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<fayz> Does any one know which riscv Csrs are required to run an RTOS on fpga.
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<muurkha> well, you probably need to have some way to do interrupt handling. but plausibly you might prefer a nonstandard one
<muurkha> the RISC-V standard interrupt handling approach is inherently a bit slow
<muurkha> so, possibly none of them?
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<Muddassir_Ali> Basically, we have an rv32i design on Amaranth that needs to run RTOS for which we need to implement CSRs so we were wondering which CSRs need to be implemented?
<muurkha> it might depend on which RTOS you want to run on it
<muurkha> are you writing one from scratch, or are you using an existing one?
<Muddassir_Ali> we probably use Zephyr
<Muddassir_Ali> yes from scratch
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<muurkha> if you're using Zephyr, you aren't writing an RTOS from scratch; Zephyr already exists
<muurkha> I think the files near should answer your question
<Muddassir_Ali> No sorry for the misconception I don't write Zephyre from scratch.
<Muddassir_Ali> I mean I design rv32i from scratch.
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<muurkha> aha, that makes more sense. awesome!
<muurkha> that file seems to use mcause, mstatus, mepc, and mscratch, which is pretty much what you'd expect from the standard RISC-V interrupt handling approach I think
<muurkha> oh and mtval
<muurkha> but then for example you have which uses another range of CSRs for PMP. but presumably that can be configured out
<muurkha> I haven't actually done this myself, so I hope I'm not giving you bad advice
<muurkha> uses mhartid to see if it's running on the first hart
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<Muddassir_Ali> thanks 4 your help
<muurkha> it sounds like a fantastic project! I hope you have a wonderful time
<Muddassir_Ali> I hope too
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