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<nikolapdp> KERNAL
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<nikolapdp> geist, you here :)
<GeDaMo> At 4 in the morning?
<GeDaMo> Er, 3 in the morning :P
<nikolapdp> it's not 4 for me
<nikolapdp> i have no clue what timezone he is in
<GeDaMo> West coast Americas, should be 8 hours behind me in the UK
<nikolapdp> well i am in CET
<nikolapdp> so +1 to that
<kazinsal> Being up late in dumb hours PDT is a great way to run through the wonderful awfulness of what people post on the internet
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<kazinsal> Myself I'm currently remembering fifteen years ago when I did internet radio DJing and missing the fun of that
<vdamewood> Yum, 3 AM!
<nikolapdp> kek
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<zid> GeDaMo: We're playing isles of sea and sky later btw
<zid> I'm driving, you're telling me what blocks to push
<GeDaMo> I don't know what that is :|
<nikolapdp> kek
<zid> big screen based open world (like link's awakening), but each room is like, sokoban with mechanics
<nikolapdp> oh that's what that game's called
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<nikolapdp> wonder how hard it would be to add journaling to bsd 2.11
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<zid> "Dear diary, today someone wrote a BIG file to me, it was 400 entire characters!"
<zid> journalling in the bsd 2.11 era
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<nikolapdp> how cute
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<Ermine> it's so fucking big
<nikolapdp> btw tty.c is 35992 bytes large
<nikolapdp> now that's a massive file
<Ermine> is it from 2.11 bsd?
<nikolapdp> yes
<nikolapdp> part of the kernel
<Ermine> how many lines does it have? how many XXX are there?
<nikolapdp> 1726 tty.c
<nikolapdp> and no XXX
<Ermine> wow, that's a surprise
<nikolapdp> heh i've checked the tty.c i've downloaded on my laptop
<nikolapdp> must be a later version
<nikolapdp> becase there are two XXX
<zid> well it is tty code, you'd expect some ascii art porn
<zid> two is about right
<nikolapdp> kek
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<Ermine> New posix was released
<nikolapdp> has it
<nikolapdp> *was it
<nikolapdp> anything fun there
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<kof673> does it use UFS? "journalling" ....at some level it is "just" how much work to port a later UFS [*] [*] == *************************** == (potentially many other details)
<kof673> three-star footnotes <runs>
<nikolapdp> it is ufs yeah
<nikolapdp> and not really
<nikolapdp> quite different adding a simple journaling mechanism compared to actually porting newer bsds
<zid> $676
<zid> not bad
<nikolapdp> not to mention soft updates that some newer UFSs are fond of
<nikolapdp> that's that zid
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<zid> what's what
<kof673> "quite different" okay, that makes sense, ^^^^ [newer UFses] that is what i was getting at ^^^
<kof673> bsdland i do not see the term "journalling" used much
<kof673> "we have x instead"
<nikolapdp> zid: what's $676
<zid> posix 2024-1
<nikolar> ah nice
<nikolapdp> is there a draft or something
<zid> you wish
<zid> opengroup or someone will put a copy on their website soon I bet
<nikolapdp> legally i am sure :P
<zid> nah it's also the open group technical standard
<zid> as well as the $676 ieee standard
<zid> like iso C vs ansi C
<nikolapdp> yeah yeah
<nikolapdp> we'll see soon enough
<zid> and opengroup hve 2008/2013/2016/2017 on their site
<bslsk05> ​pubs.opengroup.org: The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7, 2018 edition
<zid> /2018
<zid> /2040 too weirdly
<nikolapdp> kek
<zid> england is kakotheres
<zid> 400 meters north east, STRIKE SPOTTED
<zid> england does not understand how summer works, but I love lightning at least
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<nikolapdp> kek
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<geist> nikolapdp: here!
<nikolar> Hey geist :)
<nikolar> I was wondering if you knew a way of running ps without swap
<nikolar> Because it insists kek
<nikolar> Like does it even work correctly
<geist> hmm good question
<geist> mine has swap, and dives into it pretty frequently, but i only have 2MB and now 3MB ram
<geist> did you forget to set up swap? make a separate device if yo need to
<nikolar> I was following instructions that didn't mention swap I think
<nikolar> So I didn't think to add it
<nikolar> But yeah I've checked the ps code a bit and it seems that it's really important to have swap for it to work for some reason
<nikolar> geist ^
<nikolar> Even when you don't have swap and nothing is swapped out
<geist> yah i think in that day you *always* ran with swap
<geist> and since ps grubs around in the address space of the kernel (and presumably swap) it needs to read all that stuff to figure it out
<nikolar> Yeah but presumably it wouldn't need to poke about swap if nothing is swapped
<geist> it's my understanding back then ps would basically look around in /dev/mem (or whatever it was called back then)
<nikolar> But it still tries to
<geist> right
<nikolar> It does yeah
<nikolar> /dev/kmem
<nikolar> I guess I should just add another disk and make it swap
<FreeFull> Try zram swap
<FreeFull> Assuming you're on linux
<FreeFull> For other OSs, might have to make a swap partition, yeah
<nikolar> Kek
* kof673 points at nikolarpdp
<geist> yah it seems to just be hard coded to do swap
<nikolar> I'm talking about bsd 2.11
<bslsk05> ​github.com: 2.11BSD/usr/bin/ps.c at 41cb29e6f8e3939a9a30122b9f635aa905e7b450 · RetroBSD/2.11BSD · GitHub
<nikolar> Yeah I've picked about the code and tried to trick it into working without swap
<nikolar> Nope
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<nikolar> FreeFull: what we're talking about is a bit before zswap :)
<FreeFull> Ahh, old BSD
<FreeFull> Makes sense
<FreeFull> Were swapfiles supported back then?
