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<geist> watching the AMD keynote announcing ryzen 9000
<geist> but so far spending most of their time talking about all the chip space they're going to dedicated to NPUs
<geist> joy.
<geist> i just want more cpus!
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<zid> I want fewer cpus
<zid> I am not a webserver
<zid> Where is my 8GHz quad core
<geist> there there zid. a child of the 90s
<zid> You only need LN2 to hit 8GHz at least these days, instead of liquid helium, that's progress
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<heat> you don't get it geist
<heat> AI BRO!
<heat> how will i be able to train my neural network without npus and gpus and tpus and nprs and nras and web3
<kazinsal> training your LLM? more like train your ass into the woodchipper
<heat> train my ass? OwO
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<heat> oh they're on the P+E train now
<heat> yuck
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<heat> also we don't seem to be moving past 16 cores 32 threads for the top of the line consumer stuff and that's annoying
<heat> 32/64 would be cool
<heat> or 24/48 i guess
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<geist> huh TIL that xxd can convert from hex format back to binary
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<Griwes> yeah, and you can also do patching of binaries in a very convenient way with it
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<kof673> well, as soon as compilers can auto-parallelize things and there is no longer any need to worry about threads, when it is a solved problem...then i am sure raw single core power will be back. as soon as the compilers are no longer good at it
<nikolapdp> that's a tough ask kof
<nikolapdp> people have been waiting for compilers to autoparallelize for decades
<mjg> automagic parallel already happens to an extent
<mjg> see openmp
<nikolapdp> yeah when you manually tell it and when you write in a specific way
<GeDaMo> You just need a sufficiently smart compiler! :P
<nikolapdp> don't think that counts
<mjg> i don't see how a compiler can optimize when it truly matters
<mjg> even in principle
<nortti> there's approaches that don't rely on autovectorization too, like that of ispc https://pharr.org/matt/blog/2018/04/18/ispc-origins
<bslsk05> ​pharr.org: The story of ispc: origins (part 1)
<kof673> (paraphrase cray) do you want 32 chickens or 2 ox to plow a field?
<nikolapdp> nortti ispc is pretty enat
<nikolapdp> neat
<mjg> for example in the linux kernel path lookup rolls with rcu and sequence counters to scale
<nikolapdp> you're basically writing shaders for your cpu :P
<mjg> what exactly do you epexect a compiler to do for you here
<nortti> guess the readme has a better overview https://github.com/ispc/ispc
<bslsk05> ​ispc/ispc - Intel® Implicit SPMD Program Compiler (304 forks/2426 stargazers/BSD-3-Clause)
<Mondenkind> auto parallel--sql is better example
<Mondenkind> ispc is meh
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<mjg> linux kernel is shite change my view
<mjg> (and no, i can't think of any better)
<nikolapdp> Mondekind, if you like writing shaders, you'll feel right at home with ispc :)
<nikolapdp> you're shit mjg
<nikolapdp> there
<mjg> i'm not a kernel tho
<nikolapdp> ah right
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<Mondenkind> genuinely i would like to know why you misspell my nick in the exact same way every single time you type it do you not have tabcomplete or something
<Mondenkind> :P
<nikolapdp> words hard :(
<nikolapdp> i don't know either lol
<mjg> look who is shit now 8(
<nikolapdp> do you think that pdp11 has tab complete :P
<nikolapdp> yes mjg, we're all shit
<mjg> some people may take offense to that
<mjg> fuck 'em
<nikolapdp> exactly
<mjg> still, what's up with weird-ass nicknames
<nikolapdp> what nicknames
<mjg> i'm mister real name over here
<mjg> you think Mondenkind is first or last name
<Mondenkind> idk ask michael ende
<Mondenkind> besides having just one name is legit. like teller
<mjg> 8)
<nikolapdp> my first name is nikola and my last name is pdp
<bslsk05> ​awesomekling.substack.com: I'm forking Ladybird and stepping down as SerenityOS BDFL
<mjg> madonna teller
<zid> GeDaMo what puzzle game today
<mjg> GeDaMo: finally something on topic
<Mondenkind> ohhh this reminds me i have to email matt pharr to tell him about how to sample float intervals properly
<mjg> drama too
<GeDaMo> zid: I haven't seen any new ones for a while
<zid> ffs GeDaMo
<zid> you're not much good to me alive are you
<Mondenkind> cus he tried to do it but did a shitty job because no one understands floating point except me apparently
<GeDaMo> Pfft! Make your own puzzles then :P
<Mondenkind> mjg: oohhhh are they gonna get married
<zid> I might as well!
