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<fredholmes> Please tell me the steps to implement Ecall, Ebreak and Fence instruction
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<palmer> that's probably too specific to whatever system you're working in for people here to have a helpful answer
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<courmisch> that broken ethernet controller is really a PITA on K230
<courmisch> how did they deal with this at vendor is a mystery
<conchuod> How broken is broken?
<courmisch> well if you're very lucky it works
<courmisch> if not, you have to reboot
<courmisch> and reboot
<courmisch> and reboot
<courmisch> ... until maybe you hit that 5% that it starts working
<courmisch> and then you better not cut off power
<courmisch> well seems it's even les than 5%
<courmisch> maybe it's just not in the mood today
<courmisch> I tried to backport most every fixes for r8152 from upstream, but no
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<courmisch> I don't know who's bought one from the second batch that's now in the post, but you may be disappointed
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<conchuod> Does whatever the vendor ships behave like that too?
<courmisch> yep
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<courmisch> well maybe someone should ping that bug to point out that the kernel fixes don't really address the problem
<courmisch> (I don't have a Github account so :shrug:)
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<conchuod> If you say something I can copy pasta it
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<courmisch> What I see is that backporting most (admittedly not all, since some of them depend on netdev API changes) seems to fix the immediate issue of "unknown version"... but the eth0 device just ends up in NO-CARRIER mode
<courmisch> TBH, I'm starting to suspect the USB controller is at fault, not the NIC
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<courmisch> unlord: ^
<unlord> courmisch: interesting
<unlord> OK if I cut and paste those two lines exactly
<mps> I have few usb hubs with r8152 and they are problematic for long time
<courmisch> mps: symptoms?
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<mps> stop to work, doesn't recognized at boot or plugged in
<courmisch> yeah I see that occasionally but it's easy to work around. My problem now is that link detect fails
<mps> also this happens
<mps> I don't use these hubs for more than a year so I forgot all details
<courmisch> unlord: sure, feel free to quote
<unlord> do you want me to reference your backports?
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<courmisch> unlord: I don't really mind either way.
<courmisch> unlord: just don't give them an opportunity to blame it on you using my changes (especially if you actually don't)
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<courmisch> unlord: okay so it turns out that link negotiation is just broken. ethtool fixed it
<courmisch> unlord: need to force speed to 10 MBps then it "works"
<courmisch> this tends to confirm mps impression of the hardware quality
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<palmer> courmisch: so you have the K230 booting upstream/master-ish kernels? There's some discussion going on about V in the kernel, it'd be great to have a test platform. Pretty sure I have a K230 somewhere...
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