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<courmisch> palmer: no, I cleaned up the boot flow a bit but it's vendor kernel as a payload of vendor OpenSBI
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<palmer> thanks for chasing this down, guys, It's going to be really useful to have actual V hardware, even if the Kendryte stuff is wacky ;)
<courmisch> unlord: with backports + forced not-fast Ethernet link speed, it seems to work well
<courmisch> palmer: my zero pay grade is to low for this... well at least you can compile the K230 kernel without Thead toolchain now
<palmer> ya, makes sense -- we rely way too much on people's hobby time in RISC-V land, it's not really fair
<courmisch> I could also have not done it, so I can't complain but don't expect too much from me
<palmer> ya, no problem. I was just trying to say thanks for the time people are spending, I know it's not anyone's job
<palmer> (if it was then it wouldn't be such a mess...)
<courmisch> well, K230 is too cheap for a first RVV board
<courmisch> so of course it's, err, not great
<palmer> but it could at least be near upstream, regardless of how wacky the chip is
<courmisch> they took THead kernel and added their stuff
<palmer> ie, if Kendryte cared enough about upstream to pay someone who worked upstream then this would be pretty fixable -- maybe whatever bugs they have would be hard to fix still, but at least we'd have the simple stuff there
<palmer> IIUC that's pretty standard for the cheap SOC vendors?
<courmisch> to be fair, I don't know how else Canaan could have handled it when THead doesn't have an upstream tracking branch
<palmer> IMO this only gets fixed by having customers that demand upstream-ish kernels, and that's just not the sort of thing that happens for these small/cheap SOCs
<courmisch> their uboot stuff is junk though. but that's probably to tick the secure boot box
<palmer> ya, I'm terrified of vendor firmware in RISC-V land, it's going to be chaos for a while
<courmisch> I think uboot could be upstreamed. SPL fat chance though
<courmisch> and I'm going to try either unless my dayjob asks for it (which has exactly zero chance of occurring at my current post)
<palmer> ya, makes sense
<courmisch> SBI is weird. They added a vendor specific call, not sure why
<courmisch> but what anonys me is that uboot runs in S-mode, and so the "kernel" image is actually SBI
<courmisch> fixing that is way beyond my time, motivation and competence though
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