sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<sorear> anyone else think this is in the wrong place? senvcfg only affects U-mode execution (and is never automatically modified) so there should be no need to write to it outside of switch_to, prctl, and somewhere in kvm
<conchuod> The other patch in that series seems pointless atm, it has no actual user?
<conchuod> The bit of code you're pointing out is a single wrote (per hart) during boot. In my naivety that seems okay.
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<palmer> deepak is working on CFI stuff, so I bet there's something related going on
<palmer> is there maybe now a user-mode writeable envconfig of some sort?
<palmer> I guess maybe just post on the thread? I'll have time to look eventually...
<conchuod> he should sent the patch when he has a user
<conchuod> s/sent/send/
<palmer> I generally agree, but if some extension has added user-mode writeable envconfig bits then I think we just ended up with a backdoor user? probably best to ask on the thread, though
<palmer> it should at least be called out, and I guess in theory gated behind whatever extension needs it (though with just the single CSR write maybe gating it is overkill)
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<conchuod> I didn't think it was user writeable, I thought it just allowed you to use from userspace.
<palmer> IIRC there's some user-mode configuration for some security, stuff, maybe pointer masking and/or CFI?
<palmer> looks like just m/s/h for CFI, and nothing for pointer masking
<conchuod> I'll reply to it tomorrow
<conchuod> It's late
<palmer> oops, just did ;)
<palmer> FWIW Deepak is a Windows kernel guy, so sometimes he does confusing things ;)
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<sorear> if nothing else kvm needs to be able to save and restore senvcfg
<palmer> I'm not really a KVM guy, though, so I might be off there
<sorear> me neither, looks plausible
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<pepperoni> considering a gentoo install on a beaglev-ahead board w/ a 6.1 kernel. Anyone know of issues why this wouldn't work?
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<palmer> drewfustini: ^
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<palmer> pepperoni: looks like Drew might be away, but I'd guess that 6.1 i a bit too old for the BeagleV. It's a pretty new board, and things move super fast in RISC-V right now. I see the DT in 6.6:
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<drewfustini> Thanks for the ping. The vendor only supports 5.10. people in the community have been trying to get support into mainline.
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<drewfustini> 6.6 can boot to a shell. 6.8 will support eMMC
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<sorear> Is it publicly known whether the U74, U54, or C908 comply with Ztso?
<sorear> (it'
<sorear> (it's a generic property of in-order cores with sufficiently simple cache systems, and one that software would like to know about if true)
<muurkha> always nice when you can add an instruction set extension without adding any instructions or transistors
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<fredholmes> please tell me about the masking of memory(word addressable) to implement store byte? Is it necessary to  mask the memory or is there any other method?
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<geertu> muurkha: ... even when adding a RISC-V extension to non-RISC-V CPU cores ;-)
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<muurkha> geertu: haha
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<Esmil> a
<Esmil> dlan: Do you know what the state of u-boot for the Lichee Pi 4A is?
<Esmil> I tried the lpi4a branch of with the light_lpi4a_defconfig
<Esmil> ..but that just seems to lock up with the last message: dwc3_gadget_conndone_interrupt speed:0 dwc3_dsts:0x23958
<Esmil> The u-boot-with-spl-lpi4a.bin in their works though, but I'd like to recompile it with EFI booting enabled
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<Esmil> when booted it says U-Boot SPL 2020.01-ga50d8b9d, but the a50d8b9d commit doesn't seem to be in that repo
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<mps> courmisch: I see some fixes for r8152 in latest 6.7-rc and 6.6.7 kernels. maybe could help you
<mps> and I'm testing one of my USB two days now, works without big issues but I don't know how it behave on boot
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<courmisch> mps: with fixes up to 6.6.0, I "only" have issues with auto-negotiation. Link is stable if forced at 10 Mbps
<mps> courmisch: in my case `ethtool eth0' says Speed: 1000Mb/s
<mps> and it works for now
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<mps> ` ethtool -i eth0` says driver: r8152
<mps> I will use for a week to see how it works now
<mps> use it*
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