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<space_shot> ok i kinda would rather go whith riskv no lisenceing fees dont matter so much at this stage but if i make a viable product id rather use free archtecture that and i kinda would rather expand the open source code base then arm
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<space_shot> now that was just why i wanna use riscv but i kinda want board recmends and weather i should be thinking single unit or im leaning towrds master and few slaves basicly i want to make a hands off as much as possible controled enviorment for variouse types of mushroom cultivationim thinking one slave controls the temp humidty reads those sencors one for color detection and lights that would also need to move a camra around this is to detect
<space_shot> contamination and inoculation levels then the master /messenger that kinda feeds info to both usr remotly and stores all dadta in a database for later
<space_shot> analises so if color detecht finds a od spot imediate notify threw texr push web update water quality and co2 levels are some other sensors i may want to include later but bare nessesity first this is really my first embeded project if ya gonna fly start off on the tallest tower ya can find na should be prty simple
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<space_shot> but my mind cant help but say for both cost to value and modular system basicly easyer to expand if i use multible smaller boards cus lik 2-4 humidity sensors and relay for heat and another for humidty sends report to master /timer whitch is also the remote conection sending all data to db and alerts errors ect to usr then another slave to handle basicly color detection and it or its optic sensors travel both the slave boards could be given a
<space_shot> good amount of prosses time like humidity temp check every 15 min would be way better then anyone is gonnna do and long as the wholechamber is scaned in like 6 hours that would be fine i mean im setting kinda achivable goals the end goal is a production build modular product for cultivating any type of mushroom edible and less so dont deny a market and everything open source so if you want to make ya ow setup go ahead but most profesinal
<space_shot> edible gormate and less so mushroom farmers ar gonna go for ya know paid suport finished version and thats a 50 billion dollar market as of 2021 predicted 128 billion by 2030 plus other uses like in the non petrolium based plastics industy for example my goal for now is to make close to a plug and play minimal setup expandble setup thats under 500 and produses enough relible enough that youll be in the green in say 6 months max
<space_shot> those are kinda just made up numbers but i think doable
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<space_shot> lions main considered a longer to harvest speices 6-8 week inoculate to harvest so 3 in 6 months probaly bit more cus more ideal conditions quicer grow and mostly upfront cost liquid culture whitch would be a seprate module not required by them or other speacise but one that while bit dificult speeds production and during the entire prosses less contact you have whith the product the better also if human acsess isnt as important growing
<space_shot> chambers can be stacked so a bedroom can have a hundred say 2'x4'x1' fruting chambers producing much more income then renting the room would make idk looking for investors partners and opions basics of a biusness plan ive got some code roughed but idk target boiard and some sensors i need to decide also the contamination cokor detection is a bit complicated espesialy cus thats the one that has the most varibles cus wood substrate very difrent
<space_shot> from brown rice substrate but as of the firt 2 its kinda most important a thermostat and humidifyer anolog metere can keep a grown container in acseptble temp and humidity range but early contam detection means saveing a parcile harvest or at least not wasting time on a failer ok ill shut up now substrate
<muurkha> maybe if it's your first embedded project you should go with a widely supported board. you're probably more interested in easy debugging than tight deadlines in this case so maybe a raspberry pi or similar rather than something like an ESP32
<muurkha> raspberry pi is ARM, if you prefer RISC-V options include the Sipeed Lichee Pi
<muurkha> supposedly the Mango Pi is also an option but I'm not sure you can actually get one
<muurkha> ESP32-C3 is RISC-V and maybe more widely used than those two, but it doesn't run Linux
<muurkha> and I'm not sure you can get it to run a camera
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<space_shot> see thats the other advantage of the master slave setup i could use something like say a begal board or one of the cheeper star5 boards say 50 - 100 retail to control 8 slaves ic2 that if were talking 2 boards a chamber is 4 chambers the master would have minimal os install speacily desined the slave boards run there program bare metalcustemer wouldnt have to deal whith that thou error there and the master report it ya got the comercial
<space_shot> option ya call suport we send ya a replace ment or slave board less then 5 bucks retail never mind bulk or just fix the sofware error custmer has a gui limited os interface same time all open source so if ya want to messaround as a hobby great help work soe bugs out are product is the complete system and service cus if ya runn a farm u want not just quick and efective but minimal down time and u dont want to have to train your own tech
<space_shot> warehouse your own spare parts and deal whith that
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<palmer> I might be a few minutes late this morning, it's raining and I have to drop Lulu off
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<palmer> never mind, made it
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<bjoto> Hmm, is Andy on IRC? Forget to ask if he knows that he can access the build logs from PW. :P
<bjoto> Looked at syzkaller today -- broken for 68d?! Or am I reading it wrong?
<palmer> pjw_: might know?
<palmer> IIRC he's been on IRC before
<palmer> bjoto: looks like it's running but found a bug?
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<bjoto> Oh, so that's "freshness"
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<palmer> bjoto: I don't see a "freshness", I was just looking at the "failed" result. Looks like Alex already fixed it, so I guess we'll see what happens when it lands?
<palmer> never mind, it's just the next one over. So maybe there's also something else going on?
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<aurel32> palmer: I don't know if you have seen as I realized that I forgot to cc: the riscv-v maintainers
<palmer> I have not
<aurel32> and I don't know if Andrew and Darius are on IRC
<palmer> djdelorie iis
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<aurel32> palmer: thanks for the review, that was fast
<palmer> NP
<palmer> it's not really a review, I just don't understand it ;)
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