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<solrize> use these fonts
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<gordonDrogon> seems to be getting a lot of press right now, so now's the time to buy before they run out, even with a 3 month wait time...
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<Sofia> Aww. I read that as a RISC-V module which fits in raspberry pi compute module carrier board.
<Sofia> Really want this. Anyone know if there is any reason why it could not happen? ARM pinout-details? Patents or design licenses?
<Sofia> pinout or protocol*
<gordonDrogon> I think they already have that - it does look like the RISC-V "module" plugs into a socket with a form factor not a million miles from the Pi's CM3 module ...
<The_Decryptor> < Might be worth buying one and finding out
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<gordonDrogon> The 200pin SODIMM interface is compatible with CPI v3.14 mainboard
<gordonDrogon> which doesn't say Pi CM3 compatible, however I suspect it might just be compatible, but I've really lost touch with Pi stuff as of late.
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<The_Decryptor> The CPI 3.14 board is compatible with the CM3, might just be a case of the base board being compatible with both rather than the boards being compatible with each other
<The_Decryptor> "clockworkPi v3.14 is compatible with the Raspberry Pi CM3 series, which means that your work on the Raspberry Pi can be "teleported" to a portable terminal in seconds."
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<The_Decryptor> At least as long as you're using the ClockworkPi board they're interchangeable
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<gordonDrogon> it might be interesting to see if that is actually possible - my scant knowledg of what people are using the Pi CM3 for seems to be advertising type boards and "smart" TVs, etc.
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<geist> fwiw the cpu itself seems to be an Allwinner D1, which is a riscv C906 core
<gordonDrogon> looks to be a reasonable core to me, but I've no expert...
<muurkha> solrize: using thermal printers to leave messages for elderly family members is sadistically cruel. they fade over a few years, like a physical metaphor for senile dementia
<muurkha> maybe your mom is young so that doesn't apply
<geertu> muurkha: Snapshat avant la lettre?
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<gordonDrogon> ugh. I remember that about thermal paper - also some supermarkets here got criticism for using it for their receipts - they faded out after about 6 months...
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<solrize> muurkha, it is not for permanent messages, just for quick ones because she is hearing impaired and can't receive phone calls, and she isn't always good about checking email. The main alternative I had been thinking of was an e-paper display, which is even more ephemeral than thermal print
<solrize> i wonder how label printers work, they kind they use on prescription bottles. those don't fade.
<solrize> i hate ink jet printers since the ink cartridges dry out
<muurkha> I think some are inkjet and others are dot-matrix. lots of receipt printers are dot-matrix too
<solrize> impact printer has a little bit of attraction, but they are big and noisy
<muurkha> dot-matrix ribbons usually last a pretty long time
<muurkha> dot-matrix receipt printers are instead small and noisy
<solrize> i think label printers are thermal in some way, but they may use special media
<rm> is any of this RISC-V related?
<muurkha> rm: vaguely yeah, the DevTerm is coming out with a RISC-V version based on the Allwinner D1
<muurkha> and it has a thermal printer
<solrize> yeah it is kind of interesting but i think meh. also its V extension is from before the standard, and apparently is not quite compatible
<muurkha> hvae you looked at the V extension itself, btw?
<courmisch> it's nice to hand-program in, compared to NEON, not to speak of x86 stuff
<courmisch> but I don't know about the actual performance
<courmisch> my U74-MC has no V, and that hurts
<muurkha> what's the high-level view? I understand you have these giant vector registers
<courmisch> they're not giant
<muurkha> and they're supposed to keep you from having to care how big the actual hardware registers are?
<courmisch> they're just variable size
<courmisch> I don't expect that they'll be particularly large in the first implementations, or really any non-HPC implementation
<courmisch> yes
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<courmisch> so much like ARMv9 (SVE) but simpler
<solrize> i haven't really looked at V yet
<solrize> bbl
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<muurkha> the Unmatched had virtual memory, right? there's just no extension letter indicating an MMU?
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<muurkha> so an RV64GC could either have paging or not and still be RV64GC?
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<jrtc27> GC is only unprivileged extensions
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<muurkha> jrtc27: that's my understanding, but what I mean is, having an MMU isn't an "extension" at all, is it?
<muurkha> as I understand it the Unmatched could run Linux, and not ucLinux, so it must have had an MMU (?)
<jn> having the S mode, which is necessary for an MMU, is optional
<jn> not sure how it's encoded in the feature registers
<muurkha> I was more trying to figure out how it's encoded on the Mouser page
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