not having integration between foreign-toplevel-control and tags was a bit of a missed opportunity, we could have bars changing tag names based on the windows on that tag
Heh, that's true. but then again, river is all about "We include what we use" and not "lets build everything and see what is used".
You're always smarter in the aftergame
don't think i have heard about a WM change name on tag/workspaces based on what's in them
I know there are sway scripts that do so
if you work "dynamically", meaning instead of heaving pre-defined tags for specific windows you just open what you need wherever you are, it's very useful
that's almost window focus rather than tag focus
was attempting to setup yazi in wezterm as a floating tag of it's own, but there was some issue with "wezterm start --class" seemingly not setting an app-id
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how can I set the river output?
i want to duplicate my output eDP-1 to output DP-2
output configration is kanshi or wlr-randr, however that doesn't cover duplication
most people use wl-mirror for duplicating screens
oh thanks a lot
(also note that if you are trying to duplicate the screen for a presentation, good presenting software (libreoffice, pdfpc) can actually make use of multiple outputs to f.e. show notes or an overview over all slides, which is infintely more useful than merely duplicating the screen)
sadly my laptop's display broke
then, instead of duplicating it, why not simply disable it?
uhm i tried, but then yambar is not drawn on the other display
maybe because i need to reboot after disabling it?
sounds like a yambr configuration issue, you shouldn't need to reboot after changing output configuration
rebooting after output changes is so 90s
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Hi! I'm currently trying to limit the Wacom tablet to only one monitor (DP-1). libinput lists both pad and pen, i probably only need to limit the pad. Is there way to do this with riverctl? If not can you redirect me? Thanks.
WeirdPenguin: in the riverctl man page search for "map-to-output"
leon-p Thank you, I will look into it right away.
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I added this to init /// riverctl input "Wacom Intuos S 2 Pad" map-to-output DP-1 /// for both pad and pen. however nothing changed when i relogin. Did I use it correctly? That's the name libinput gave me but I don't know if I should use a more technical name.
WeirdPenguin: try the name from `riverctl list-inputs`
The_Buhs Didn't know riverctl can also list inputs. Let me try.
riverctl can do a lot of things, I recommend reading the man page
serious effort went into writing the documentation and reading it should always be the first step when you encounter an issue / a question
The_Buhs It only lists the pen as this /// tablet-1386-827-Wacom_Intuos_S_2_Pen /// Adding it like that worked. Thank you.
leon-p I really appreciate the efforts. Though sometimes I feel overwhelmed and need examples. Thank you for the help.