack/blob/main/lib/rack/rewindable_input.rb#L79-L85
<[0x1eef_]> weaksauce: Unles you use the block form I think unlinking and closing is up to you, but there's probably finalizers in place regardless.
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<adam12> [0x1eef_]: Interesting approach.
<adam12> [0x1eef_]: In that rack file you linked, I don't even see a call to unlink, but it mentions it a bunch of times.
<adam12> Deleted in 2015.
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<adam12> 1 while <expr>
<adam12> Does anybody know the backstory on something like that? I don't remember seeing it, ever. https://github.com/ruby/rdoc/blob/06137bde8ccc48cd502bc28178bcd8f2dfe37624/lib/rdoc/markup/attribute_manager.rb#L211
<adam12> A poor mans infinite loop?
<adam12> That must be it. At least in these cases, I think it's recursively parsing the same expression over and over until it returns nil. The 1 is just the placeholder.
<adam12> Maybe I have seen it. I generally try to avoid infinite loops and prefer a bounded loop, but it's a very interesting technique. Reminds me of while(1)
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<weaksauce> 2008
<adam12> I think it predates that file tho.
<weaksauce> yeah true
<adam12> Some of those regular expressions in rdoc are the thing of nightmares.
<weaksauce> imported from some other rcs
<adam12> Oh, nice find.
<weaksauce> 2003
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<adam12> Not really much to it at that import.
<adam12> Except for that Ruby parser. Fun.
<weaksauce> was it a way to return 1 instead of the regex result i wonder?
<adam12> A standin for `loop; break unless re.gsub! { }; end`, I think.
<adam12> Keep gsubbing until you can't no more. gsub! returns `nil` when it doesn't match anything.
<adam12> I'd probably do something like `500.times do; break unless re.gsub! {}; end` so there's no chance that it will _never_ finish.
<adam12> bbl
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<weaksauce> ah nevermind i was thinking the block was being used by the while but it's passed to the gsub
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<[0x1eef_]> adam12: Yeah me neither. It sets @unlinked but that's about it. I don't see where the unlink happens.
<[0x1eef_]> Ah I see now. The unlink happens when Tempfile#close! is called (ref'ed by @rewindable_io). https://github.com/ruby/tempfile/blob/master/lib/tempfile.rb#L203-L218
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<adam12> [0x1eef_]: That's an interesting find. I figured it called `unlink` eventually, but I guess over the years the comments haven't kept up to the implementation :P
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<[0x1eef_]> Yeah. It's done in a very subtle way.
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<caleb> this guy had perfect timing, as I was in the middle of writing a rollbar compatible sinatra app to catch my errors because I'm cheap
<caleb> ran into a couple issues but he's already working on fixing them
<weaksauce> that's neat
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<[0x1eef_]> I think there's a few solutions out there like that. At least heard of other, maybe it was based on Airbrake.
<[0x1eef_]> of one other*
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<adam12> caleb: I feel like Jeremy has one too, if you feel like looking.
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<adam12> I usually send to Sentry out of lazyness but I should really just self-host.
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