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<solrize> tiny esp32-c3 (risc-v) board
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<muurkha> ooh
<muurkha> not in stock yet tho
<muurkha> the Adafruit pages are ♥♥<3
<muurkha> > Please note: The C3 uses RISC V as a core, not Tensilica, and has Bluetooth LE (not classic!). The BLE core supports BT version 5 including Mesh
<solrize> ?
<solrize> idk what the difference between bt le and regular bt are
<somlo> rv32imc, fwiw (had to dig deep into the data sheet to find it --
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<solrize> and i didn't know there was mesh bt, i mean doesn't that defeat the purpose of bt? is there something like greenspun's 10th law for network comms?
<solrize> unfortunate about the usb and i wish they had used one of the gpio's to control that led since there are plenty of gpios left
<somlo> maybe imc is "The Default (TM)" for those in the know, but it was my first drive-by question as a bystander :)
<solrize> i didn't realize the c3 had both bt and wifi. the s2 only has wifi
<solrize> ahaha
<muurkha> BT LE is UWB
<solrize> hmm
<muurkha> it's a totally different physical layer than normal bluetooth
<muurkha> though in the same frequency band
<gordonDrogon> I've been looking at the esp32-c3 for some time now - it fits my needs with enough RAM...
<gordonDrogon> but going to give fpga a go first.
<solrize> it's like a 1 dollar part too, sweet
<muurkha> not sure how far up the stack the differences go
<muurkha> gordonDrogon: btw I hope you didn't feel like I was criticizing your choices the other day
<solrize> that gigadevices part seems to have dried up
<gordonDrogon> muurkha, no wories.
<muurkha> I was just sharing comfy because it seemed like it might be a good fit for what you're doing, but I certainly don't think it's the best solution for all compiler problems. in fact I haven't tried it myself so it might not be the best solution to any
<muurkha> solrize: oh, that's a bummer!
<solrize> about gigadevices? yeah
<gordonDrogon> I had some negative feedback about the -c3 and esp stuff in-general - the basis was the need to use their binary blobs to control the various hardware subsystems like wi-fi, bt, etc. as it's all a bit hidden and proprietary...
<solrize> we need a 50 cent part in a tiny package
<solrize> i figure bt and wifi stacks are always like that yeah
<gordonDrogon> yea - I'm not a complete open source zealot but I would like to execute my code directly out of reset if possible.
<solrize> for a security gizmo i was planning to use two cpus, one for the bluetooth and one for the private stuff, communicating through gpio
<solrize> oh the c3 won't even do that? it controls the boot and you can't escape? i hoped maybe you could just shut off the radios and have the cpu to yourself and run your own code
<gordonDrogon> solrize, I don't know for sure, but it seemed to me that your code ran under their version of freertos - I'm sure it'll just be a matter of time though.
<solrize> ic i remember sth about freertos but expected it was only part of their sdk
<gordonDrogon> I didn't dig too deeply - and this was a chat on facebook, so make of that what you might ;-)
<solrize> np
<muurkha> yeah, about GD
<muurkha> I'm interested to hear about the c3 fimrware thing if you find out
<solrize> i don't feel too likely to chase it down
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