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<kof673> nikola: i was going to use crit bit tree for a long time for string data...but i had some named things, that need to lookup by name (string) and also see if name is already in use...better than blindly iterating e.g. an array at least. not a problem now, but 10, 100, 1000 entries...
<kof673> even the simplest binary tree is better than that, does not have to potentially look at all entries
<nikolapdp> yeah that's fair
<nikolapdp> i'd probably make a basic hash map in that case
<nikolapdp> but i am not familiar with crit trees
<nikolapdp> so who knows
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<osdev199> Hi, how does an NVMe controller read from or write to the queues? Can a kernel using UEFI page table restrict the read or write of the controller to an allocated memory area for queues?
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<Mutabah> The controller uses bus-mastering DMA to read/write directly to RAM
<Mutabah> This uses physical addressing, and thus ignores the CPU's page tables
<Mutabah> however, there's a feature called the "IOMMU" that allows you to apply paging to a specific device
<nikolapdp> what do you mean by "apply paging"
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<Mutabah> nikolapdp: Map logical addresses (that the device sees/requests) into a different physical address (on RAM)
<Mutabah> same as paging does for the CPU's view of memory
<nikolapdp> so basically move it elsewhere in the physical address space
<Mutabah> Yup
<Mutabah> Actually... depends on what you mean by that
<Mutabah> it doesn't move where the device's registers are
<Mutabah> it prevents an untrusted device from accessing all of RAM
<nikolapdp> yeah i've heard of iommu but i don't know what exactly it does
<Ermine> So basically iommu enables devices to use virtual addresses?
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<Mutabah> Ermine: Correct
<Mutabah> Two main uses: Untrusted devices (e.g. thunderbolt), and device passthrough for virtualisation
<nikolapdp> in what way is it using virtual addresses
<GeDaMo> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Input-output_memory_management_unit "the IOMMU maps device-visible virtual addresses (also called device addresses or memory mapped I/O addresses in this context) to physical addresses."
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<GeDaMo> There's a helpful diagram there :P
<nikolapdp> so it's an inependent mmu handling requests from devices
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<GeDaMo> Looks like devices become like processes protected from each other
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<heat> linux kernel goon sesh
<nikolapdp> KERNAL
<heat> soyjack linux kernal user vs chad unix kernal enjoyer
<nikolapdp> indeed
<mjg> i'm a chad neofetch on arch enjoyet
<nikolapdp> we recompile our kernels when the hardware changes
<mjg> apparently neofetch is abandoned and some people are upset by it
<nikolapdp> automatic detection is for sissies
<mjg> (lol)
<nikolapdp> just use fastfetch
<nikolapdp> it's fsat
<nikolapdp> fast
<mjg> back in my day you had to have gkrellm
<mjg> now you neofetch
<mjg> it's always some bullshit in the screenshot
<mjg> there is however an abundance of tiling wms and people modding their shell
<heat> yo mjg do you know if EFAULT ever triggered a SIGSYS
<heat> i can't find proper evidence
<heat> just that "bad system call argument" is the trigger for SIGSYS, whatever the fuck that means
<mjg> no idea
<mjg> sigsys is what you used to get if you invoked a non-existent syscall
<mjg> on TRUE UNIXEN
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<nikolapdp> UNIXEN
<heat> my trusty svr4 book doesn't seem to tell me more
<heat> the bastards
<mjg> sv4 is the other camp
<mjg> read a bsd book :(
<mjg> [btw don't read a bsd book]
<heat> marshall mckusick has a wank while talking about ffs
<vdamewood> I have 2 BSD books. but not a 3BSD book.
<vdamewood> err but not a 2BSD book
<mjg> heat: anywhere enear close to the solaris internal authors
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<heat> solaris internals the great venerable sun microsystems did this thing but now we figured out it was bad and now we have this innovative mega cool system
<heat> praise the sun
<nikolapdp> heat what did he say about ffs
<heat> i dont know i didn't read the 4.4BSD nor FreeBSD books
<heat> it was probably the bees' knees
<nikolapdp> kek
<heat> mjg, did you know that system v brought us hash tables
<mjg> nice invention
<kof673> gkrellm had a flynn plugin aka doom guy
<heat> yeah
<heat> and buffer and inode caches
<mjg> did you know that literally nobody allocated objects of the same size one after another
<mjg> before bonwick
<heat> release 2 brought us demand paging and cow
<heat> approaching optimal!
