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<bbyoume> is there reproducible builds for the digital files that get sent to fabs, tsmc etc., and is it reasonable to think that we can build such backdoor-free files using potentially backdoored closed source firmware like uefi, or other blobs involved with running a machine? Im wasting plenty time, and potentially will waste money trying to find devices with coreboot, me_cleaner'ed, etc with best benchmarks but m
<bbyoume> ayb ex i should just use cheaper devices (relative to higher benchmark scores), available locally and with plentiful parts/used devices that further drive down price, etc... thoughts?
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<bbyoume> sorry my kbd deleted half of what i wrote...ill reask later
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<pabs3> bbyoume: look up bunnie's supply chain talks, there are a lot of places were things can go wrong at every stage of the process
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<la_mettrie> those legacy INTx interrupts are still used by some devices?
<bjdooks> possibly if you have a pci-pcie bridge somewhree
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<Stat_headcrabed> courmisch: Seems C908 datasheet says it won't generate FP interrupt either
<Stat_headcrabed> Can you test that?
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<courmisch> Stat_headcrabed: I think we tested that it works properly already?
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<courmisch> Stat_headcrabed: do you have a test case?
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<Stat_headcrabed> Seems only one report said it works on C908
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<courmisch> the glibc test case passed
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<Stat_headcrabed> courmisch: Can you also test this?
<courmisch> "Detailed knowledge of the IEEE Standard is required to use TestFloat responsibly.", so I guess not
<courmisch> also seems to require setting SoftFloat first, which I have zero experience with
<Stat_headcrabed> Maybe we have to ask the guy who tested that about how to use this..
<Stat_headcrabed> btw
<Stat_headcrabed> you can also try this
<Stat_headcrabed> This is much easier
<courmisch> hmm, let me get the SD card with the working rootfs
<Stat_headcrabed> Hope that’s just a typo in the datasheet
<courmisch> or a copy-paste error
<courmisch> and the Ethernet did not come up. Either that RealTek driver or device, or both, are serious crap
<Stat_headcrabed> Interesting thing is that we can’t even buy k230 board in Canaan’s official Taobao store
<courmisch> sigh. Cold reset does not even fix it now
<courmisch> [ 2.788385] r8152 2-1:1.0: Unknown version 0x00f0
<Stat_headcrabed> emmm
<courmisch> well can't install as/ld, and can't scp into the device, so eh
<Stat_headcrabed> usb rndis?
<Stat_headcrabed> use your phone
<Stat_headcrabed> nope, we can’t ssh using phone rndis
<Stat_headcrabed> “randomly works”
<courmisch> that's pretty accurate
<Stat_headcrabed> well this is Realtek
<courmisch> and the history of the kernel device driver is not encouraging
<Stat_headcrabed> their off-tree driver is always a mess
<courmisch> I meant the in-tree
<Stat_headcrabed> I think r8152 is not in tree?
<courmisch> sure is, since 3.10
<courmisch> what ascii escape tool exists in Debian minimal?
<Stat_headcrabed> I don’t know.. :(
<courmisch> I *could* backport fixes but I don't want to reflash the working SD card
<courmisch> well, "working"
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<Stat_headcrabed> Maybe that’s a dts
<Stat_headcrabed> dts problem
<courmisch> for a USB device?
<Stat_headcrabed> wait that is usb?
<courmisch> it's hard-wired USB
<Stat_headcrabed> I thought that’s MMC
<Stat_headcrabed> emmmm
<Stat_headcrabed> No idea now
<courmisch> unlord: echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/soc/91540000.usb-otg/usb2/2-1/authorized
<courmisch> unlord: echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/soc/91540000.usb-otg/usb2/2-1/authorized
<courmisch> nice trick
<Stat_headcrabed> emmmm
<Stat_headcrabed> that’s a port status reset?
<courmisch> I think it's just adminitrative reset
<unlord> courmisch: what do I do with this?
<courmisch> unlord: force the kernel to reprobe the r8152 crapware
<unlord> incredible
<Stat_headcrabed> LMAO
<unlord> I just got a new eMMC adapter and was thinking of moving off this SD card
<courmisch> Stat_headcrabed: well so it returns 3, as it should
<Stat_headcrabed> Nice
<Stat_headcrabed> they didn’t fuck up this time
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<courmisch> well, maybe they hid their clusterfuck better this time
<Stat_headcrabed> 😃
<courmisch> also technically, I did not test on the little core
<Stat_headcrabed> emmm?
<courmisch> there's two cores
<Stat_headcrabed> So you fucked SDK much?
<Stat_headcrabed> I remember no Linux support in sdk for big core
<courmisch> yeah well, I sorted that one in 1.5 hours after receiving the board
<courmisch> I did destroy the SDK, but that was later
<Stat_headcrabed> LOL
<Stat_headcrabed> Btw seems jh8100 doesn’t have vector support
<Stat_headcrabed> so k230 still the only choice for vector1.0 hardware
<courmisch> is this confirmed by S5? originally it was supposed to have it
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<Stat_headcrabed> only confirmed in their device tree patch
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<Stat_headcrabed> Or possibly the small cores support that but disabled in dts
<courmisch> also no Zbc or Zvfh but I wouldn't call an initial DT very conclusive
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<courmisch> I mean Zfh. Zvfh implies V
<Stat_headcrabed> Well, you could just email Sia about what really happens
<Stat_headcrabed> I am not beside my computer so nope for me
<Stat_headcrabed> :(
<courmisch> maybe they were too ambitious for their first inhouse CPU
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<drewfustini> bjoto:
<drewfustini> oops
<drewfustini> bjoto: it noticed that I got a PR failure from
<drewfustini> I'm confused though because I don't see any checkpatch error:
<drewfustini> Is there a way to see the text output from the job on github?
<drewfustini> oh
<drewfustini> nevermind! I didn't notice that little arrow that expands
<drewfustini> I see now, it failed because the schema patch is in linux-next but not in what the tests were being run on
<drewfustini> I thought it was best to avoid resending the patches that were already applied such as
<drewfustini> Could I have done something better? Or is it just an edge case of the patchwork testing?
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<bbyoume> > (bunnie =
<bbyoume> also it seems you saw my entire initial question after all? it was referring to repro builds, coreboot, me_cleaner to avoid backdoors etc...if so can u repost it so i can have it too in my room history?
<bbyoume> pabs3:
<bbyoume> ive seen one of these talks and will rewatch, googling what i didnt understood, but if fabs are under trusted control, and wont backdoor, i still want to ensure the files to create the hw/chips etc, in hw descr languages can be reproducibly built no?
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<bbyoume> his focus on betrusted/fpgas might make biz sense for him, but the world still needs browsers compiled reliably and ai tools run reliably too...fpgas seem too slow for any future i foresee...
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<courmisch> there's no vector instruction for ldexpf(), is there? I mean, other than vfmul
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<suqdiq> riscv ftw bbyoume