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<courmisch> sorear: not sure, but I guess 0.7.1
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<dzaima[m]> contains vdot.vv, so not 1.0
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<courmisch> so the T-Head kernels set the V bit in HWCAP if the DT has it, regardless of actual kernel support
<courmisch> WhatCouldPossiblyGoWrong
<courmisch> I don't remember who asked for the FFmpeg perfs
<courmisch> sorry the layout sucks
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<conchuod> courmisch: meanwhile their "first gen" stuff putting there is actively incorrect to begin with.
<conchuod> "there" being in the dt
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<courmisch> conchuod: oh I know
<courmisch> conchuod: fun getting a SIGILL even though you checkef HWCAP
<courmisch> conchuod: did the conditional blacklisting of v from DT get merged?
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<conchuod> wdym?
<courmisch> conchuod: wasn't there a patch to ignore V in DT for a certain vendor?
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<unlord> courmisch: this is on k230?
<conchuod> Oh ye I did send one of those I think
<courmisch> unlord: it's on all T-Head kernels
<unlord> with 0.7.1?
<courmisch> K230 has V in HWCAP even if Linux is running on the little core
<courmisch> and TH1520 has V in HWCAP even though it's 0.7.1
<courmisch> a year ago somebody already noted that I broke FFmpeg on Allwinner D1 (C906), and I'm pretty sure that was the reason
<courmisch> well there are ways to check for 0.7.1
<courmisch> but that's not how the official kernel ABI works
<unlord> huh
<courmisch> both functions return true on RVV 1.0.0, false on 0.7.1, and cause SIGILL without V
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<courmisch> left as an exercise to the reader: how do they work...
<courmisch> I'll let you think about it
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<unlord> I think I understand what they do, but I'm not sure why
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<conchuod> I dunno, not much "we" can do if vendors ship crappy kernels.
<conchuod> Or use incorrect devicetrees.
<courmisch> conchuod: you can't fix vendor kernels based on old kernel versions? shocking!
<conchuod> I mean, we could litter userspace or whatever with hacks, but I don't think that is right.
<courmisch> I agree, and I no longer maintain my FFmpeg for RVV 0.7.1 branch
<courmisch> But I have this fear that users will install distro with vendor kernels on such devices and start whining that stuff crashes
<courmisch> I mean, it's one thing to not provide optimisation for 0.7.1, and it's another thing to crash
<gurki> its a quite volatile situation for rv imho. theres a lot of boards with 0.7.1 right now, and if these misbehave people will move away from rv
<gurki> im aware none of this strictily is the sw guys fault
<gurki> strictly*
<gurki> (what im trying to say? you are correct. but we still need to somehwat need to stuff not die horribly on these boards ...)
<gurki> i butchered that one, but i hope you get my point
<courmisch> and approach is to use only riscv_hwprobe() and skip HWCAP entirely
<courmisch> that one will just fail on affected vendor kernels
<courmisch> but then my favorite pet peeve: where is glibc's support
<courmisch> s/^and/one/
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<sorear> riscv_hwprobe is strictly a hardware/kernel check and will crash if V is disabled at runtime with the prctl
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