<nikolapdp> unfortunate that they're dropping the serenityos target
<mjg> > Ladybird now targets Linux and macOS. The SerenityOS target is dropped.
<mjg> ye haha
<mjg> i don't know anyone involved nor have any ties to that project
<GeDaMo> zid: maybe you can find something here https://itch.io/games/genre-puzzle
<bslsk05> ​itch.io: Top Puzzle games - itch.io
<mjg> i do find the post a little disingenuous
<zid> GeDaMo: did you complete animal well yet?
<nikolapdp> in what sense
<mjg> serenityos great, cool peeps, love 'em
<GeDaMo> I don't know what that is :|
<mjg> gotta stop dragging the project down
<mjg> to that end i'm forking off the web browser
<mjg> and DROPPING serenity os as a target
<mjg> lol
<mjg> i'm sure that will not drag it down
<nikolapdp> lol
<zid> wow, some puzzle you are
<nikolapdp> and they are now left without a browser that some people have spent years working on
<nikolapdp> for the os
<zid> The hot new puzzle game rn, is what it is
<mjg> it's basically fuck you wrapped in a nice box
<zid> like baba was
<mjg> they are left without a fway forward for the browser, short of adding a linux or windows compat layer
<mjg> which i presume they are not interested in dong
<nikolapdp> yeah
<nikolapdp> and that's after having a kind of actually usable browser
<mjg> so ye i don't think this is a nice person
<mjg> at least own it: i spent time on serenity os, now i don't care
<nikolapdp> heh yeah
<mjg> and what happens with their browser is not something i'm concerned with either
<mjg> note there is not even space to find someone to maintain serenity support
<mjg> straight up dropped
<mjg> for i example i love zid, great chap, which is i have him on ignore (and he has me)
<nikolapdp> yeah i'd probably try to keep serenityos support and only drop it if it seems unmaintainable after a while
<mjg> spending time to make it work definitely hinders development, but i can only speculate to what extent
<mjg> so it is a pragmatic choice to whack it
<mjg> just don't try to pretend like you did not fuck over that project
<nikolapdp> lol yeah
<nikolapdp> i guess they'll just be stuck at the current version forever
<nikolapdp> since i doubt that they'll be able to integrate new changes once they switch to platform specific apis for all sorts of things
<mjg> for i all i know this will serve as impetus for other people to leave
<GeDaMo> I wonder if he'll decide to make the browser self-booting :P
<nikolapdp> yeah that's not unlikely mjg
<mjg> some fuck off of this kind of dev to begin with and others will perhaps land in haiku
<mjg> or some other project of that sort
<kazinsal> serenityos support sounds counterproductive
<kazinsal> just make sure you can compile for SVR4
<nikolapdp> yeah where you have people who don't screw over the project
<kazinsal> then tell the serenityos guy is a poser
<mjg> kazinsal: definitely if you intend to make the browser into a viable product
<mjg> i am criticising the guy for acting as if he is removing himself from the project in part to stop being a hindrance
<kazinsal> just troll the pretentious fuck into fixing his pure unix master race bullshit OS to be a unix
<mjg> all while actively taking away significant portion of it
<mjg> are you ok kazinsal
<nikolapdp> is he having a stroke
<kazinsal> I have a very negative view of serenityos
<mjg> :d
<nikolapdp> lol
<mjg> i just remembered openzfs folks dropped solaris
<mjg> i don't recall any talk how about how great it is for solaris though
<nikolapdp> when did that happen
<mjg> early in the fork
<nikolapdp> ah right
<nikolapdp> i think they still support illumos though
<nikolapdp> no?
<mjg> no
<nikolapdp> ah
<mjg> it was literally zfs on linux
<nikolapdp> and freebsd
<mjg> + freebs later
<mjg> netbsd and osx also have ports but they are not included there
<nikolapdp> yeah they are unreleated to the upstream
<nikolapdp> though illumos distributions also have zfs
<nikolapdp> is it some ancient version or something?
<mjg> yes
<mjg> all oriiginal devs which left oracle and worked on illumos now work on openzfs
<nikolapdp> > The illumos project is part of the community of operating system projects that ships OpenZFS.
<nikolapdp> guess they have a port?