<nikolar> Not that I'm aware of
<nikolar> Just swap decides
<geist> they were practically mandatory since you ran on a relatively low amount of ram
<nikolar> *devices
<geist> oh files. yeah i think it was always devices
<geist> the 'b' slice
<nikolar> 'b' slice?
<geist> yah in the disklabel, there's a,b,c,d, ....
<geist> but traditionally 'c' is always the whole disk, 'b' is the swap
<geist> 'a' is the main slice, so subsequent slces start at d
<nikolar> Ah yeah I should look into that since my root is a
<nikolar> And usr is d I think?
<geist> yah disklabel -r should show you the current one
<nikolar> Heh how do you even set up swap here
<nikolar> I doubt it's just mkswap
<geist> i think it doesn't need anything, just needs a 'b' partition
<nikolar> Ah it uses it automatically?
<geist> not in fstab?
<nikolar> No clue
<geist> lemme see
<nikolar> Not at the PC at the moment
<bslsk05> ​IRCCloud pastebin | Raw link: https://irccloud.com/pastebin/raw/KBRNu4WO
<geist> yah it's in /etc/fstab
<geist> notice how i had to use ra0c to read the entire disklabel, that's because 'c' refers to the entire disk, including the label itself
<FreeFull> Try running this: `cat /`
<geist> for the most part this disklabel stuff hasn't changed at all on current BSDs
<FreeFull> ( Without the backquotes )
<geist> reads the raw dir indeed
<bslsk05> ​IRCCloud pastebin | Raw link: https://irccloud.com/pastebin/raw/n02ait4t
<nikolar> Huh need
<nikolar> Neat
<nikolar> Yeah I'll have to check
<nikolar> Never really figured out the disklabel stuff
<nikolar> Need to play around with bsds more
<geist> so if yo uadd a new disk, set up the disklabel, put everything in 'b' or at least osmething
<geist> you should be able to add it
<nikolar> Yeah nice
<nikolar> And just put it in fstab
<geist> i generally move my home over to a second disk anyway just so that i can trash the original one and still have home left
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<nikolar> Heh
<nikolar> I should check that
<geist> anyway you'll want swap. even with 4MB (max pdp11 would take) it'll start swapping pretty fast
<geist> as soon as you start compiling things and whatnot
<nikolar> I run it with 4mb
<geist> swapping in a good way, swapping out stuff as memory pressure increases, etc
<geist> swap was much more essential back in those days, it was just assumed you were overcommiting the machine a lot
<nikolar> And randomly I started getting messages like coremap something something lost clicks
<nikolar> So maybe it's trying to swap?
<geist> since memory was expensive and everything being mega responsive was a luxury
<nikolar> Yeah makes sense
<nikolar> You've payed for the whole machine, you'll use the whole machine
<geist> also 4MB was a maxed out machine. you could realisitically run with like 1MB
<geist> actually my PDP11/53 has 1.5MB on the main board, i only upgraded it to 2.5 with an additional board
<nikolar> Heh nice
<geist> but i did most of my upgrading from 450-481 with 1.5 and though it wasn't mega swapping, it was definitely using it
<nikolar> I don't think I can find a compact pdp11 near me unfortunately
<geist> you could get ahold of one of the soviet clones, which would be amazing
<nikolar> I could yeah
<geist> i wonder if theres any sort of secondary market for those
<nikolar> But no mmu :(
<geist> ah, early era pdps
<geist> they were only 64k total?
<nikolar> I did find an elektronika from Ukraine for relatively cheap
<nikolar> Yeah
<nikolar> But unfortunately can't run bsd on it heh
<geist> probably small industrial control versions
<geist> wouldn't be surprised if the PDP11 that bootstrapped early VAXen was something trimmed down like that
<nikolar> I think they are kind of commodores of the ussr
<nikolar> in a way
<geist> since it only really needs to run one piece of firmware
<geist> yah pdp8s were kinda that way. later model versios running OS/8 is really pretty much a CP/M or DOS like experience
<nikolar> Kek nice
<geist> you can directly see how CP/M (and thus DOS) was derived from it. gary killdall was a DEC user before doing CP/M
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<geist> a lot of the same concepts are there, even things like PIP.EXE (a CP/M thing that DOS generally replaced)
<geist> drive labels, etc
<nikolar> Yeah I am aware of some of those
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<geist> but only TSS/8 on PDP8 (very late addition) even attempted some sort of multi user/multitasking
<nikolar> Heh maybe I can just buy a bunch of pdp11 boards off of eBay and recreate the whole machine from the pieces
<geist> otherwise PDP8s were pretty much always single user at a console
<geist> you can, that gets pretty pricey, but i see a lot of PDP11/53 or so motherboards for sale
<nikolar> Heh yeah maybe over there
<nikolar> I'm half a world away
<geist> be careful, make sre they have the LSI-11 on them. some of the cheaper ones are missing the cpus if you're not paying attention
<geist> but yeah you could probably build a barebones one from a QBUS backplate and then a single motherboard
<nikolar> Heh yeah
<nikolar> Maybe could be fun
<nikolar> At some point
<geist> the 11-23/53/75/83 were the last models made and pretty standalone. one main motherboard with everything + memory
<geist> but no controllers for disks. but a console
<geist> s/75/73
<nikolar> Well ideally I'd like a disk emulator anyway so that's maybe fine
<geist> yah i have it the expensive way: i have a scsi QBUS card with two channels, and i currently moved away from using the spinny disk and have a zuluscsi plugged in
<geist> but the scsi card is fairly expensive
<nikolar> Unfortunate
<nikolar> I wonder if someone maybe a pdp11 recreation from modern chips like some of the other computer from that period
<nikolar> Granted those were simper
<geist> i thought i remember there being some mention of someone that recreated a LSI-11 on fpga
<geist> but you start to get pretty close to why not just run an emulator, etc
<geist> however i *do* recommend a pidp11
<geist> basically the same as what you're doing with a front panel
<geist> so yoyu get the experience
<geist> very nice to have on the table next to your monitor, typing away
<nikolar> Heh maybe
<nikolar> The FPGA one needs a program on a PC for all io
