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<Guest28> Hello, how to manage two monitors in river wm>
<Guest28> ?
<Guest28> How can I switch between two monitors?
<TheAnachron> Move your head to it and keep your eyes in sync.
<TheAnachron> In all seriousness, riverctl gives you functions you can map, like focus-output next|previous etc. Read about it (man riverctl)
<TheAnachron> Or you can just read about it online here:
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<Guest28> It is better if someone can send an example of config for this stuff
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<Guest65> I see that is is possible to set preferences for monitors, at least in lua config
<Guest65> local outputs = {
<Guest65> -- Laptop screen, mode: 1920x1080, scale: 1
<Guest65>   ['eDP-1'] = {
<Guest65>     mode = '1920x1080',
<Guest65>     pos = '0,0',
<Guest65>     transform = 'normal',
<Guest65>     scale = '1.000000',
<Guest65>     preferred = true,
<Guest65>   },
<Guest65> -- External monitor, mode: 1920x1080, position: right of laptop, scale: 1.5
<Guest65>   ['HDMI-A-1'] = {
<Guest65>     mode = '1920x1080',
<Guest65>     pos = '1920,0',
<Guest65>     transform = 'normal',
<Guest65>     scale = '1.500000',
<Guest65>     preferred = true,
<Guest65>   },
<Guest65> }
<Guest65> How to achieve the same in shell config?
<gbrlsnchs> where did you get that Lua config from? 😅
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