<mjg> careful tho, the G man may start picking on you for shitting oon solaris
<heat> garry's mod doesn't run on solaris i think
<mjg> oh i just remember a proper 00s linux screen shot, apart from gkrellm, must have had tail -f /var/log/messages in a transparent terminal
<vdamewood> Oracle shit on Solaris enough for everyone.
<mjg> bonus points if the wallpaper made things hard to read
<heat> i was wondering how usable svr4 is in 2024, with 2024 programs
<heat> i quickly realized it doesn't have threads
<heat> so there's probably the big problem right there
<mjg> windows 95 mofo
<mjg> one day i'll will be arsed enough to get a working compiler there and bench reading files 'n shit
<mjg> vs era-appropriate linux
<mjg> no apropriate hw though 8(
<zid> for fuck sake?
<nikolar> I'm curious how those would compare
<mjg> i expect both to suck, linux always had some of the stuff done wrong in the name of optimization
<mjg> i mean they unknowingly slowed it down
<nikolar> Also throw in a Unix like Solaris into that too
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<gsekulski> hey, is there a way to package ubuntu to .iso and reproduce the image in virtualbox?
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<gsekulski> including all userspace/kernel settings etc
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<zid> just image the hard drive you installed it to
<zid> nikolapdp: how the fuck do I get this log here :(
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<nikolar> what log zid
<zid> I got it, it took ages though
<nikolar> Good job
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<Ermine> Framework laptop people are going to produce riscv-based laptops
<nikolapdp> i heard that they aren't actually making the boars
<nikolapdp> just selling them
<nikolapdp> not sure how true that is though
<Ermine> I don't really care about origin of the board. Idea of putting some riscv board into a laptop sounds interesting
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<nikolapdp> that's already a thing
<nikolapdp> just make sure to choose the correct currency
<bslsk05> ​liliputing.com: Lichee Console 4A is a $299 mini-laptop with a RISC-V processor and 7 inch display - Liliputing
<Ermine> It suggests hong kong dollars for russia kek
<nikolapdp> lol
<nikolapdp> at first i was like there's no way that a crappy riscv laptop would cost 3500 dollars
<Ermine> yeah, that's a price of high end macbooks
<GeDaMo> But it's cutting edge! :P
<Ermine> the price*
<Ermine> otoh for osdev stuff evaluation boards are probably preferable
<nikolapdp> yeah i don't know what runs on it other than included images of ubuntu and debian
<nikolapdp> ubuntu 23.10 even
<zid> It seems weird to put a risc-v in tbh
<zid> a proper arm can't cost much
<Ermine> Ah, it's a common problem, vendors can't be arsed to upstream their stuff
<zid> and the risc-v will be horrendously shit
<zid> $300 they've obviously cost cut a *lot* but.. a dollar or whatever for a better arm?
<nikolapdp> zid the point is that it's a dev platform
<zid> oh that explains it then
<nikolapdp> so you know it's supposed to be risc-v, not good
<Ermine> same thing as with arm
<zid> it's *intentionally* bad
<nikolapdp> basically
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<heat> Ermine, finally Onyx-certified laptops
<mjg> zfs onyx port when
<nikolapdp> mjg, zfs isn't a linux thing
<nikolapdp> he's not going to copy it
<heat> feel free to submit
<Ermine> heat: let's design onyx hologramic badges
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<Ermine> or how these are called
<Ermine> windows does these and it looks cool
<heat> holographic?
<Ermine> yeah
<Ermine> pardon my English
<mjg> nikolapdp: ok
<mjg> btrfs onx port when
<heat> yeah i'm copying btrfs obviously
<heat> with the flakyness included
<mjg> ye what's the timeline
<nikolapdp> that's better
<heat> crashed? genuine btrfs port right there
<Ermine> Also intel did holographic stickers and they look cool
<heat> yeah they look nice
<Ermine> looked*
<heat> i didn't update my arch linux for some weeks and now i have 533 packages to update
<nikolapdp> those are rookie numbers
<nikolapdp> only 500 after a few weeks
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* geist yawns
<nikolapdp> well herllo there geist
<Ermine> if you don't update it for months you'd need to upgrade keyring manually
<mjg> arch linux any gud?