<nikolar> The only thing on FPGA is basically the memory and the CPU
<nikolar> Not standalone
<nikolar> But I feel it could be a fun project to build a pdp from chips if such a thing existed
<geist> yah
<geist> mind you it is a pretty complicated arch, so you're not goint to be bilding it from TTL or something without needing a few gigantic boards (ie, like real early PDP11s)
<geist> would be interesting to get real LSI-11s and build up from that
<geist> no idea what the bus interface looks like on those directly at the pinout of the chip
<GeDaMo> Apparently there was a version made with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Am2900
<geist> there's still a fair amount of glue circutry on the 11/53s mobo
<nikolar> Yeah that's true
<nikolar> Eh oh well
<geist> yah Am2900 was really really important at the time i think
<geist> lots of low end stuff used it
<nikolar> Yeah a bunch of machines used it
<geist> see the vax 11/730
<geist> there was ome at the living computer muserum here in seattle before they closed that you could log into, running bsd 4 i think
<geist> and it was slooooooow
<geist> but that was the point
<geist> ran like .3 VUPS
<nikolar> Kek
<geist> i should buy a bunch of am2900s and put together a board for lulz
<bslsk05> ​www.megaprocessor.com: Megaprocessor
<geist> omg you should go see if it you're in cambridge
<geist> i've seen the megaprocessor 2 or 3 times in person. it's amazing
<nikolar> Very nice
<zid> I am in cambridge*shire*, GeDaMo come pick me up
<nikolar> I live far away from a lot of computing history so it's always weird to hear someone seeing it in person
<bslsk05> ​redirect -> photos.google.com: Shared album - Travis Geiselbrecht - Google Photos
<bslsk05> ​photos.app.goo.gl: Dynamic Link Not Found
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<nikolar> Btw what are the differences between the pdp-11/5x, 7x, 9x variants
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<Ermine> geist: cool, thank you for sharing!
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<geist> yeah it's a pretty neat little computer history museum there on the edge of cambridge
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<geist> i haven't been since the pandemic, but i used to visit every year in the late 2010s when i would usually come over for the yearly ARM partner meeting they have in the summer
<geist> i think it's still fine and doing well
<GeDaMo> I'm always amused when I'm reminded that Lyons was a computing pioneer
<zid> as in bees and lions?
<GeDaMo> It was the Greggs of the 60s and 70s :P
<zid> Barely have any greggs round my end, I'm too much of a southern jessie
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<geist> nikolar: re the pdp 11/53 /73/83, etc
<geist> i mostly pieced it together by looking at the indivudual pages on gunkies, like https://gunkies.org/wiki/PDP-11/53
<bslsk05> ​gunkies.org: PDP-11/53 - Computer History Wiki
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<geist> but i think at least 53 is the same as 73 but no cache
<zid> oof my monitor absolutely HATES this video, too much forest litter is making too much work for it I think
<geist> but the *3 family is i think all QBUS based
<geist> the *4 family is i think unibus
<geist> but they're late models, like 1985+ era i think
<geist> ah /23 was earlier (1979) and used a F11 chipset, which iirc is the first of the single chip pdp11s?
<kof673> > bees and lions do i want to know what that is? yes you must slay the lion to extract the honey like samson lol
<geist> actually i think the best summary is to look at where the classes of cpus were used: https://gunkies.org/wiki/LSI-11 for the earliest https://gunkies.org/wiki/KDF11_CPUs for the earlier and https://gunkies.org/wiki/KDJ11_CPUs for the later ones. the J11 is what is in mine (not LSI-11, that's the earliest)
<bslsk05> ​gunkies.org: LSI-11 - Computer History Wiki
<bslsk05> ​gunkies.org: KDF11 CPUs - Computer History Wiki
<bslsk05> ​gunkies.org: KDJ11 CPUs - Computer History Wiki
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<geist> so that seems to be the pattern: *3 means QBUS based asic based, *4 was unibus asic based designs
<Ermine> I wonder why IA32_EFER.LMA bit exists if LME is readable
<geist> ooh can you remind me off the top of my head what those bits mean?
<geist> at least what the manual calls them?
<geist> long mode enable?
<Ermine> LME is long mode enable
<geist> long mode active. actually right?
<Ermine> yeah
<geist> oh it's because you enable it but then it docesn't become active until you enable the mmu
<Ermine> And LMA is read-only while LME is read-write
<geist> so its like the arming bit
<geist> it's a really weird way of doing it, and unfortunate
<Ermine> so LMA = 0 if LME = 1 and CR0.PG = 1 ?
<geist> PG = 0
<geist> ie, you enable it, but then when you flip on the paging unit it switches to long mode
<geist> note this is all spelled out in detail in either the intel or amd manual
<nikolar> Ah cool stuff
<nikolar> Thanks geist :)
<geist> nikolar: heh i'm just happy someone else cares about this stuff
<Ermine> oh yeah. Thank you geist
<geist> i dont sound like a *total* turbonerd
<nikolar> Heh well it is all cook stuff
<nikolar> Don't we all
<nikolar> Nerding about computers that are like twice as old as me
<zid> dw, you'll catch it up
<nikolar> How
<zid> eventually it'll be 100 and you'll only be 70
<zid> rather than 50 and 25
<nikolar> Kek sure
<zid> 50 and 20, maths
<nikolar> Yeah hard
<nikolar> I actually unironically used bc the other day
<nikolar> To do some math
<zid> i'd use bc more if I knew the syntax
<nikolar> What syntax
<zid> bc does not use C syntax
<nikolar> You just type numbers and symbols and it prints numbers kek
<zid> ^ is pow, I know that much
<zid> idk how to do floaties though
<zid> or bases
<nikolar> scale=20
<nikolar> There 20 decimal places
<nikolar> Bases though, no clue
<zid> see, syntax
<zid> you have to learn it
<GeDaMo> obase=16 to output hex
<GeDaMo> Also ibase for input
<nikolar> Oh there's ibase and ibase
<nikolar> *ibase and obase
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<kof673> and setting obase, will happily make use of ibase :D
<kof673> "unironically" what else is there for a shell without built-in arithmetic though -- awk? bc? dc? expr? sed?
