@leon-p: I tried to use antares from luajit using its ffi. It doesn't work yet but I feel it cloose
(given that I only experimented with it for like, 2 hours...)
My roadblock until now: calling `antares_run` returns 2 (so missing an interface). Printing the error string (`context.error_info.str`) returns `river_window_manager_v1`
szgy: rivers window manager protocol only exists in the rwm branch
it will not work with any river release or rivers git master
ooh, I thought that with the xml and the generated {c,h,o} file on the protocol folder was enough!
nope, the server has to implement a protocol as well for it do work
heh, makes sense.
also, don't access context.error_info.str directly. struct fields are considered private and not stable, use the provided function to get the error info string
not that anything in the library is stable right now anyway
I used that 'cause the function mentioned in the comments didn't existed (probably because I didn't git pull maybe?)
so, to test this I should: 1. compile river on the wm branch, run it and somehow run antares inside?
`export WAYLAND_DISPLY=wayland-X` is your friend, where X is whatever number the rwm river uses
note that you can run that build of river nested inside your regular one, which makes testing a lot easer
oh, so like. If to processes share the same `WAYLAND_DISPLAY` they would be talking to the same server??
the function does exist btw, I just forgot to put it into the header file.
(oh, cool!)
WAYLAND_DISPLAY basically just tells the client what socket to connect to
ohh thats handy
note that the rwm branch is also still in development, so don't expect perfection, all very mushc still work in prograss
nnaah, of course not! I've been following development and interested on creating a lua compositor on top on river. Just sloowly getting accustomed to all the wayland protocols stuff...
also I haven't exposed all events / requests yet in antares, so it can't do a lot yet
e.g., For me, reading the protocol files gets hard pretty soon; and more so translating that to an api in my head. So, yesterday I experimented with creating luadoc type annotations from an xml. That way I wouldn't have to parse c code with my mind and rely on autocomplete
yeah, its just to get a hang of it (also, never used luajit ffi before, so also learning that...)
the XML is usually easer to read than the generated .c .h files
szgy: let me know how the lua FFI thing goes. antares is designed to be easy to bind in high-level languages, but so far I have only actually done so from guile
guiles FFI is pretty weak, which caused me to not have any structs in the API
at a glance, the limitation seems to be that luajit doesn't admit preprocessor macros. So I had to edit `antares.h` to delete the `#ifndef`, etc from the top
ah. Guiles FFI doesn't parse any header files at all, so I just hardcoded all functions signatures
and I kinda expected most language bindings to do the same
I have a very lovely scheme macro for binding a C function, makes it quite simple
you hardcoded in guile directly, right?
meaning I call (foreign-library-function antares "antares_run" #:arg-types (list '*)) and bind the result to a local function inside a proper scheme function
right, so you type the function from scheme, makes a lot of sense
yeah, I had to do this weird thing were I copied the header to a new one and remove the macros. Wondering if removing `#include` calls would give me issues...
e.g. I had some error loading the header that I pinpoint to references to `wl_list`, which is defined in `wayland-util.h`. So I basically copied over the definition struct to the header
I see
and there are a bunch of references to wl_* stuff (like `wl_display`), no idea why `wl_list` was the one that cause the failure...
for language bindings it's likely best to treat pointers to antares_context/window/output/seat as opaque (maybe even as void*)
don't know the meaning of that (treating them as opaque)
is it like "blindly knowing whats inside" ? ?
It's "I have a pointer to an object, but I have no idea what that object is or what is inside of it"
mh. That means that I e.g. I could treat the `antares_window` members as void* without worrying about its types? (so, I shouldn't care about what a `river_window_v1` is, only knowing what it exposes?)
mmm, maybe I'm not explaining myself right...
you never have an antares_window struct, you only ever have a pointer to that. as such you don't need to know it's size, which in turn means you don't need to know what's inside
looking at the luajit FFI docs right now, you can probably use ffi.cdef and copy all functions you wish to use into that string, changing pointert to be void*
depending on how advanced that parser is, you can probably also give it `struct antares_window;` and since all later references to that are a pointer, it should not complain
mh. at least at a glance that doesn't work (tried it with `wl_list`, just adding `struct wl_list;` to the header...)