<mjg> it is not
<mjg> they don't have a port
<mjg> what they do is sometimes cherry pick patches
<mjg> and sometimes ship their own, but these are quite differnet codebases at this point
<nikolapdp> ah interesting
<mjg> their reason to not have openzfs is "no time to do the port"
<mjg> they basically fucked up early on by letting it diverge so much
<nikolapdp> i mean it was probably a chaotic time so they didn't know how important the openzfs project would be
<nikolapdp> that's my guess at least
<mjg> at this point merely making it work on illumos would require quite a bit of effort to undo compat loss
<mjg> but more importantly reconcoling local changes to zfs made since the fork would probably take months
<mjg> full time
<mjg> reconciling*
<mjg> i know of one company which ships illumos+zfs as a storage appliance, i suspect for them investing into openzfs rebase is not worth it
<nikolapdp> i mean if the current version of zfs is doing what they need it to, who cares
<mjg> at that point it would probably be cheaper to rebase the product on linux instead
<nikolapdp> right
<mjg> but they are ex-sun folks, so the os is not negotiable
<nikolapdp> kek
<nikolapdp> ILLUMOS
<mjg> the ex-sun folk like ahrens (zfs co-creator) who were willing to dump illumos already did it years ago
<mjg> you are left with True Believers
<mjg> they may be old enough to retire on the system, if they can do in next 5 or so years
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<kof673> > i don't recall any talk how about how great it is for solaris though # translation "its not you, its me"
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<gaxar77> How do I install imagefs. I can't find the info anywhere on google.
<gaxar77> sudo apt-get install ?
<nikolapdp> 1what's an imagefs
<gaxar77> I think it's for creating disk images.
<heat> you think or you know?
<heat> why do you need that
<gaxar77> I'm following a tutorial I found somewhere online.
<GeDaMo> I see references to an imagefs related to Kubernetes
<gaxar77> So, in linux, how do I create a disk image with a certain number of sectors?
<nikolapdp> gaxar77 can you link the page you've read imagefs on
<bslsk05> ​henck/imagefs - imagefs allows you to create a file on your hard disk (or any other drive) and treat it as if it were a floppy disk. imagefs lets you copy files onto and delete file from this virtual floppy disk, install boot sector code, and display a directory of files on the virtual disk. (3 forks/7 stargazers/MIT)
<bslsk05> ​www.independent-software.com: Operating System Development: Setting up a Toolchain and Using Bochs | Independent Software
<heat> i'll say this nicely: you're in way over your head
<nikolapdp> heh you found it GeDaMo
<heat> you should take a step back and start from the basics
<heat> what you're doing isn't working out
<gaxar77> I don't know why you're saying it's not working. I just need to create a disk image.
<zid> I love bizzare tutorials that use weird software nobody else has ever used
<gaxar77> But, where do I find these baqsics?
<zid> bizarre?
<nikolapdp> i think the second one zid
<gaxar77> I don't know where to find anything except the Intel manuals.
<heat> you're completely lost and following a random 2012 tutorial
<heat> meanwhile you were flabberghasted looking at ../ yesterday
<nikolapdp> heat's right
<gaxar77> devOS doesn't have good information.
<heat> what's devos
<gaxar77> sorry. osdev
<gaxar77> lol
<heat> its a heck of a lot better than independent-software.com
<gaxar77> Well, I would prefer if I could start with just the boot assembly code, not the c kernel.
<gaxar77> Is there something more basic than bare bones C, just using assembly?
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<gaxar77> And not grub?
<gaxar77> What do I need to know? Intel, Bios, what else?
<gaxar77> And how do I know which bios?
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<heat> linux, unix, basic command line usage, C, x86, gcc, ld
<heat> make probably
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<gaxar77> Well, I pretty much know C
<heat> >pretty much
<heat> sounds like you don't
<gaxar77> But I am a little lost on how to use gcc and ld.
<gaxar77> i know the language.
<gaxar77> For the most part.
<gaxar77> but I figured I would do the basics of an os by following a tutorial, and then afterward become more familiar with those tools, and return to that project.
<heat> if you can't figure out how to build a cross compiler, you're not ready
<heat> if you can't figure out how the bare bones wiki article works, you're not ready
<heat> etc etc
<heat> start with the cross compiler, move to bare bones
<gaxar77> I couldn't find the right information on how to build the cross compiler on Linux. It refers to "the above code", and there is no code above that reference.
<gaxar77> Also, I am having a hard time installing things with apt-get. Sometimes I get 404, then I update the archive cash, then I still can't install certain software.
<gaxar77> I can't install qemu.
<gaxar77> But I just want to use bochs, since I already installed it.
<gaxar77> Does anyone else ever come in here having a hard time and getting no where?
<Ermine> Many do
<Mutabah> sometimes, and usually it's becuase they've blindly done stuff and broken assumptions/systems
<Mutabah> e.g. your apt issues might be due to randomly adding souces that didn't work
<Ermine> This chat and various 'tutorials' on the internet won't replace reading documentation and stuff
<gaxar77> If I can depend on docs, do I even need tutorials?
