sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<bjoto> Headsup: the PW/Github syncher has been in a bad state for 1 ~week, so there has not been PW CI for a while. Fixed now, so the builds are catching up again.
<palmer> thanks!
<bjoto> ...for some reason my "mail me if broken" setup wasn't working. :P
<palmer> that's always the worst
<palmer> I'm still not getting linux-next emails in my inbox, no idea why
<palmer> I just check lore, so maybe we set up a list for CI results? at least that way it'll land somewhere
<bjoto> Yeah, I'm working on enabling "mail the authors with CI results", when that's turned on, adding a list is simple!
<bjoto> (Still a bit too noisy)
<bjoto> conchuod: Remember that we talked about that when a series is bumped from vX to vX+1, there where sometimes stale results, until the complete build was complete? That's unfortunately a Github issue, where it'll return the *old* results until completed. Talked to the Meta folks about it, and they got it for the BPF CI as well. :( There's a github issue filed, but don't hold your breath to get it
<bjoto> fixed anytime soon...
<conchuod> Right, I figured that hte meta dudes would see it too
<conchuod> I just thought it was a kpd limitation, not a github one.
<bjoto> ...and it can be solved by tracking state in KPD, but then we'd need to have state which is a bummer.
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