<mjg> genuine question
<mjg> no memes
<gog> it's linux
<Ermine> If not my laziness, I'd switch from my opensuse to arch
<nikolapdp> arch is pretty good
<mjg> for example, do you texpet stuff to break any time you update
<nikolapdp> no
<Ermine> my genuine optinion
<nikolapdp> it very rarely happens,
<nikolapdp> like exceedingly rare
<Ermine> arch is pretty stable actually
<nikolapdp> yeah
<gog> they announce when an update is expected to cause breakage but i've almost never experienced it
<heat> ^^and that mofo is using fucking artix
<Ermine> (except aur stuff)
<heat> ^^and that mofo is using fucking manjaro
<nikolapdp> see
<gog> i'm not using manjaro
<gog> i'm on real archj
<heat> so imagine how stable the arch linux experience is!
<nikolapdp> arch family is rock solid
<heat> oh you switched?
<Ermine> i don't use artix
<gog> yes i've been on mainline arch for a few months now
<heat> congrats
<nikolapdp> not you Ermine
<gog> i just deleted my manjaro partition
<heat> goated
<nikolapdp> good
<gog> i finally worked out my boot issues
<gog> i forgot to add -U to genfstab
<Ermine> manjaro is shitty, on the other hands. It's on my blacklist
<nikolapdp> yeah it sucks
<heat> i run alpine on my rpi
<gog> manjaro worked fine for me tbh
<nikolapdp> a lot of issues are self inflicted on htheir side
<Ermine> other hand*
<heat> MUSL!
<gog> i never had issues with it
<Ermine> better run onyx on it
<gog> but i was a little tired of waiting for updates
<Ermine> btw how much do rpis cost for you?
<heat> Ermine, i would do that but i dont have wifi support and arm64 is not quite stable
<Ermine> ah, wifi
<heat> yep
<gog> anyhow, linux is linux and if you use linux you're going to have a bad time in some way
<gog> choose your poison
<mjg> 8(
* mjg sticks to his solaris 7 on sparcstation
<gog> i guess one could say the same about any operating system
<heat> uhhh a rpi 4b 2G is 50 euro here
<gog> except illumos
<heat> my rpi zero 2 w was like 15 euro, pretty cheap
<nikolapdp> ILLUMOS
<heat> gog, except ONYX
<mjg> how do you know onyx neer breaks
<mjg> it already does not work
<heat> im the onyx user
<mjg> :rimshot:
<heat> oh an rpi 5 4G is 66 euro
<Ermine> heat: that model costs twice more here
<Ermine> that = 4b 2g
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<heat> the gang gets sanctioned
<Ermine> + parallel import
<heat> i love the european union i love the single market
<heat> schengen area wooooooo
<mjg> easterner of the west
<nikolapdp> kek it's 92 euro here
<Ermine> mjg: how much does it cost for you?
<mjg> fuck if i know
<mjg> it would be counted in weed grams anyway
<heat> Ermine, looks roughly the same as my prices
<heat> but in polish coin so x5
<Ermine> I had schengen visa once
<gorgonical> how we doin today kernal developers
<gorgonical> I've had this thought floating around in my head for a while that I can't decide the value of
<nikolapdp> hello there gorgonical
<gorgonical> the basic gist: when you make a syscall, that's a request to the kernel for some kind of privileged service. I wondered briefly, let's imagine you have many kernels on a system. Is there any reason you might want to change which kernel services a syscall?
<gorgonical> I think this idea is sort of approximated by userland servers in microkernels, but I don't think the matchup is exactly the same
<Ermine> hi gorgonical
<heat> >let's imagine you have many kernels on a system
<heat> no.
<heat> hth
<gorgonical> this is a common occurrence for me
<Ermine> exokernals go!