<Mutabah> Tutorials can be useful to get an example of how something works, so you know where in the docs to look
<gaxar77> ok
<Mutabah> or at least, what to look for
<gaxar77> Do all computers have the same BIOS? How do I know which BIOS to interact with?
<heat> no
<gaxar77> How do I know the basic hardware setup of a standard computer, so that I can study the relevant manuals?
<Mutabah> There's two broad families/specs - Legacy BIOS, which is only just a convention, and UEFI
<GeDaMo> Older x86 PCs have a common BIOS interface (more or less)
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<gaxar77> Okay, so first thing to learn: (brush up on any gaps in C knowledge, gas assembly language), (gcc, gas, ld, make), (intel, UEFI). Is that good enough to get started?
<heat> command line
<heat> linux
<gaxar77> Oh, I forgot the other tools for making disk images and the emulators also.
<gaxar77> Yeah true.
<heat> you don't need those tools
<heat> you don't need to know UEFI
<heat> and you don't need to know BIOS
<gaxar77> I am not even going to study the hardware manuals until I learn these basic things.
<heat> great!
<gaxar77> Why don't I need to know BIOS?
<heat> because you don't need to interface with BIOS or UEFI and it's extra complicated
<gaxar77> There's really no IDE for OS dev/
<gaxar77> ?
<heat> bare bones does not require uefi or bios
<heat> knowledge
<GeDaMo> AN operating system is just another program
<gaxar77> So, how do you load the kernel without the BIOS?:
<heat> grub does it for you
<gaxar77> Oh.
<gaxar77> Well, I guess I also have to learn grub.
<heat> i've heard clion is okay, vscode and vim and emacs can be pimp-my-ride'd into ide-ish capabilities
<gaxar77> just curious: How does the kernel know which driver to use, and how does the bootloader know, the driver for the disk drive/
<gaxar77> Oh, grub does that. But how does the kernel know?
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<gaxar77> Does each hardware device communicate what model it is?
<heat> yes
<gaxar77> That's good.
<TkTech> What would an IDE specifically for OS Dev look like? :) You just use your IDE of choice for the language(s) you're working in. You tend to use qemu (bochs in my day) to test, and/or you develop a harness for your kernel so it can be run on top of a host OS like Linux, and so you can just use regular debuggers, or support for serial and remote gdb.
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<TkTech> You seem to be missing a lot of the basic concepts, have you at least skimmed the wiki?
<gaxar77> So, do I need to configure hardware for an emulator, which is compatible with the drivers I will implemented in my kernel?
<gaxar77> I have looked at some of the wiki articles.
<heat> yes
<gaxar77> ok
<gaxar77> Okay, so first, learn the GNU tools.
<gaxar77> I will
<gaxar77> And also some language stuff.
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<gaxar77> Also, I have a question, which might seem kind of outlandish. Is the Command Language Runtime to large for a single person to implement? I keep getting kernel ideas even though I haven't even started yet.
<gaxar77> too large*
<gaxar77> Common*
<GeDaMo> Is that the C# runtime?
<gaxar77> Yes.
<GeDaMo> A basic interpreter isn't complicated, all the libraries would probably be a lot of work
<gaxar77> oh
<gaxar77> Even the base class library?
<GeDaMo> I don't know what that includes
<gaxar77> oh
<heat> yes it'd be pretty large to implement
<gaxar77> Maybe I'll make my own VM with my own kind of bytecode
<GeDaMo> Probably an easier starting point than a bootloader
<gaxar77> You think I should just implement a process VM that runs on Windows?
<gaxar77> Or Linux?
<heat> yes
<gaxar77> Okay.
<zid> I think you should write a couple million more lines of code
<zid> before you touch *any* of this stuff
<gaxar77> And then I can rewrite it for the kernel when I write my kernl?
<gaxar77> ok
<heat> (don't take the amount literally)
<nikolapdp> i mean writing a simple language runtime vm is fine as a beginner project
<GeDaMo> You could write a set of calls on your VM which could become the syscall interface for a kernel
<gaxar77> I was just thinking about that.
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<bslsk05> ​liliputing.com: Schenker shows off a Linux laptop prototype with Snapdragon X Elite at Computex 2024 - Liliputing
<geist> yeah i'm kinda interested though qualcomm is hard to deal with
<geist> but maybe they'll be a bit more open about this
<Ermine> Oh no, vs code crashed
<geist> noo!
<geist> i lost power again today. shutting everything down now, on a generator
<Ermine> Oh, that's a pity
<GeDaMo> Is that a common thing for you?
<geist> fairly common, though seasonal. depends on how much wind
<geist> there was a fairly windy storm last night and a good amout of wind now
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