🤷 not a lua expert; I just know how the FFIs of scheme, julia and python work
well, e.g. `wl_list` is not used as a pointer (I think?). e.g. `link` is a member of `antares_output` of type `wl_list`; but its not a pointer its a value
If I change every appearance of `wl_list` to being a pointer it compiles the code, buuut, that couldn't be right
yeah, no problem, this is just me not knowing C :P ...
no, but you could remove the entire antarea_output struct, replace it simply with `struct antares_output;`
same for antares_window and antares_context
poof no more magic wayland types
and those antares_* struct are only ever accessed by pointer
mHh. I've just tried that and it didn't work... e.g. defined `antares_context` only as `struct antares_context`. And if I tried to access some member from lua (e.g. `context.run_status`) it fails...
of course, because you are not supposed to access members :)
check the guile bindings, no members accessed anywhere, it just calls functions
you should treat all of antares's structs as block boxes; if you care about what's inside, you're doing something wrong
jajaj OHHHH
looking at `guile/antares.scm` the functions you talk about are the hooks passed to the `get_context` and like `antares_run`, `antares_connect`, etc, right?
not much more, right?
the hooks are a concept of the binding, the C library doesn't know anything about them. They get called from the callback function pointers passed to get_context
right. I think I'll get more a hang of it once I get it _actually_ running. But for now, thanks! don't want to bother you anymore with this :)
it's no bother, don't worry :)
it helped to know that I don't actually need to have a header matching everything, just the minimal stuff that I want/need to call. As to what it is, TBD
call antares_get_context() with function pointers to your event handlers (this is the one ugly part of the library), call antares_connect(), then antares_run()
if an event happens, the event handler you put into antares_get_context() will be called
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and e.g. If I want the client to create a window? I would be able to do that from the handler to `new_output` e.g.?
it can't do that yet
HEH, OK! getting ahead of myself
also I am not sure why you'd want the window management library to create a window; It's more meant to handle other programs windows
but _the idea_ is to handle everything from those hooks you set up when calling `antares_get_context`, right?
(or maybe this idea will change in the future...)
basically yes
allrighty theen
is it your plan to add other dynamic language bindings to the antares repo? (I can try it with lua, if you're interested in it)
yes, once the C library is in a good shape and I am done with the guile library
I was planning on adding julia and python
and re-implement the same reference window manager in all languages which have bindings
that's pretty cool
ifreund: see recent commit, it should now work without needing to do anything with the paths
(if you stay in the repo root when calling it, library lookup is messy)
szgy: you probably also want to read the protocol itself, since antares will only be a thin wrapper around that
the only thing I plan on abstracting heavily is creating desktop widgets
(I hope y'all like sceumorphic designs, bezel borders and the looks'n'feels of window maker and CDE, no flat or round things to be seen anywhere)
yeah, I'm mostly using the protocol as a reference and also to try to generate luadoc type hints to ease writing the wm itself
anyway, I need sleep now; I'll be back tomorrow if you have more questions o7
probably gonna nag you soon heh! have a good night sleep! (I should also get away from the computer now and get smth to eat?)
mh, just tried building river on the `rwm` branch, run `./zig-out/bin/river` with WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-T and got an error that it can't connect to a display...
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I'm sorry -> `WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-2` I meant to write...
with setting WAYLAND_DISPLAY to a different value and running river on the rwm I won't run. If I set WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-1 (so, the original value, where stable river is hooking up to), river on the rwm branch runs
buut, when I try to run the client using lua I get the same status error (so, no `river_window_manager_v1` supported...)
nevermind. It seem that I should set WAYLAND_DISPLAY to be `wayland-1`. If I run river on the wm branch and then the lua script it works (but I can't call the lua script multipletimes, only once)
some `sync` event was produced, and If I resized the window that contains the rwm I would get some `output`, `output dimensions` and `output position` events, pretty neat!
Well, I got a bunch of stuff working (can log window dimensions an initial position), this is where I'll mantain my fork for now -> https://git.sr.ht/~szgy/antares
(if someone is curious...)