<heat> one kernel is a kernel too much
<nikolapdp> just poke the hardware directly
<gorgonical> be your own kernel
<heat> do not
<heat> rock and fire
<Ermine> Otoh first type hypervisors do exist
<geist> type 1 yeah
<geist> they're not as in vogue anymore i think
<gorgonical> Not so much, no
<Ermine> though I only know of ESXi and Xen
<gorgonical> That was my first publication, though
<Ermine> But really, your idea looks just like an exokernel
<gorgonical> In what way? I thought exokrenels were sort of per-hardware device microkernels
<gorgonical> Basically just implementing concurrency locks and such
<Ermine> afaik they delegate most of the stuff to libOSen in the userspace
<Ermine> So your idea can be implementing as something sitting in an exokernel and dispatching syscalls to some libOS
<Ermine> but anyway, this seems way to theoretical, and I don't know how it can be useful
<gorgonical> I don't either
<gorgonical> I'm puzzling about it. I can think of maybe a few situations, though. Kernels implementing their own policy on hardware means you could have kernels in charge of DRAM banks. One kernel does demand paging, one does contiguous pinning. An mmap can be directed depending on the needs of the application.
<alice> gorgonical, You might possibly find the MS research paper on Drawbridge interesting there (or, at least, the 'picoprocess' part of them). I believe that gets implemented as a small shim that captures 'syscall' and tunnels to a different subsystem to actually handle it. -- https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/asplos2011-drawbridge.pdf
<gorgonical> alice: thanks, I'll read this. I've heard of this paper but never read it. I don't have much exposure to library OS research
<netbsduser> GeDaMo: finally these things are starting to get to semi-reasonable prices
<netbsduser> too bad it will probably be a pile of proprietary junk
<nikolapdp> what are you talking about netbsdusers
<GeDaMo> Probably those RISC-V laptops
<nikolapdp> oh yea
<zid> GeDaMo: What obscure puzzle game today?
<GeDaMo> Sorry, just Quordle and Quordle sequence :P
<zid> link qurodle sequencencentence
<bslsk05> ​www.merriam-webster.com <no title>
<zid> the fcuk is that first word
<GeDaMo> Yeah, I'd never heard of it either :P
<zid> that definitely isn't a wordle word normally
<zid> they must have their own wordlist
<GeDaMo> Given that it's a dictionary company, that wouldn't be a surprise :P
<geist> yah re: that syscall trapping thing we have something in fuchsia called Restricted Mode (i have a patent on it even)
<geist> lets us run linux binaries directly on zircon kernel
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<gorgonical> so restricted mode creates a kernel-userspace split inside of an existing zircon process?
<gorgonical> nesting the distinction?
<gorgonical> so that the starnix kernel that acts as a linux "personality" can run safely inside the zircon process to handle the linux syscalls and such
<nikolar> geist: ooh can do i have permission to use that
<nikolar> s/can//
<geist> gorgonical: basically. and the trick is you can map the same starnix kernel in multiple address spaces
<geist> ie, the top half of the user aspace is sharing the same page tables
<gorgonical> yeah indeed, just the same as maybe a vdso or the kernel pagetables in the upper half
<gorgonical> of a regular linux process
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<geist> yah the only limit is the linux process sees something that's half the size
<gorgonical> sure
<geist> ie, one bit is chewed up with the starnix half
<gorgonical> the patent abstract is broad enough to cover anything you could characterize as a hypervisor imo
<nikolapdp> so geist, as a patent holder, do i have permission to use it in my projects :P
<gorgonical> he's not the holder, google is
<geist> heh though really google is pretty chill about it
<geist> actually i dunno if the patent went through
<geist> it's probabyl still in progress
<nikolapdp> oh you said "i have" so i though it was your name on it lol
<gorgonical> it is
<gorgonical> as inventor
<nikolapdp> but not holder
<gorgonical> I don't know how to read patents so I can't tell if this is finished or in progress or what
<zid> You can enforce it in googlecourt
<geist> onestly i'm not really proud of the patents, i'm not a big fan of software patents
<zid> your premier litigation solution
<geist> but sometimes company does stuff so there ya go
<zid> please drink the verification can to proceed with the lawsuit
<gorgonical> i applied for a job earlier this year as a research scientist and they said pretty directly that their measure of your productivity was the product of your research publications and patents filed
<gorgonical> with a greater bias towards patents
<zid> Yea academia has been like that for a good while now
<zid> hence the current replication crisis
<gorgonical> this was a company research division actually
<zid> nobody publishes negative results, nobody reproduces results, no corporate money in it, so no jobs in it
<zid> almost all papers are just total bollocks nobody has ever checked, because without it someone's metrics would be worse and they'd lose their funding and/or job
<nikolar> Yeah
<nikolar> It's great isn't it
<gorgonical> geist: im curious, how did they decide that this was patentable and distinct enough from existing hypervisor-type compatibilty approaches?
