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<conordooley> drmpeg 1k usd, ouch.
<conordooley> I'll dig mine out & try to boot mainline on it this week :)
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<drmpeg> I guess you need the carrier board too. So it's really 2k.
<drmpeg> My friend was playing with it today. It doesn't seem to come with anything to boot.
<conordooley> Not even bootloaders?
<drmpeg> No SD card. Just a link to online documentation.
<conordooley> Do you have the link?
<drmpeg> No.
<drmpeg> I'll ask later today.
<conordooley> Ye if you could that'd be great.
<conordooley> I have the bootloaders etc that I did the bringup with, but they're not in "releasable" condition.
<conordooley> If the documentation doesn't have a way to build images, I will try and whip what I have into shape.
<drmpeg> Ok. I'll leave a not on Slack for the link.
<drmpeg> Are you in the EU?
<conordooley> Aye
<drmpeg> I'm in Silicon Valley, but retired. No schedule.
<conordooley> If I am awake, there's a 90% chance I am on a computer so dw about when .
<drmpeg> Ok.
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<drmpeg> conordooley: Here's the link.
<conordooley> Oh nice, it looks like there is some software in that.
<drmpeg> Yeah, there's some big 7z files, so it must be a complete kernel.
<conordooley> Ye appears to have bootloaders, rootfs and kernel
<conordooley> I'll have to check that out, thanks!
<drmpeg> Linux 5.12.19
<drmpeg> A little old, but not too horrible.
matt__ is now known as freakazoid333
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<conchuod> ye that is what I expected
<conchuod> our current vendor tree is 5.12.19++
<conchuod> Not for too much longer hopefully!
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<courmisch> would Dafna Hirschfeld be here mayhap?
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