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<kazinsal> Xen does need an OS — dom0 handles the hardware drivers so usually it’s a Linux
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<heat> sub0
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<Ermine> i wonder if someone tried running windows in xen
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<dostoyevsky2> Ermine: didn't aws use Xen for a while? I think GCP even does today... and no problem running Windows there
<Ermine> Idk what aws uses
<dostoyevsky2> usually one can see it my looking at the "hardware"
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<zid> iceland still on fire or not? It's too foggy to tell
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<gog> probably idk
<gog> the anticipation is that this eruption was going to be shortlived but they said that about the last one and it went on for about a week longer than anticipated
<gog> anticipated
<gog> anticipation
<gog> i use that word alot
<mjg> sophisticated
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<zid> a week longer than wot dey fort do innit
<sham1_> I don't know if Iceland is on fire, but it feels like here everything is on fire
<sham1_> It's so god damn hot
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<zid> overcast as fuck here the past week
<zid> hasn't been much above 14C
<sham1> There was supposed to be rain and thunder here for the last couple of days
<sham1> Still waiting
<zid> I love thunder
<zid> but it always misses me, goes a few miles north every damn time
<sham1> Currently it's like 22C, but for most of the week it has been almost 30
<sham1> Hell, it was 27 like two hours ago
<zid> I should move to lake maracaibo
<sham1> And of course, old apartments here don't have air conditioning because it was like the 70s and it's expensive and no one will ever need to cool down their houses. It'll only be like 25C for a couple of days
<zid> same in the UK
<sham1> And now 50 years later, ugh
<zid> When I was a kid 30C was incredible, 39.6C is what we got last time
<sham1> This is one of the reasons I don't like summer vacations and prefer to take my days off in winter
<zid> Gunna have to all switch to heat pumps sooner or later
<zid> rather than nat gas
<sham1> The office where I work has AC
<zid> summer is great this far north though, cus you can just switch to being nocturnal
<zid> and it's still light outside
<sham1> Yeah
<zid> I used to have a friend who'd go for walks with me at midnight in the summer
<zid> miss that
<heat> The reality has just been that no one has ever been able to keep up with
<heat> the rate at which I work and write code [0], and attempting to do code
<heat> review of every patch means no one else gets anything done and we get
<heat> sidetracked on irrelevant details
<heat> lmfao
<heat> they got the homelander guy to be a linux dev
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<mcrod> hi
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<nikolar> oi
<zid> nikolapdp
<zid> we need to play terry before I fall asleep
<nikolar> not home :(
<zid> why do you do this to yourself
<zid> why is every weekend spent at some computerless hellhole
<bslsk05> ​brr.fyi: Engineering for Slow Internet
<zid> The fact people need *teaching* how to not fill a webpage with 20MB of shite
<zid> is sad
<GeDaMo> It's from someone working at the South Pole
<zid> yes
<zid> The fact people need *teaching* how to not fill a webpage with 20MB of shite
<zid> is sad
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<Matt|home> https://i.ibb.co/HgNd5Jn/IMG-0742.jpg <-- these are to my correct specifications.
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<geist> nom!
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<gaxar77> I am having trouble creating a cross compiler in cygwin.
<gaxar77> wget says the mirror site is returning HTTP 404 not found.
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<Ermine> RA3 allied campaign is harder than soviet one
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