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<nikolar> What I meant is that I actually first thought of bc when I wanted to do some math
<nikolar> Instead of python or whatever
<kof673> yeah, but that is because you are not writing bsd 2.9 scripts :/
<kof673> slacking off :/
<zid> yea, I look at bc and go "I should use you inside of python, babe"
<zid> and then remember I don't know how to do anything in bc
<zid> then cry
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<zid> good news is that I don't know how to do anything in python either
<nikolar> Kek
<nikolar> I thought I taught you some python
<zid> I know a teeny tiny amount
<zid> but not enough that I could actually write anything in ti
<nikolar> You could do math though
<zid> nah idk how to do
<zid> bits and bytes
<zid> bases
<zid> etc
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<heat> hi
<nikolar> oi
<heat> nikolar does your 2.11BSD shell have math mode
<heat> or whatever they call it in shell land
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<nikolar> No, there's expr command though
<heat> doesn't that just evaluate a shell expression? i've never used it
<heat> oh apparently not. fun.
<bslsk05> ​manpath.be: expr(1) - bsd211
<dostoyevsky2> nikolar: who actually thought that 64K
<dostoyevsky2> per process would be a good idea
<zid> sounds like a great idea to me
<nikolar> Kek I think it was luxury then
<heat> does 2.11BSD swap when switching processes or was it way past that?
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<nikolar> heat: it could
<nikolar> I don't have swap though so doesn't swap for me
<heat> oh it's a mode you can turn on?
<zid> That's like, half a super nintendo
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<nikolar> You can just no have a swap
<zid> per user
<nikolar> Though ps dies without swap lol
<dostoyevsky2> nikolar: 64k swap file should be fast
<heat> yeah but i mean the actual swapping when swapping processes
<nikolar> No swap swap, just swap devices
<heat> like UNIX v1
<heat> swap swap
<nikolar> I'm not sure what you're referring to
<kof673> <with apologies to pages the sizes of registers jokes...inserts entire RAM the size of a register joke>
<dostoyevsky2> nikolar: weren't the ps programs back then reading the structs in ?kernel memory
<heat> yes
<nikolar> Yup
<nikolar> It's reading /dev/kmem and /dev/swap
<nikolar> But I don't have /dev/swap so it just doesn't work
<dostoyevsky2> I wonder why it runs out of memory... maybe needs to copy all the kernel memor into userland?
<nikolar> What do you mean "runs out of memory"
<nikolar> What does
<kof673> "why it requires swap"
<dostoyevsky2> nikolar: "Though ps dies without swap lol "
<heat> it might require swap just cause
<dostoyevsky2> oh
<nikolar> ps requires swap to read it
<zid> is there not a version
<zid> or parameter you can pass
<nikolar> It's not running out of memory
<heat> e.g ps will need to look into swap to get certain data structures
<zid> to tell it to not try to print swap stats
<nikolar> zid nope
<zid> time to #if 0 some stuff
<nikolar> Tired to patch it but I just get bogus processes
<nikolar> *tried
<heat> don't forget they could swap stacks and struct user back then
<dostoyevsky2> heat: Maybe one should open a couple of issues in the netbsd2.11 github repo
<zid> what's it looking in the swap for, swapped out processes?
<nikolar> I wonder why it's getting bogus processes when I literally can't seap
<dostoyevsky2> -net
<nikolar> Since there's no swap device
<heat> programming error?
<nikolar> zid: eh haven't looked that deep into it
<dostoyevsky2> nikolar: Doesn't Linux also show odd process in ps, some of which are running inside the kernel?
<nikolar> I'm not referring to that
<nikolar> I'm seeing bogus pids and commands etc
<nikolar> It's just reading random data
<dostoyevsky2> hmmm
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<heat> those are not "odd processes"
<nikolar> Also no in kernel processes or threads
<nikolar> Kek
<nikolar> Who said odd
<heat> dostoyevsky2 said it
<dostoyevsky2> heat: write a phd thesis about it
<nikolar> Ah right
<heat> about what
<dostoyevsky2> heat: The effects of short term memory loss
<dostoyevsky2> nikolar: I guess ps could be compiled with the wrong kernel struct version to list the processes... I think that might be part of the reason they stopped doing it, besides security
<nikolar> I don't think so but maybe
<zid> ah fuck, I sneezed, now I'm in a lot of pain
<nikolar> Sad times zid
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<dostoyevsky2> nikolar: what kind of init does bsd2.11 have? Just a shell script?
<heat> systemd
<nikolar> init is a c program that runs a shell script
<nikolar> /etc/rc is where all the action happens
<nikolar> I think init just reaps the children
<heat> no i'm pretty sure it's systemd
<dostoyevsky2> Sounds familar
<heat> nikolar do systemctl enable networkmanager
<heat> make sure tls is set up right in systemd-resolved too
<dostoyevsky2> heat: which version of libxz is the bsd2.11's systemd using?
<dostoyevsky2> nikolar: and you have to use telnet to "ssh" into the system? Or via serial?
