sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs:
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<la_mettrie> is it possible to upgrade non-custom kernels (like ones used for boards like visionfive and lichee_rv) by merging linux-next tree and board's custom tree? or does it require lots of more tweaking?
<la_mettrie> *non-custom -> custom
<[exa]> I wouldn't say there'd be much tweaks needed, unless you know, linux-next breaks some API that is used by the visionV/lichee stuff
<[exa]> for me usually if linux patches merged without issues, they just worked
<la_mettrie> okay, good to know. i actually haven't done any git merging in the past, but now it might be time to learn
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<geertu> la_mettrie: It should work. You may have some conflicts to resolve and things to fix.
<geertu> la_mettrie: I test the renesas-drivers tree (includes several subsystem for-next branches) and esmil's visionfive branch on my RV boards regularly.
<geertu> s/and/plus/
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