<gorgonical> like, did they press you and ask if you thought it was patentable? or did someone else see the work and get the idea?
<zid> patent first, litigate whether it's valid later
<geist> gorgonical: kinda. though i probably shouldn't talk about it
<geist> mostly lawyers did the work
<gorgonical> i understand
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<gorgonical> the job I mentioned made it clear that we were responsible for "patent seeking" in a way, framing work as patentable units of IP to protect
<gorgonical> In a similar vein to how academics are incentivized to view work as "minimum publishable units" instead of a grander arc of research
<mjg> "a retangular communication device"
<GeDaMo> With rounded corners! :P
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<nikolapdp> sadge
<Bitweasil> On the internet! :p
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<heat> patenten
<nikolapdp> PATCHEN
<mjg> don't tell G man, i booted OMNIOS (an ILLUMOS variant) and ran mdb to check some stuff
<mjg> it segfaulted
<heat> im a big fan of patents that are GPL only
<heat> just to fuck with BSD people
<mjg> :]
<heat> what's mdb?
<mjg> there was a story of a bsd-originated nic driver ported to linux
<mjg> ... and relicensed to gpl
<nikolapdp> unsurprisingly
<mjg> heat: their kernel (and other stuff) debugger
<mjg> genuinely nice tool
<heat> not a crash(1) fan i see
<mjg> which crash tho mofer
<mjg> there was old-school crash debugger which was utter garbage
<heat> all of them
<mjg> there is also a linux debugger which took the name and which is ok
<heat> they're all kinda shit i think?
<nikolapdp> adb?
<heat> drgn is nice i think
<mjg> note i'm talking kernel dumps here
<heat> i'm aware
<mjg> for usersapce you probably want something genuinely advanced
<mjg> with "time travel" 'n shit
<heat> usersapce lol typo
<mjg> why are you harping on this
<heat> i'm kind of stupid
<mjg> > portugal
<mjg> carry on
<heat> yeah goes without saying right
<nikolapdp> kek
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<heat> there has been some fun little breakage lately cuz they switched some page flags to page type defines or whatever
<heat> and DWARF doesn't capture defines :))
<heat> so crash and drgn just died as they couldn't decode page flags in general
<mjg> :d
<heat> what's extra fun is that kernel coredumping needs the userspace dumping process to decode struct pages to figure out what needs to be saved
<heat> it's kind of dumb
<mjg> it is not given that this is done with kexec
<heat> not necessarily
<mjg> ?
<heat> you can get a dump with /proc/vmcore
<heat> sorry, kcore
<heat> i think the vmcore is for the kexec crash kernel?
<mjg> if the system is perfectly fine running then there is even less reason to add logic to the kernel tiself
<heat> you don't know if it is though
<heat> could've OOPS'ed
<mjg> you are talking some fucked setup here
<heat> why
<mjg> if you want to dump core, the real way is to kexec into the restricted environment
<heat> it's perfectly normal to not panic and still want a core dump
<heat> and getting a coredump via cat /proc/kcore > kcore gets you like 128TB of dump
<nikolar> lol
<heat> because they don't even attempt to filter out vmalloc space at all, etc
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<mjg> then don't cat /proc/kcore
<heat> that's what im saying it's kind of weird
<heat> you need a special program to decode struct pages and internal data structures and shit, using DWARF
<heat> yeah they use makedumpfile
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<mjg> in general if you want a clear coredump and you are worried about completion because the kernel has oopsed
<mjg> that's even more reasons to kexec
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<mjg> let me interrupt with a message from our sponsor
<bslsk05> ​cgit.freebsd.org: src - FreeBSD source tree
<mjg> :OOO
<heat> mon im not worried about completion it's just bizarre it needs to DWARF to muck around with the coredump
<heat> cool!
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<Ermine> 128TB --- is it the whole address space
<Ermine> btw what 'mon' means
<mjg> it is the kernel part
<mjg> on the virgin la48
<kof673> it means apparently jamaicans are in portugal. maybe even a bobsled team.
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<kof673> BOB MARLEY - REGGAE MON ! it is just a type of "man"
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<bslsk05> ​marc.info: 'Re: Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite minimal support' - MARC
<nikolapdp> huh not bad
<nikolapdp> day one support
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