<nikolapdp> heat: systemctl: Command not found.
<heat> sadly jia forgot to compromise 2.11BSD's packaging system, the tarball
<nikolapdp> dostoyevsky2: since it's a vm, it exposes the serial lines over telnet
<nikolapdp> so you can open multiple ttys
<heat> hmm... what was the first unix with a virtual terminal?
<dostoyevsky2> heat: Does bsd2.11 even support ifuncs?
<nikolapdp> doubt it
<heat> not yet, but GNU/k2.11BSD glibc is on the way
<dostoyevsky2> I asked in OpenBSD they don't even know what ifuncs are today
<dostoyevsky2> #openbsd even
<nikolapdp> kek the init.c is a tiny bit more fancy than just reaping childrem
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<nikolapdp> btw geist, vmstat claims i have 2980kb free
<nikolapdp> doesn't sound like i am anywhere near swapping
<heat> a whole 3MB, insane!
<nikolapdp> indeed
<heat> what's the max ram it can swallow before panicking?
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<nikolapdp> no clue
<nikolapdp> kind of annoying to test since each process cannot possibly do more than 128k
<nikolapdp> also i might have a corrupted directory or something in root
<nikolapdp> it shows up as just ?
<nikolapdp> (:
<heat> run zfs
<nikolapdp> i am unable to can
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<nikolapdp> i do wonder how hard it would be to add journaling to ufs here
<nikolapdp> there's a ufs_bio.c which is probably where most of the code would need to go
<dostoyevsky2> hmmm... reading through bsd2.11's init.c ... there is no syslogd?
<nikolapdp> there should be
<nikolapdp> i meant it prints it at boot
<dostoyevsky2> oh, there is...
<zid> good news, I didn't die from sneezing, barely
<nikolapdp> oh you're still here
<lukflug> Update on the wiki fork: the domain https://osdev.wiki/ now seems to work properly.
<bslsk05> ​osdev.wiki: Expanded Main Page - Operating System Development Wiki
<dostoyevsky2> I mean if you assume that /etc/rc has some kind of start stop functionality, then you don't need that in init... but it might be nice to restart services automatically I guess...
<zid> There was a lot of blood involved but I appear to have survived
<nikolapdp> kek
<nikolapdp> lucky you
<nikolapdp> lol there's a kern_xxx.c
<heat> kernel porn!!
<nikolapdp> mostly networking stuff, and for some readon, reboot
<dostoyevsky2> it contains reboot()
<zid> kernal porn.c?
<zid> or xxx as like, a weird way to write misc
<nikolapdp> i am leaning toward the second option
<dostoyevsky2> would you call a function `execit' for when you want to exec something?
<heat> no
<nikolapdp> i don't know, maybe
<nikolapdp> i am too lazy
<heat> it's like calling a variable the_variable
<dostoyevsky2> Seemed to be the thing with the bsd2.11 calling it execit
<dostoyevsky2> +devs
<nikolapdp> you'll find a lot of great names throughout
<heat> musl coding style
<dostoyevsky2> > sleep(10); /* prevent failures from eating machine */
<nikolapdp> where's that from
<nikolapdp> lol estabur is the name of a function
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<dostoyevsky2> nikolar: init.c's execit
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<nikolapdp> oops
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<nikolapdp> wrong terminal
<dostoyevsky2> nikolar: vtxxx?
<nikolapdp> emulating vt100s but not what i meant
<nikolapdp> ^D is for scrolling in vi(m)
<nikolapdp> but it also closes stdin
<dostoyevsky2> nikolar: ^F doesn't work?
<kof673> that "estabur()" name got around, wherever it started
<nikolapdp> ^F works, but ^D is half a page
<nikolapdp> easier to read imo
<bslsk05> ​paste.artixlinux.org: Untitled - Pastebin
<dostoyevsky2> `software prototype segmentation' what does prototype mean here?
<nikolapdp> not sure
<kof673> wild guess just an awkward way of saying function prototype
<kof673> it must be something else, that is too weird :/
<heat> why do you use YOUR DISTRO'S PASTEBIN
<nikolapdp> why wouldn't i
<heat> you're shilling for your distro
<heat> you're so lucky there's no nixOS pastebin
<nikolapdp> lol i am not, but if a pastebin is enough to "convert" you, then maybe i should
<dostoyevsky2> Maybe you are setting up some template that will be used by running code from then on
<heat> i'd be pasting all the shit there, plus a short concise 500 line description of the nix package manager and language
<nikolapdp> i think that would automatically be added to your paste
<dostoyevsky2> nikolapdp: artix is your linux?
<nikolapdp> it's the distro i use, yes
<heat> estabur(nt, nd, ns, sep, xrw)
<heat> hmm oh yes great naming
<heat> musl approves
<kof673> i dunno...its software registers of some kind...
<nikolapdp> lol can you tell me what the heck estabur means
<kof673> WTH a software register is search around, other osen use it
<dostoyevsky2> OpenBSD also doesn't have a paste site it seems
<kof673> it may have changed, but might give some hints
<nikolapdp> kek
<nikolapdp> #define PIDHSZ 16
<nikolapdp> #define PIDHASH(pid) ((pid) & (PIDHSZ - 1))
<dostoyevsky2> nikolapdp: estabur -> establish user region... would be my guess...
<nikolar> that almost makes sense
<nikolar> not bad
<heat> estabur means whatever you want it to mean
<zid> estaburishu
<zid> japanese developer
<nikolapdp> lol
<bslsk05> ​paste.artixlinux.org: Database Error
<nikolapdp> got to love a good linear search
<zid> linear search is fast
<zid> if you don't have thousands of things
<nikolapdp> indeed, especially if you have all of hte procs preallocated
<nikolapdp> and there are like 20 in total
<nikolapdp> lol
<heat> mjg in nikolapdp's body??