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szgy: WAYLAND_DISPLAY is defined by the wayland server (river) and read by clients to connect to the server
that is to say, you should leave it alone when running river and set it to the appropriate value when running client you wish to connect to river
leon-p: nice, works for me :) I now only need to patch -I/usr/local/include and -L/usr/local/lib into the makefile as I'm on my FreeBSD machine currently
doing make CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include seems to completely override the value defined in the Makefile despite the +=...
* ifreund
is not a makefile enjoyer
probably one needs to do CFLANGS=$(CFLAGS) + ... or something
leon-p: anyhow, definitely let me know if there are specific rwm features that are blocking your progress
I plan to work on keybindings next
but there are a ton of more minor features that probably wouldn't take long to implement if needed
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my major progress blocker right now is on my end: I need to define wrappers and callbacks for all requests and events before I can do actually anything initeresting
although I noticed that on startup I don't get a new-output event and windows which exist before the wm also don't get advertised immediately. only after launching another foot instance does the output and the early window get advertised.
and initial output dimensions are wrong (0,0) unti I resize the river window
szgy: you should only capp antares_error_info_str() after the missing interface error, otherwise it is undefined. The header file should tell you when you are allowed to call it. It also asserts it anyway.
ifreund: can't you add /usr/local/include to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and C_INCLUDE_PATH ? I think that is more canonical for system paths than using -L / -I
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since you can configure river with any language, has anyone actually done it with languages like lua (trying atm) or python? even C seems probable
I have seen both lua and C in the wild
and now I have to debug my first "illegal instruction (core dumped)", that will be fun...
sewn: I use lua to configure river (used to use fennel, which is a _sort-of_ lisp that compiles to lua)
decided today to keep the last ~5 closed windows / removed outputs around so that antares can raise an invalid object error rather than core-dump, which would have saved me an hour today
I wouldn't be that paranoid in a self-contained project, but since the entire goal here is to encourage experimentation, some QoL is a good idea I think
also kinda hard sometimes to figure out whether antares segfaults are indirectly caused by river segfaults 🐈⬛
I'm stealing thx
don't get too excited over configuring river, 1100 get's closer every day which will throw out all the old configs :)
heheh! at that point you will be able to use lua to configure it but without doing weird shelling out and just calling functions from a module :)
leon-p: feel free to ping me with a antares commit that reproduces a river crash whenever :)
the crashes aren't deterministic :/
oh that's no fun :/
sometimes it's opening / closing foot a lot, sometimes it's resizing the river window...
well I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I have some races in my relatively untested complex async state machine
fair :)
fwiw at least the illegal instruction error went away after getting rid of another core-dump, so it probably just was guiles stack unwinding not playing well with the FFI code gen and whatever unholy dark magic libffi does in libwayland
ifreund: would rivers crash logs help you? I can collect a few
leon-p: seeing all the handlers you added, I'm guessing passing all of them (in a specific order) is going to be the less _ergonomic_ part of antares
yes, as I said that's the one ugly bit of the library
and why language bindings should be part of the library
right. have you thought of passing them as structs of function pointers? (so like, a struct for all `output` handlers, another with `window` handlers, etc.)?
I would of course prefer to wrap all the handlers in a struct, but I don't think guiles FFI can do that 🤷
ohh, you beat me to it...
I'll re-visit that again later I think, but the documentation of guiles FFI is outdated and full of things which are now actually discouraged, so I need to read the source everytime I want to know something
I see you mentioned river crashing when spawning foot, are you spawning it inside? and if so, how?
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just as I launch antares: from a terminal by setting WAYLAND_DISPLAY
ooh, right, cool
leon-p: I can no longer make river crash by resizing the window while antares is running
antares does crash though
river will also send an update immediately when the window manager global is bound now
let's find out what valgrind thinks about that crash
river commit 0b071f4ef122, antares commit 93ff7cd46
anyhow, I will need a stack trace or be able to reproduce the crash myself in order to be able to do anything about it, please do share if you get more info!
kinda weird, heap corruption is not exactly a common issue
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huh, so xfdesktop now works with river, which means you could now have desktop icons (no idea why you would want to though) and a wallpaper cycling through a directory (this is neat)
in theory the panel also works, but without foreign toplevel activation support and without that over engineered workspace protocol it's not very useful I think