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is there a layout manager that can add windows to the "end" of the stack? I would rather new windows are smaller and the main window stays the same, instead of new windows taking over the "main" area and older ones getting pushed down.
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elagost: you can use `riverctl default-attach-mode bottom` for this
novakane: seeing you online, do you plan on working again on zelbar or is it "finished" currently?
TheAnachron: I don't have any plan for zelbar right now, because I don't have the time and with the future plan of river I need to think what I'll do about it
do you miss anything in it?
novakane: what do you mean "What I'll do about it"? Can't you just leave it as it is and create another tool that passes whatever new ideas you have to it?
indeed but it means maintaining it with new zig version and all, so I need to see if I add it to my windows manager or just let it like that
novakane: Actually zelbar is quite stable. It however did crash once or twice. Also the clickable areas are not always enough for me, since the fields are dynamic.
yeah? I never had a crash, you should send some log when you have one
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the clickable area depends of the size of the text, what would you need other than that ?
maybe it's my fault though? What's RC=143? :D
novakane: just more clickable fields. I basically have my bar set up to only display the icon and if I click on it it sends me a notification with the value.
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but like wider clickable area?
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novakane: default-attach-mode bottom is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much!
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