<zid> walking a list of 5 things probably slower than scanning 32
<nikolapdp> probably not on this hardware
<nikolapdp> it's likely similar
<zid> I've said it before, but this is why modern computers are slow
<zid> everything is a fucking julia tree or whatever now
<zid> instead of a linear scan
<zid> I am not a database server with 400 network cards and 8000 cpus
<nikolapdp> the heck is a julia tree
<zid> give me my flat array
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<dostoyevsky2> pdp11 assembly looks reminiscient of arm assembly?
<heat> zid reinvents C++ std::vector philosophy
<nikolapdp> heh
<nikolapdp> MAXUSERS 4
<heat> i for one welcome our doubly linked list overlords
<dostoyevsky2> nikolapdp: No more than users called Max?
<dostoyevsky2> +4
<nikolapdp> # The following are untested in 2.11BSD; some are untested since before 2.9BSD
<nikolapdp> # Some won't even compile. Most will require modification. Good luck.
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<nikolapdp> param.h:#define MAXUPRC 20 /* max processes per user */
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<dostoyevsky2> in newproc they search linearly for a free pid... is that how it's done in Linux as well? I remember OpenBSD starting to randomize pids
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<nikolapdp> i don't think linux reuses pids
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<nikolapdp> i might be wrong, but it feels like it's just pid++
<dostoyevsky2> > #define PIDHASH(pid) ((pid) & (PIDHSZ - 1))
<nortti> yeah, you get reuse when it wraps over
<dostoyevsky2> what a hash function
<nikolapdp> kek
<nikolapdp> and kek
<dostoyevsky2> > #define NDQHASH 37 /* 4.3bsd used 51 which isn't even prime */
<dostoyevsky2> They are referring to future bsd versions in past tense?
<nikolar> no, 4.3 was out before 2.11
<nikolar> 2.x were a backport of a lot of 4.x features onto the pdp-11
<dostoyevsky2> ah, ok
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<nikolapdp> struct timezone tz; /* XXX */
<dostoyevsky2> > count /= 8; /* XXX gag retch puke barf */
<zid> what year does your pdp think it is nikolar
<nikolapdp> kek where's that from
<nikolapdp> zid:
<nikolapdp> 145% root--> date
<nikolapdp> Sat Jun 15 00:01:20 MET DST 2024
<zid> 64bit time!?
<nikolapdp> it's got ntp too btw
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<nikolapdp> works like a charm
<nikolapdp> eh not sure about that
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<dostoyevsky2> nikolapdp: any other ways to use the internet? besides irc and ntp?
<nikolapdp> ftp is there too
<nikolapdp> and telnet
<dostoyevsky2> gopher?
<nikolapdp> i mean it's got a full tcp/ip stack so whatever you can fit on it will work
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<dostoyevsky2> nn/usenet?
<nikolapdp> haven't tried those
<dostoyevsky2> uucp?
<nikolapdp> uucp is there yes
<nikolapdp> don't know how to use it
<dostoyevsky2> nn can be on top of uucp IIRC
<nikolapdp> nn?
<dostoyevsky2> usenet client
<nikolapdp> ah
<CompanionCube> nntp?
<dostoyevsky2> If I had a time machine I'd go back to when the tcsh autor wrote it and punch him in the face
<nikolapdp> zid: huh it is 64-bit https://paste.artixlinux.org/view/cd6b887a
<bslsk05> ​paste.artixlinux.org: Untitled - Pastebin
<nikolapdp> (long is 32bit on pdp)
<zid> see you in 2038 then
<nikolapdp> kek
<dostoyevsky2> nikolapdp: and int?
<nikolapdp> 16 bit obviously
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<dostoyevsky2> > typedef signed char int8_t; typedef signed int int16_t; typedef signed long int32_t;
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<nikolapdp> maybe i should add proper 64 bit time before the y2038
<zid> can you upstream the patches
<zid> to.. oracle?
<nikolapdp> why oracle
<zid> who the fuck owns unix now
<zid> and bsd
<nikolapdp> the same guy has been maintianing the 2.11 since it came out
<zid> nobody knows
<nikolapdp> ^ zid
<zid> what
<CompanionCube> definitely not oracle
<mjg> nikolapdp: old unix is all avoidable linear searches
<nikolapdp> the same guy that backported the crapload of 4.x has been maintaining the 2.11 for the past like 30 years
<mjg> pretty f-ing f-eing
<mjg> where
<zid> is he mr. oracle
<nikolapdp> no
<nikolapdp> that i know lol
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<CompanionCube> i think the current owner of unix (except the trademarks) is opentext, who acquired micro focus?
<mjg> i don't know any of these names
<nikolapdp> zid: Since the original release of 2.11BSD, Steven Schultz has been maintaining the system
<zid> nikolapdp: Okay so set a calendar entry for december 2037 to switch 2.11BSD to full 64bit time
<nikolapdp> lol i don't think i can manually set the date to a year after 2000
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<nikolapdp> date command only accepts two digits for the year
<nikolapdp> lol
<zid> can you set via unix timestamp?
<nikolapdp> erm, nope
<nikolapdp> it listens to ntp though
<zid> or just write your own `date` I guess
<nikolapdp> too much work
<zid> sys_settime(rand(), rand());
<zid> just run that until the date is correct
<nikolapdp> yeah brute force the time
<zid> bogodate
<nikolapdp> basically kek
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<Ermine> hey heat
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<heat> hi
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<heat> mjg: linear searches are OPTIMAL when you have like 3 processes mon
<nikolar> up to 20 per user
<nikolapdp> and 4 users lol
<heat> yeah but how many do you have?
