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<gordonDrogon> solrize, it's enough to run the system but marginal to run the compiler - also 16K is taken by the cache and as far as I can tell the code I upload into it's (hidden, internal) flash seems to get copied to RAM at boot time, so reducing ram even more.
<gordonDrogon> and while it doesn't have to be RV I do not want it to be ARM for personal reasons.
<gordonDrogon> the thing I need to do to move it to a new arch. is to write the bytecode interpreter in assembler - it was almost trivial for RV compared to the 65816 ...
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<[exa]> morning
<[exa]> anyone got a decent prolog running on rv?
<gordonDrogon> I imagine any Linux based Prolog might work ...
<[exa]> nah, both swipl and gprolog lacked codegen the last time I checked
<[exa]> (maybe I should recheck tho, it's been months)
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<gordonDrogon> it's been ... decades (like about 4) since I looked at Prolog ..
<gordonDrogon> might it be possible to bootstrap poplog?
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<[exa]> poplog, wow, looks cool
<gordonDrogon> if you're into that sort of thing ;-)
<gordonDrogon> I had a few friends at edinburgh uni into all that - I shared a flat with one way back. I really didn't "get" the whole prolog/pop/lisp then then and never put much thought into it since then either ...
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<[exa]> i'm from the haskellish crowd but prolog does the trick usually, esp on smaller HW it's wonderful for bootstraping stuff
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<gordonDrogon> I guess I've stuck with 'traditional' procedural type languages all my life - either through work or just laziness to move to something different ...
<josuah> prolog for hardware? I need to see that!
<josuah> I never tried either though
<josuah> just curiosity
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<gordonDrogon> there have been a number of "Lisp Machines" which more or less ran lisp in (or close to) hardware. As well as some native Forth CPUs... So maybe why not ...
<palmer> not sure if any of the distro folks have opinions on
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<muurkha> [exa]: what's the advantage of prolog for bootstrapping stuff?
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<lagash> Because it's logical :)
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