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<Stat_headcrabed> Do we have an api in hwprobe for reading mtime frequency?
<Stat_headcrabed> we could read device tree, but what about acpi?
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<palmer> Stat_headcrabed: just propose adding one
<palmer> should be pretty easy, just a key and a lookup from the DT
<palmer> it might be better done via some perf hook, but someone will probably tell us ;)
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<bbyoume> How long til western hw matches or beats visionfive2, with an oshw/opensource cpu at least? Wouldnt others here be interested in buying such a device? or is there too much software dev work remaining still?
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<Stat_headcrabed> palmer: I’m not familiar with this… :(
<Stat_headcrabed> also, maybe we need other methods to deal with uefi+acpi while implementing this?
<pabs3> bbyoume: usually every new device means additional software dev work; in the bootloaders, kernel, userspace drivers etc. I assume probably most generic riscv software dev is done now, apart from porting the long tail and optimising existing code.
* pabs3 has no idea about OSHW CPUs though, would assume most of them wouldn't get ASICs produced
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<courmisch> received my K230 CanMV, but now the not so fun part starts
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<palmer> courmisch: ya, I think you're the first one I've seen with it. Have fun ;)
<muurkha> courmisch: fantastic!
<courmisch> no clue how to put Linux on the big core though :(
<palmer> courmisch: IIRC there's some discussion of errata already? or maybe it was just that there's none for this new chip yet? should be on LKML somewhere...
<courmisch> palmer: I have not flashed anything yet, but it seems Linux runs only on the little management core
<courmisch> which means I have no clue how to get to RVV
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<palmer> that's wacky, I'd expect Linux to default to the big core
<palmer> I guess it's time to dig around the boot flow?
<courmisch> palmer: you may be overestimating my bottom feeder self
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<courmisch> I'd really rather have Linux on the big core and nothing on the small core, so I don't have to worry about feature support asymmetry, but that seems like a pipe dream for now
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<courmisch> processor : 0
<courmisch> isa : rv64imafdcvxthead
<courmisch> mmu : sv39
<courmisch> hart : 0
<courmisch> hmm, maybe I was being too pessimistic
<courmisch> or maybe the DT is just wrong
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<unlord> this is the small core?
<courmisch> I suppose it's the big one since it says v but?
<courmisch> there is only one core under Linux. whichever is which the other one is not visible
<unlord> huh
<courmisch> yeah so this is the small core and V is a lie
<courmisch> or the kernel does not have V support
<muurkha> shame
<courmisch> HWCAP reports ACDFIMV but vlenb returns SIGILL
<courmisch> not sure how the kernel is not crashing if it thinks there is V and there is not
<bjdooks> does hwcap get truncated if the kernel doesn't have the vector support enabled?
<bjdooks> vector is very recent
<courmisch> the kernel wouldn't know to set the 'V' bit if it didn't understand vectors
<courmisch> of course, who knows what hacks the vendor kernel has
<courmisch> this is ehavily patched 5.10 afterall, from way before upstream V support
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<palmer> courmisch: also LKML discussions about that, pretty sure T-Head is just claiming V is there in their kernels even for the non-1.0 stuff
<courmisch> palmer: that it definitely does (based on my LPi4a)
<courmisch> palmer: but that core has no V, 0.7.1 or 1.0
<palmer> eek
<palmer> IDK, then ;)
<courmisch> it's even in the product spec: little core no V, big core V 1.0
<courmisch> and apparently somebody there got the notion that compute stuff was better done with a custom RTOS using an IPC than with Linux
<palmer> ya, I was just poking around the SDK. That's pretty wacky, I'm going to go hide ;)
<palmer> ;)
<courmisch> the big core has some RVV patches for OpenBLAS and OpenCV. The RTOS also has some RVV code
<unlord> courmisch: drat, I was hoping you would be able to test that V1.0 code I wrote
<courmisch> I haven't checked if it can run on the LPi4a but it will be slow there because vsseg4 is slow on C910
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<courmisch> <- this may look too good to be true
<courmisch> surely it can't be this easy
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<unlord> wow, that is easy
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<courmisch> no, it looks easy
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<courmisch> yeah it's not that easy
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<courmisch> unhandled signal 4 code 0x1 at 0x00000000000104a6
<courmisch> anyone familiar with S mode can parse that
<heat> SIGILL
<heat> so "bad opcode" at 0x104a6
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<courmisch> I think I fixed it
<courmisch> VLENB = 16 bytes
<unlord> woah1
<unlord> new kernel?
<courmisch> I had to recompile the kernel to enable CONFIG_VECTOR
<courmisch> *and* switch the boot to core 1
<unlord> amazing
<unlord> networking?
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<courmisch> aye
<courmisch> that works out of the bix
<courmisch> the problem was finding a spare Ethernet cable
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<courmisch> it seems that T-Head has more or less addressed the performance problem with segmented loads and stores
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<muurkha> hmm, that's interesting, courmisch; how does that help?
<muurkha> or do you mean that segmented loads and stores had a performance problem, which they have more or less addressed?
<courmisch> muurkha: they were horrendously slow, compared to NF=0 loads and stores
<muurkha> ah, and now they're not?
<courmisch> yeah
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