<nikolapdp> oh i have a few actually
<nikolapdp> a few shells, irc client, vmstat, iostat, netstat, vi
<nikolapdp> i might be getting pretty close to the limit heh
<mjg> heat: some of these searches were PESSIMAL tho
<mjg> they do them *everywhere*
<mjg> not when you just have 3 fuckin' items
<heat> i know
<heat> but if there's a system you can excuse it's 16-bit unix
<heat> having them on the VAX unixes is way worse
<heat> or fucking linux
<nikolapdp> you can excuse a lot of things on a 16-bit unix
<nikolapdp> because you're working with bloody 64k of address space
<heat> totes
<heat> i don't think i'd be able to write 16-bit code
<mjg> no c++ compilers for 16-bit?
<nikolapdp> kek
<nikolapdp> gcc does support pdp-11 as a target
<nikolapdp> even for c++
<nikolapdp> hello
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<mjg> :O
<mjg> heat you would be able to write 16-bit code
<nikolapdp> and you could presumably use it for rust once that's working in gcc properly
<mjg> ?
<mjg> rust is llvm-based
<nikolapdp> there's gccrs
<nikolapdp> get with the times
<FreeFull> There's actually two separate efforts to make rust work with gcc
<mjg> at the ame time?
<mjg> is that fearless concurrency?
<nikolapdp> kek
<nikolapdp> there's one proper upstream gcc frontend
<nikolapdp> and the other that's using libgccjit within the rustc
<mjg> i guess that's gcc fighting for continued relevance?
<FreeFull> One is for using rustc with gcc, and the other is writing a whole new rust compiler
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<nikolapdp> the libgccjit is completely unafiliated with gcc
<nikolapdp> i think the guy just decided to do it
<mjg> not that c/c++ is gonna disappear overnight, but if people are saddled with rust (+llvm) they mas well switch the toolchain completely
<heat> oh god why are we talking abour rust now
<mjg> it was few hours since last time
<nikolapdp> we aren't even shitting on rust (yet)
<nikolapdp> what are you complaining about
<mjg> this is now a rust channel
<FreeFull> I wonder what mrustc uses for codegen
<heat> Mutabah would know
* Mutabah is away (Sleep)
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<mjg> is Mutabah rate-limiting
<heat> apparently
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<heat> say what you will, rust and C++ actually give you decent data structures
<heat> instead of C which (in POSIX XSI only!!) gives you bad binary tree and bad global hash table
<nikolar> Ok and?
<heat> it's good
<mjg> c is a shite language
<mjg> who tf is denying it
<heat> and generally avoids silly linear searches
<dostoyevsky2> rust probably already has a kernal crate, so you can just write your own OS in 4 lines of code
<mjg> ye, it's basically download a linux image and boot in qemu
<mjg> all wrapped with unsafe { }
<nikolar> Fearlessly unsafe
<gog> me too
<heat> gog c#pilled
<gog> i have suspended that endeavor
<heat> oh dang
<gog> until i learn more about the compiler
<heat> consider not learning more about the compiler
<heat> learn more about our lord and savior the nix package manager first
<gog> i can't do a fake RAII pattern with using blocks because it wants IDisposable and claims that any object that i implement IDisposable, the zerolib mode doesn't build it
<gog> says it's not implicitly convertible
<gog> works fine when i compile against clr
<gog> so i think the real fact is that everything will be unsafe and i would have to be manually managing memory anyway
<nikolar> heat when can we expect nix to be reimplemented in rust
<mjg> 8(
<gog> so why would i use c# and manually manage memory
<gog> the whole idea is that i don't want to manage memory
<gog> i don't want to manage anything
<mjg> you seem like a windoze slut
<gog> i want to die
<bslsk05> ​www.reddit.com <no title>
* mjg pets gog, but only a little bit
<mjg> "there, there"
<heat> rust community don't make up a shitty awful project name for a project challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]
* gog bite
<mjg> gog: that's my schtick!
<gog> :3
<heat> colon three
* mjg brings a neighbour's pitbull real quick
<nikolar> Lol just read the comments
<gog> i don't want to manage packages anymore either, that's why--no, too obvious
<mjg> package management is what you do on linux
<mjg> on a chad os like windows programs are just there
<mjg> bill: 1; linus: 0
<heat> flatpaks are based
<mjg> is that so-hell?
<heat> i haven't heard of flatpak hell
<gog> appimage
<mjg> just before you were born a common point raised against windows was that all programs come with their own .dll versions bundled in
<heat> .so-hell is when you update one of your glorious system packages and you break some random package that depended on the .so
<heat> they still do, it works fine
<mjg> referred to as dll-hell
<mjg> years later when linux gained real traction people learned the hard way that everything in the same version does not work
<mjg> so you got things like snaps on ubuntu
<heat> did they?
<mjg> or the aforementioned flats
<gog> sharing code is bad anyway
<gog> communist bullshit
<mjg> so i think it is amusing
<mjg> ye commie .sos
<heat> the linux package manager enjoyers would say all software should be FOSS why are you not running FOSS you weirdo
<Ermine> snaps bad
<mjg> vs capitalist static binaries
<heat> FOSS *AND* a system package
<mjg> heat: having all your .sos bundled does not mean you are not open
<mjg> mofo
<mjg> just that you don't use what's shipped with the system
<heat> software broken by a .so bump would not be open, probably
<Ermine> 1) these are squashfsen that get mounted at boot time. Which makes boot times absymal
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<mjg> Ermine: ye the implementation is.... peculiar
<mjg> but the fundamntal concept of separting that prog from the rest of the system is pretyty standard
<mjg> i only found out about the squash thing ater trying to install neovim 8S
<heat> OH so you're a DLL hell fan
<heat> okay
<heat> fwiw, i'm a DLL hell fan too
<Ermine> 2) Awful apparmor policies that prevent apps from accessing anything but $HOME
<FreeFull> Package management should be done using Prolog
<heat> steam with the steam runtime (a full debian runtime) never broke for me
<heat> and i use fucking arch linux
<heat> btw
<nikolar> bte
<nikolar> btw
<mjg> now i am somewhat curiosu what LINUX DEVELOPERS use
<mjg> and not posers
<Ermine> openSUSe suggested me uninstalling steam due to some conflict with glibc
<mjg> :d
<heat> linus uses fedora
<FreeFull> It didn't suggest uninstalling glibc?
