sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs:
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<gordonDrogon> Half the RAM of the -C3 though ...
<gordonDrogon> Intersting die shot though - I'm guessing the round bits to the top-left is the radio stuff ...
<solrize> hmm yeah, and no flash. but 4x4mm package nice
<[exa]> I guess for the target small apps the memory size is okay-ish; you can stuff in sufficient crypto for verifying whatever commands etc, and that's it
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<gordonDrogon> if no flash then how do you boot it? seems weird ...
<[exa]> network?
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<[exa]> anyway right after that, TFA says:
<[exa]> > Besides, ESP32-C2 also continues to have the required security features such as secure boot and flash encryption, and provides hardware root-of-trust for the applications.
<[exa]> so likely there's some tiny piece of flash
<solrize> gordonDrogon, other esp32s have no flash, there is some rom that loads from external spi flash i guess. dk about this one
<solrize> there are also some with flash
<solrize> i currently care more about tiny packages than about wifi
<solrize> or wireless
<gordonDrogon> yes, I care little for wireless for my thing right now.
<gordonDrogon> and now I think about it , I've a feeling the M5 stamp thing I have uses external flash. it's pretty small.
<gordonDrogon> ah. maybe not.
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<dormito> Is there a recomended repo/branch of openocd for use with riscv chips? The versions I tried keep hitting an assert failure (with a hifive1).
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<drmpeg> conchuod: I was mistaken on the Polarberry. My friend just received it today.
<drmpeg> Also, it's in stock on the Crowd Supply page.
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