<heat> that's all i know
<mjg> you serious?
<heat> yes
<mjg> that would be pretty nasty
<mjg> how old is that info
<heat> not very
<Ermine> Lennartie uses Fedora, I'm pretty sure
<mjg> i don't expect people to stallman their way
<FreeFull> Linus has also been trying Asahi
<mjg> lenny is at microsoft now
<mjg> so probably windows ;d
<Ermine> idk, but then wsl
<heat> it is well known that when he finds compiler breakage he says he has a recent fedora gcc toolchain
<mjg> wsl is why
<Ermine> or that cbl-mariner thing
<mjg> would be my gueszz
<dostoyevsky2> it's just a question of time until systemd includes <windows.h>
<heat> probably ubuntu honestly
<heat> i don't think they'd force wsl on people
<heat> otoh it's microsoft
<mjg> ms gonna ms
<heat> it could be very entrenched
<Ermine> btw, who even uses cbl-mariner
<dostoyevsky2> systemd with recall default opt in confirmed
<mjg> you have to connect to the ldap and other shit they have there somehow
<mjg> sharepoint and fuck
<heat> Ermine: servers
<mjg> i doubt they support linux workstations for this stuff
<Ermine> thats understandable
<Ermine> but i wonder if anyone here uses it
<heat> uses what
<Ermine> cbl-mariner
<mjg> tf is that name anyway
<heat> i'm 99% sure it's not really usable
<heat> like, it's now renamed to azure linux
<mjg> maybe it is on their cloud?
<heat> that tellsyou something
<heat> yes
<Ermine> oh i didn't know
<dostoyevsky2> microsoft systemd would be nice name
<heat> it'd be like daily driving RHEL
<Ermine> well ok, seems like they made a distro for their own needs
<heat> but with way worse testing
<heat> or daily driving, i dunno, ubuntu server
<mjg> my entire usersapce gets away with the following: rustc, cargo
<heat> >usersapce
<mjg> kernal
<heat> typo lol seen dont care didnt ask
<Ermine> usersapce/kernal
<mjg> that is the split, yes, Ermine
<heat> onyx
<Ermine> I want this to be a topic
<dostoyevsky2> > According to early Commodore myth, and reported by writer/programmer Jim Butterfield among others, the "word" KERNAL is an acronym (or, more likely, a backronym) standing for Keyboard Entry Read, Network, And Link, which in fact makes good sense considering its role.
<nikolar> Lol what network
<nikolar> It's a commodore
<heat> mjg: btw gothamchess almost got a GM norm
<heat> was half a point away
<dostoyevsky2> > Surprisingly, the KERNAL implemented a device-independent I/O API not entirely dissimilar from that of Unix or Plan-9, which nobody actually exploited, as far as is publicly known.
<nikolar> Yes I know what that means heat
<heat> what
<nikolar> What
<heat> what do you know the meaning of
<nikolar> The words you said
<heat> good
<heat> words sometimes have meaning
<heat> other times you forge groups of words to give them even more meaning
<kof673> +points for double meaning forge pun
<mjg> heat: screw that guy
<heat> haha found the botez fan
<nikolar> heat: and other times you get a random mumbo jumbo from an llm
<mjg> screw them too
<mjg> (they have a beef or something?)
<heat> no
<nikolar> But in a different way I assume
<mjg> than what's that about
<heat> are you a kramnik fan mjg
<mjg> kramnik is a unix geezer in chess mon
<heat> he thinks everyone's cheating, it's hilarious
<Ermine> > which nobody actually exploited --- Do you want to hear a joke about the Elusive Joe?
<mjg> it is plausible ude is genuinely mentally ill though
<mjg> i mean take a look at bobs fischer
<mjg> i like ben finegold fwiw
<heat> expected
<mjg> OH
<heat> mr. taking the piss
<mjg> terrible
<mjg> you may be misusing mr. though
<heat> why
<mjg> the only legit use is sarcastic, mr linux dev
<heat> just because i write bad linux it does not mean i'm a linux dev
<heat> yet
<mjg> fix a typo real quick and join the klub
<heat> OH
<heat> then i'm a linux dev through and through
<mjg> dude you have like 3 committen
<mjg> i take "mr linux dev" back
<heat> correct
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<mjg> hmmm
<heat> i'm a part of the core kernel team
<heat> maintainer really
<mjg> i had seen you in plumbers photos
<mjg> check out bsd engineering ethos in linux: https://lore.kernel.org/all/20240613082637.659133-1-mjguzik@gmail.com/
<bslsk05> ​lore.kernel.org: [PATCH] x86/CPU/AMD: inline amd_clear_divider - Mateusz Guzik
* geist comes back to irc and smiles, all is normal
<geist> mjg is bitching about some linux or solaris thing
<mjg> i'm transitioning to only bitching on linux fwiw
<geist> nice. we have to move on some times, you know?
<heat> i kind of hate the always_inline there but wtv
<heat> you'll all be bitching about onyx in no time
<nikolar> btw geist, 2.11 is too old for disklabel :)
<mjg> from the original i *suspect* the point was to avoid a hypotethical where this is a full-featured func *and* bpftrace attaches to it
<mjg> why would that be seen as a problem i have no idea
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